gave. I stayed there until next morning; I asked thm to
, send me back to Kentucky, they asked me why I wmted to go
back, I put up a flowery tale to get out of lt, I told mem
I didn*t want to stay there ,I was up there by myself song
strangers and I wanted to leave; they telegrzp hed bad: to
Pa., and told them to send un a pass pack to Kentucky, so
‘ — they told them to send me back to Ph1ladelph1a,they would
I give me a ticket from Philddslphis on throug. They held
me over a day and night. They than sent me back in Philadel-
phia and sent me fx·¤m»Ph1ladelph1a to Newyork. I had to go
to meetings `i.¤e1ts.¤n¤—Terh· ¤‘ aeeomt out getting money to acme
hack homey I had to obey orders; I stayed 1*1•om‘·F1·iday until
I next Thazdayaevmlng at l owloek, I sent to meetings rt
dey and night, d1dn't hardly get a chance to go to bed;
In the office of these people they talked about getting the
United States into war and getting; all the plants mat down
and weakening the United States .
In Williamstown Pa., it was talked in the ·
otfioes and halls that there was no such thing as Jesus
Christ that the book of the Bible was a   a Mg
novel; that was talked open in the meeting. They said
they would have to send mx beck to Kentucky,they had to
handle me too easy. I stopped at Washington between trains;
I stayed tour days in Philadelphia and three days in
t Williamstown, the rest of the time in New York• I was away
I2 or 15 days. I asked to be sent back home the next
I momzmg after I was in Williamstown.  
It tore up my heme and got me out of a job.
` It got me out of work and a place to 11ve. Théy refused