it ~ We find that the coal business in a serious zzznemzm conditions brought
· z
. about by overproduction and use of coal substitutes.
`; That coal operators have out prices through ruinous competitive practices 1
pf and that these reduced prices have been passed on to the men in the form of successive l
5 wage cuts. I 5
-¥ That civil liberties and the simple civil rights of miners have been de- Q
ig nied by the a thorities; that public meetings have been refused and that any outsider ~
Qi who has any suggestions to offer for improving economic conditions is regarded with é
  t suspicion. fi- ~ if
l E
l _ That the welfare agencies are doing as well as can be expectei with the i
V problem at hand. Miners and farmers who have been out of employment have been taken care g
` of but there still is e greet deal of suffering and malnourishment. 5
` That operators and the citizens generally oppose any organi7ation of work-
1 ers. That the att cks were launchei against organization of the National Miners Union
but that even the United Miners Workersof America, a subsidiary of the American Feieretion
1 of Labor, is fought by operators in the coal fields. v
That the visit of any str nger is regarded with suspecion and he ustally
_ is subjected to rigorous questioning as to his presence here, his church affiliations and t
t political leanings. {
r That the officials are suspecious of all fmxxigux organizations mentioned i
in the Fish or Lusk reports and will not believe statements that some of these organizstis It
are American organizations interested in preserving American rights and liberties. Defense 3
p of any of these organizations immeiiately brands the defender as e communist or communist &%
sympathizer. ‘ " Qi
‘ That the people were cordial to us on our visit but that they kept various gy
l representatives waiting on us to offer suggestions and thereby prevented our giving e core- y
t ful study to some phases of the matter we wantel to look into. A espionage system exists {
l in thexcounty whereby the acts of any visitors constantly are under observation. 2
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