I -
  ‘*' National Miners Union, Pineville, Ky.
[ Press release.
Decloring that it has definite information to- tha effect that the coal
. operators are plasnning to hand over the ll strike leaders new in the
Pineville jail on charges of criminal syndioalsim to Harlan Comty
Q Eon-thugs to be murdered, the Kentucky Qistrict Board of the National .
j lners Union issued e etatauct tod g Governor Le.ffoos1,@x&:
. Judge Ben Beber and ¥$heri.ff‘ Brough  lives of the strike
 · leaders ond dexnending the riwt of th minors to: place an   go.car·d
of their own aromd tin Jell. The st tzmnzat follows:
· " ?@B'?{E}AB: Eleven leaders of the greet Kmtucky-Tennosoo miners
  Strilee, including organizers of the International Labor Defense, the
g Workers ¥ntornet1ons1 Relief, the National Hinere Union md the
Y correspondent of the Daily WD1"E‘! are now in the Pineville jail under
; heavy bail under trumped up charges of crimiml eyndiceleim and
i ”WHjsJREAS: The eleven ere guilty of no’orime" but the 3
 i organization of the Kentuclqr ami Tenneseo miners for their siesperate
i struggle against storvaticxr, the nlstributing of relief to the i
  strikers mai of 0 gnni.zin,gthd.1• defem e in court ond 5
: "WHZEREAS: We Neve definite infn mntlon to the effect that the _
  · coal operators, realizing their failure to break the strike tim- nigh
i arrests ond mess terror are new contemplating   organizing 5
 i on reid d' Herlsm gun-thugs on its je!]. to forcibly remove ell the Q i
 _; _ imprisoned xtxtknzxx strike lenders and ”toke mm for n ride" zmioh 1
- will probably result in time cold··b1ooded murder of our COlZ11‘£’.C-iGS’$$ ,
  therofo  { Q l
BE IT R%OLVED: ‘§;’11at we deznxi tls immeclieter amd uuconditioxxol g A
release cf all etxzur prisoners and th withdrawal of all dhergoe   y
r eggeinet then, as well es en  ate end to titre oempeig of ; y
¤ murderous terror em framed-up arrests organized against the }
 , strike by the cool operators ond the city md county officials they Q y
‘ contrihl end 5 `
% _ "BE IT I·'U’R'i'H‘§R RESOEVED: That while continuing to hold Sheriff ‘
~1.  ?n•oug‘i1ton, Judge ven Bebbezr mi ecvernor Lsffoon responsible fer the -
i lives end safety ofour 0 mrades, we at the some time ziemnd tin A
·   right of A HIHHHS D3.§'E'HSE CORPS to   me imprisoned strikers ond
; their leaders in the Bell County je11• s
’ Y'An immediate answer to those demnde is demanded from ~
{ Sheriff Brougzton, 3:1dge Van Bebber end Governor Lni`i’oon’•" n
  n { ?