‘ , 1
~. *1*0 EF'; 2é‘221£';,€; .. no *=°3ii~¢ 1» U.;5:.z;1L3:
 his 1;: to cm1·i:11‘y tlxarb ,£ do at thu; tim (KGI3.(.}}.U3GB the
1*§!S}?I '3I~§e¤L i§.ZC;s§‘3;2:* UISIOYN amd iw ezcziviti  me tho x11·1v111;j; gmwar is
z?1·c>m§2u::¤1;2,. ‘.·4 'him on my t2‘i;i= to Gniczaggo, I found. out that we {
swwrican uighizam rmvcsm wsmb J-mzzzicsn. to ;_;m; im;0 muse condition
OI' fall into him Fumds uf the 2&u:~.m§.m¤ EJiu‘cai&01·:s.
. Mellow vmrkcre; mia ciiaizamxs, thu ‘ts¤m111zLg.;¤ or thc ccasmunists
ijsxrty would eicmtroy our 1·a}.1g;10us balzmfs, cur ;;0v·z·1·¤ment sand our
hmmm;. In tm:i;:·  tamu,<:.i.1xg;s they dazxaaxm ‘c·11c11· mcmmms ta ·2·a·a ch meeir
c>h;L3.dx·¢>n izhmsc xm no Gcé; xw Jaws; no 3i<¤;·zzsz$?i.m;·; no $»msu1·1·eact10n
of tim dead; all i42m;;·<> is for anybody is what they get in this world.
I Izcmrci them in ex wsszs Zieemtimg; smc} in a big; clamoustratioxx while in
athlcaégu Caemmznuw our igcmynmnt mm our flag;   our 1·ez11;51011· I
saw them who were :>e»l:Lavc¢x·:1 in mm a;<>m1:m;i;·was 1#ai:·£;y· with g;1•¢.2¤a·b 
give: honor to ;’:<:>v5.c»i; 22uaasi:;z, hy hunoxcimg and sz2lu1;11¤;; tha had Flag.
Eine ziumumnizst _2>z11=t;; believers in * .‘.’ ?.;1*cc mm cclnrcci :m1*x;ring; each otlxeer
sand if you refuse 1‘01· thca HOSTS mem vo imap compmxy wi th your daugxghtsr
you czmuot beam a wiezud to  .1<>·v1e·b gusssfm. I kmmw:1 several mem who
wma active in Unis; a;01zmmi;ast wcrk xmizm Maas: raaumrk °fDmmn tha stars
mm svisxdps of our P—m£$1’1¤£»11 $$*3425.** }e‘:¤0;ez =;~:h;:J; gi lcmzcmd mmm iw, za
vmly lmnggea xm m2mx· oi? communist 13B.l.}G"J£>I‘$3 11;:. cirxtlcmgggo as their Einss
§>;¢z+:»is;m;;;s   boo lzmgvga for   buildinggs.
I mzvea bean zi oem]. mimzr mz: tix5.1·1;·y-·£23¤1·m2, (iw) ycsnvrs but
sm; all brslwn up by cgfmw £‘a—¤11Ls» urm,1 my body iss :sA1·¢m ys 1:1 ggmzim, ysat,
I am willimg ix: umn em hoxmsziz livim; uy the *V*s»2=» ¤za·L of my facww as
tim ggércd old. 2@1i.§:1.ea smys. I i’