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my name is Harvey Collett·
The statement of HARVEY COLLETT, made of his
A own free will and accord and at his suggestion.
My name is Harvey Collett, I sm, 51 years old
and was born and reared in Bell County ,.Kentucky.
I commence working in the coal mines 1n Bell
County when I was I6 years of ego. On September 14,1951,
I joined the National Miners Union. I did this not knowing
at the time that it was a 0 1st1c party, md it me xw
duty according to thc instructions I received frm Joe Webber
and Frank Borloh to organize local unions in Temessee and
Kgninzcky. I was xzzstruotedti nas to only organ iso a local
anal later on params who knew mrs about the Cozmmnistil
party would come along and instruct them 1n that; 1:1 other
h words I was to make them believe 1t was an organization of
the mlm rs, and I was working in good 1*a1th,but now I fire.
that I was only a tool of the C 1stio Party and I was
first to tool the miners and get than to become members of
this organization and later on it was to be turned over to
the Gommnistto Party. The leaders were to meet in the same
office where those B or 9 people were arrested on Monday,
on the next Tuesday night for the purpose of being taken in
V and instructed in the works of the Commmistic party.
They teach that there is no God,that a white
woman. is equal to a colored mman, that a negro had a right
to- marry a white woman, that Christ ts a myth and that there
is nothing 1:1 the reserrootiong that the Goverxmnt cf the
United States should be destroyed and the Russ isn gcvemment ‘