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l  U NEW YORK, DECEMBER 5, 1931 _
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    oycottrng japan- Boon or Boomerang.
4 ‘ t . .
g i   66 OYCQTT JAPAN!" "How can President Hoover hesitate?
$ lr S0 ey e Humber of editors- Ther i¤dig¤c¤¤¤ to §§§leE?E$§e£T‘§Qit§Y"&°$l€§t$$§t’Eo$“§1$e3 F£$FTf§’§ZeliBE$
3   _ _ _ Eames up m Editorial columns of the repmsentatlve of Lodge should frighten him from saying the necessary word. `
9 ,;~ dailies which now call upon Mr. Hoover and the Council of the He must know that he would have the overwhelming approval
  League of Nations to bring defiant Japan to her knees. of thi? A111€1‘1€3»n P€0Pl€·" l
-2   "Territorial rape planned and executed at a moment when The Detroit News agrees heartily—"it is the one effective Q_
_; I ig- China is helpless and the great weapon?
·2  lt nations of the world enmeshed UR _ t_ h U
 *1 · V · · · o W IS a ques ion iv e ier
3 T , in economic difficulties. l Thus  [ /   \ Japan bgkmgs in the family Of `
A A the Norfolk Vzrgtman-Ptlol ex- ___C§Q    /   " ih nations at all  
  ' presses itself, adding that the   l-QL'} :`\ im Q  ‘“In face of the fact that all ‘
  world nmust in clear and lm_   — I W  the Powers had signed a solemn e
_— · t k bl I ll ·  """'· /,  · ,,  N __i’ agreement guaranteeing the in- A
tg   mls 34 3/ 6 anguagé ca _ this »,l,     l pf/,1;;. ” i Okgb A tegluty of the Government of `
[8 V [ proposed rape of l\/Ianchuria by   , \ ic Q Komal, Japan Seized Korea.
[8  V ~ its right name, and take eifective     YEAH?   SQ CQ "]Qn 1915, as all will remem- .
  steps to prevent it."  ,/"sUl7 watt, wuxr 1 I V  · E ber, Japan attempted to gain _
lo  . ,_ All must now join together to    { ily; ~»,@j?j;o, ‘,Q‘g §§L,'§,,K‘?,     gg ygtuaé Qoniroi not alone of {
lg  gl prevent this "international brig-  A  · /  Q  Z; S 1 %13I?h;r1g`,B:$\,O;Dgl1 Iggggig"' in ll
 — n · · · ' v if A Le   ,/ °f?”// fi ·- 4 i
lg . l andage, insists this paper;   E mi 1 * /,1,   g' the treaty Japan proposed to ,
 { 1  `], },— Ill"   · _. `
*9   "The League of Nations and Qt       9 force lfpon Chme ll lu bear D0 1
19  _ the Si ‘ · f .h yl ~·-i—,»  - ~·/ ~n\.·l}$,»»3,·.¥tJ cr. 2 other interpretation.
19 - gnatories 0 t e ke logg ,,/4,/,,   ,_ qq ‘\ v.    \ ` 2 HY 7 _ 1931 J th
· 3 and Nine-Power pacts must act 4f /._, ··;   l  .o¤;....\ ,r `  xg E, ivml m h'   lapam lo a ,
24 with all the power at their com- ;\¢;-:%{A7|Q  / \:.\l{`_ ~ JV `     g` E part`} to t` G °’9gg‘B“*mF‘
24  f mand to prevent this high crime U  lll//y  `   · ,  J lyk   ry; PML pmfieeds to dlslegard It
s · against the basic principles that   ly  ‘  5   //   V * \ A`- and to SGIZG Mamchumb and to
is _ form their Common dedication H     15  fi §;?;,_      give every evidence that she
26  iv `  ’-    /     / _*-I proposes presently to take by ,
26  ” .  {  `\Y`\.°   gj \\e`; force the very things she at- l
. . \ \\ x \
 Il, . ·SPECIAL telegraphic poll of  ,_h · »   ij?/gg;   J- r   // tempted to take in 1915-
28  3l lnadmg P9·P61`S: ¤¤dorl¤oke¤ by f l lglll, _,, ‘   I"   _A   l "Of course the Powers should l
gg _`  THE Lrrmnanv Dionsr, finds  M l_l·,;_ ·»·,r   k   @‘Q \\ boycott Japan." [
 " some editors convinced that a  I as   N · I y  
52 f  boycott initiated by the League " *'ll I., lfgil `rf \ __ Na  Vbihem Aunn _Wln_t‘=‘ S- En]-  
_  of Nations should be respected  l ll till " °"“\_  Ponzi Gazelle is l1k€“‘1S¢> indi? 1
34  ¥ by this country. Article 16 of l ul   lil `   gi`, ,__ ` p lgugx nilntlf 01ltSP0k€11· Tl1€ b0YC’<11l», l
gg 1 the League Covenant, widely l "     \\.\ “:§g_ JMD It t-hlnks would q¤11¤kb·_1>r¤¤s (
 _ quoted in all discussions of this —`»"\—·' ·' Japan t0 terms, as he md“S'
58  `·   proxyidesz Copyright, 1931, by the New York Tribune, lnc. Courtesy of the New York Hcruld Tribune     d€p((;¤dS upon l]€]_‘ i[]t,€]‘- j
40  ` A Good Time to Try Out That Club nntwna tm 6-,, l
40  _, "Should any member of the D I_ _ h N Y k UH Id T _b ,, U _ _ p
in  ·‘ League resort to war in disregard '_ at mg "° t E ew er , era r' u"€‘ h It BS D1`0P€1‘ tléat A111€1`1  
l l
        _ __,       __,_. , so       cis. s .   c c so la