' Netionel Miners Union, *’inev111e , Ky. ~
  l Peres newest. _
Lz eemsuding the immediate release of the four striking minors j
  who have been arrested on the obviously trumped up chcrge of ;
B   robbery dh! because they returned to the relief warehouse in e  
  ‘ ineville a large quantity of food end clothing which had been ,  
  stolen by four depttized company agents, the Control Strike Gommittee §_{
  today issued the following stetmenti, e copy of which has been sent 2,*
  to Pineville city officiaks  
  "•i'he central Strike Committee of the Kentuc1:y·Tennesee Miners ¤ Q
Q ci Strike denounces the raiclb that took place on the Relief warehouse I
. I In Pineville on Jsmiory 50 end 13‘ebruery 1 es on organized ottezipt of -.
_ , the cosl operators end their ogonts, sided by Judge Ven Bober, to Q
  smash the relief apparatus set up by the Kentuc1q··Termesee miners ‘  
V Relief   of the workers International Relief. These reids ere “
j _ part and of the ope