from 0th€1‘ S0¤1'¢€S that b€f0I'€ YOU electric chair or to life imprisonment
` ` distributed this flour you did conside- resulted in a dismal failure. On No-
roblo charity work. providing the chil- vember 18, wm. Burnett, striking
ON TRIAL FOR THEIR LIVES   ee f°°d         e     On  
“Yi%S Sli`: in order W keep them in for his life and was acquitted. W. B.
_ ` " ° school. Professor Robert came to us Jones, secretary, and Wm. Hightower,
Haunted by the grim spectre of that those brutes (company gunmen) and mid ns that n number of chiidrsn president, Evan iocah United Mins
starvation the coal miners in Harlan stopped and abused, they went to the were absent because they do not gsi Workers of America was tiisd next
County, Kentucky, downed tools in extent of pinching her breasts until sufficient food}, On December 14 and 28 scspsciivsiy
April, 1931, as a protest against un- they were black and blue for nearly a. 4.HOw many children did you fssdgn No attempt was made by the pi.Os€cn_
bearable living conditions. This peace- week .... " . _ l _ usometimes as many as 40 and tion to prove that either of them yvgg
ful resistance to degradation was ruth- As the result of the indignation 50; on rainy dsys 20 and 25_» at the Scene of ths deaths, but both
lessly opposed by the combined , aroused and protests voiced through- nThis commission understands that were convicted of nconspimcy to coin,
forces of the coal barons and their out thelcountry generally against the as Soon as the earload of flour was dis- mit murder," with the juries’ verdicts
henchmen, the local authorities. In anti-social iactivities of the "powers- tributed your husband was siisstsd and in both instances sntaiiing sentences
connection with this industrial conflict that--be" in Harlan County, Governor indicted for criminal syndicaiismon of nfs imprisonment. A Word on thsss
twelve violent deaths occured, four be- Flem D. Sampson appointed J. Smith wrhsy had a warrant out for hini_ three tsiais _ not forgetting that {Oi-ty
mg th°S‘* ef deputy Sh°’iffS· F°“Y° Hays ef Wlnshssm a“d.A‘.A‘ Bssstz Every day shoriffs passed our way more intended victims await their tum
_ four coal miners were immediately of Lexington, as a commission to m- I and inquired about my hnshsnd_ i had to face this vicious fmnis_un_
arrested, held f°" many m°“thS in Vsstigste th? sit“s"i°“‘ B°th eee Iss' ‘ ' to stay here myself; Mr. Appleman Burnett was charged with killing
. jail without recourse to bail, and in- ding members of the Kentucky bar. could not coms home Oi. hs wonid hs Jesse Pace, dspntizcd mai company
‘ dicted on charges of first degree mur- Their nine volume report is a scath- sH.sstsd_»» thug on April i7_ The prosecution sn,
eee- Subsequently, nre Witnesses in ing indlennent egeinet net Only Hen "You were not bothered until you uwlncu to prove cnn Burnett had
their f"“’°r were i“di°t€d· nn County amd the Stats of Ks“I°“°kY· distributed the flour?" atteniped to rescue a colored miner
SlIlC€ thén,   1185 bééfl (10]]*3, but also tl`l€   States 3S K COH`H· u Not until We   the aftgr   arrest, and   in the Strug,
in the way of alleviating these terrible ‘· try wherein citizens are subject to fiouinn gis Burnett kiiisd the gun_thng_ Bur-
conditions- Worsoy because of endee- "P<>liee b¤neli'¤ieS" by civic Officers ··wnnt became or the indictment?" nett‘s pics was one of self defcnso.
vors being made to cover up the ini- whose actions "0¤l31`¤g€d common d°' " It was dismissed l yvent to the As a psacsahis Oniosksn Bninstt was
iiiuitiizstoflthihcoal gpegators and theirs ,' cency." prosecuting atinrnsy and asked what shot in Ons of his nnmissd hands byv
Us O0 s’ sss OY ymms mmcsn he had 8 ainst US- Ho Said ho P€T$0‘ one unman while another was firing
werken   eennened Win the eee ssssms CHILDREN A CRIME muy hadgnouunc against us. Ho an at ni.   behind his bak. Deciding
mc chair er use imprisonment ee s In Harlan it nee been and ie mE' ho liked my husband But the Block that the intentions of the gunmen
1`€S11lli of f1’8·m€d·11D murder Ch81`g€$- rely necessary to express sympathy Mountain Coal C01‘p01`8tl0¤ (P€8b°dY‘ were to kill him, Burnett drew his gun
A glimpse behind the scsnss in this with the werken to neeeme marked Insull docs Mt like him·” and answered shot ior shot until his
tragic drama, giving a vivid picture as a victim for a "ride." For instance, **Why?" ammunition was sxh,msisd_ His dc-
°f, '°h° "’"°’ i“a“g““‘“’°d by the "°**i HWY Annlemen hee been e merchant "To bo frank. the prosecuting at- quittni was encouraging to both the
mine owners, follows: ‘   Ev?;tsAfoii the paslt twelve yeags. torney did say; ‘You gave away flour. nliners and thsii. snnnoiisrsi hui; ths
I`S· · PP cmimis Bposition Yea Si You are feeding the children , and we two subsequent trials of Jones HIM
SIXTY CENTS A DAY WAGES ‘ “L°°ki '. _ » do¤’tlike that li OT $0m€thillg like? that}, Hightower, with their resultant con-
On December 28, 1931, W.- B. Jo- “In accordance with the Jewish At this point in their report the yietions, have brought home to all of
nes, secretary of Evarts Local, United custom to remember the needy during cgmmisgign commented 35 follows; iis the real magnitude of the menace
Mine Workers of America, at the be- passover season, Mr. and Mrs. Apple- H]-{eye it seems, the finest trait Confronting the indicted Harlan Co-
ginning of the present struggle, now man will give away on Friday, April . of .vi.rtug .and charity,. was illy re- unty mineig ...and unionisni in the
in prison pending appeal from a sen- 17 (1931;, at the Eyarts depot a car- warded by the authorities, Mrs, Ap- coal fields of Kentucky,
tence of life imprisonment, wrote: load of f our. lemanvs testimon should bg read in
"At the Peabody-Insul mine they “'l`his flour will be given away as gully for its prohatiyve value lies in the A CHALLENGE FROM PRISON
have cut the wages to 60 cents per long asit, lasts, a twenty-four pound detail of circumstances she relates, norganizsd iahni innsi iight tliis
day. At the United States Steel Gays bag to a family. A11 needy from The coinmissionsis taking hs,. msu, framemp of King Cmn so destroy ity.,
mines they are paying $1.25 a day for i Evarts and surroundings are welcome mony were greatly impressed by her is the ringing message Sent from his
labor. At the R. C. F. Wrays coal Co. regardless of creed and·eolor." einoei-ity_ It is the testimony of a prison csh by W_B_ Jones Wim High.
they are paying 75 and 80 cents a day Upon being asked who paid for good and truthful woman? towel. answered his ssntsiics to e life .
for labor, and the above companies the flour Mrs. Appleman replied: Mi·s_ Appleman is 38 years old inside prison Wniis hy smiiiigs <·This
(like all others in the district) have "I did. I had saved the money to the mother of four children. She was fight has inst hsguniu
the yellow-dog contract in service and buy a machine. The people were suf- born in Po`and, came to America when
ovory man that goes to work for forirrg, so I thought I would do with- a mere child, was educated in Virgi- ANTI-LABOR JURISPRUDENCE
any of them has to sign a contract. out the car to give the people the flour. nig and is a naturalized citizen of the A , on art of
". . . .W0men of this country are Dozens of children would come to my United States alive;. maniiuveih ti Sanction
not safe along the roads - miners wi- store begging I said, ‘I never had a VICTORY AND DEFEAT the Pmsicufog anJW1 gsansfcrrsd
ves have been stopped alongthe roads car and will not miss it‘." ef Clrsm u gs, (mss I 200 .i
and insulted. In the case of one lady "Mrs. Appleman, I understand The first €“d€aV°r of the eeel bs` slssss tsmls to a poult mialhy ull ES
rons to send the indicted miners to the distant from the industrial sections