Pinevi1le,Ky.,iec.9-Six members of the party of organizers ’
the 7niteJ ine orkers of .¤erice who were "hemmed in" at the Hew;l1en l
"etel, ‘er1em,Ty., Kun ellegedly by opponents of the union. The men sent
A out mor; tjreu;; illxem furnblezer, pre$*deut of Jistrict 19, U. . .A., ‘
to Tevernor Ruby Ldffeun and troop; were sent to escort the er; mixers and
union oificjeis from tHe hotel to the Tell County line. They ieclered the¥a_
e0ulJ return later une or en¤2e tQ2 Yarlan coal field.
t .
Tgeeruational "ewe *;ete$, \
Jlevelu;d,O., VN
7K;2;& i“;lt4 :se;;t L;) :;:2 strip 32.2 r;;tt; greitr Zejiejdzcgxe 0;Al3Q lcest
[ nijizt. I »a1A -urt lcmxrn x£actixu‘ it an _V·, e k?lev@24uui or Lbzicstgo c; llirqg Exit ar
Seuewnj fil; to Jlcvsieqd ez j engl- get Act ;t wewelcjei ¥;f©re jeu ey
mere emu wuutee to weve tLe mqy. The first pictureeiere of Vctel Lcwellen
ani oteerx ere of gen who were neli at hotel in `ar1zn.Turnki;;cr was
eysrrteu away que cen;i =·. not gut Qzm.
rg mg;] g*(3g;_·__ qt; _gQ]"()Q_§ 1;;;:, to I .·,UL;¤, .1. I"J.ub I`Ov» , ml 9 . l
9 ». ,
E. .3leven, j¤rl@y,Ky.; James Fates, siuev Ile; @.§.Hiuner,
_-`,’b€C.I".Y1$ {Ty .; all —31`I_€lYIli$·*€Y`$ •
Rear row: *verctt Duncan, gtearns; Tam Fogee, i;ierm;t;0nsl rep—
      ,       ,   , ’         ’   ’ O1 \·,:   ·‘·‘{-ET`} / `
V y w i
I, · if
I nga mileage to ‘;r1,m mf JJ mzleu each way, whic; I trust you cen »n— /
clude we heretofore. t ;
{§e>1*11Clm‘; .T , `vuxasi , 1