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mt xperienced "day-in and day-out" drivers in-
.c sist on G. P. A. Radiator Gl cerine. The want ’ _
_ Y Y
lt} A an anti-freeze that ean’t evaporate. They know
.— ’ the dangers of "fade-away" anti-freezes . . . know
me how they evaporate between cold spells, leaving anti -freeze. Measures up
ost the radiator unprotected . . . know that it doesn’t in all ways to the U.S. Bureau O N E H L|_| NG
` , _   pay to run the risk of a freeze-up repair bill. of Standards’ requirements for LASTS ALL WINTER
0 S 2 G. P. A. never evaporares—cam’r evaporate. an ideal anti-freeze . . . Tested and _
mt . One filling gives 100%. protection all winter approved by the American Automobile g   ,,ré @_r_
V Q   long. Through warm spells and bitter cold, it Association., .But the most important cita- ’ '    i · "`/
he Q stays right on the job. Brings freedom from tion it holds is the approval of the American mo-
‘ ,   worry. . . peace of roringpublic——more G 9
mc mind straight ¤hf¤¤gh TH E ECONOMICAL ANT/·FREEZE than 1,600,000 m0-  
726./ the winter! torists use Glycerine!
When you use G. P. A. there are no un- To get most value from your Glycerine in-  
_ * pleasant, or dangerous fumes. vestrnenr, pur G. P. A. in early. Car for car, LYCERI {
H! Even more important, G.P.A. does not cor- month for month, it’s the most economical me mEMm_mmE
1 1]:1 rode or clog the cooling system; does not inter- anti-freeze——because one filling does the whole __   ___ _AA___   V
gm fere with efficient operating temperature by low- job, without additional expense or worry.    
ering the boiling point of your radiator solution. Drive by today and have your gufago man   it
n Of A Will not injure Duco or other auto finishes. service your car with genuine G.P.A. Waiting `i``` ` ``"`` ` ````’‘``‘‘ /
l It is, in fact, the modern anti-freeze—the safe is dangerous——and unnecessary with G. P. A. `   -
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. • • p °f'A€4§`~ G. P. A. is a uni.
l I   <‘·l.|&) form, standard
%r"'E°§z anti-freeze pro-
l duced only by members of
\` Glycerine Producers' Associa-
¥ · O · tion and guaranteed by them . . .
i pxoouceo omy BY Mmarxs or orvcamm Twod ¤¤d ¤1=·Pf¤V¤<¤l by Amer- .
5 1>11oDuc1z1zs·AssN.,4s 12. rmi s1·.,N2wY01u<.N.Y. ¤c¤¤ Automobile Assocw-r¤o¤¤.
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