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= 3 4 ‘ _ ..   , _ , —.-*,,;;,7.za;
. · · · . ‘ · · . ’ ;$>s‘¤¤ Thursday. Snturduy. 2=40 .7 .   gg
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· ·*· ——  _ ‘_A_/,;_€"_,  
  ········—·—···L ECTURE S it   B00K mcA1Ns      ntee
2   · THE PEOPLE’S INSTITUTE   Be Your Own · V . ; E»_r    
‘ ec-W -· 4¢ ‘   ·
. AT COOPER UNION g   , We have in stock one or more CODXGB » f ;»·*~_; ‘i·
` ? Sth Street und Astor Place, ut,8 o’clock 4; J   S or the books listed below, unused und ` ; Vjt     »
. _ Admission Free *;,3 _¢;;;.;; r showmg very. little shelf wear. M _ .  
· Friday, February 19     ggfge _ · l   4 ·V  
· ` new-’·· ,; _ -. { . T. · ·
T l.G§{i§)I$)R1%§s":k §’,§g”§§§§*EET wv **9 . LAZARUS LAUGHED, by Eugene ;  »   ~_ _ I
i D ' V B h 0*Ne111. Liveright. List $2.50.. . $1.25 » . —·--  
j Sunday, February 21 - €tt€1` Y 311 ally- t ‘   z `j I
1>u.11ousT0N 1)ETmRs0N body else you know the subjects HUEQEAQ §{1”;lUf)‘£_€A1`iI’;1t°I‘;}`;E ' ··-_ _?    
"Typvs of Victori:111 Aguoticism; W. K. about which Ou wo ld lik i   · Y ° y' * 1 15 I .; .
Cuirurd and Leslie St€.ph0n_rv d d Y U C Of § . . ............... . . . .... . . . . . . . · I i
. Tuesday, February 23 nec to rea ' BACK 9F KVAR, by Henry Kit-·     `
ma. xxcuornxs KOPELOFF Regardless of whether the subject rgdgé I‘·°r*°“- D°“b*€"*‘Y· mst 125 ° 5 +
"l%ui1·l¢·rs of liacteriology: Masons; The has to do with business, religion, Sport, $ ·50· ······· ‘ ··‘‘‘'‘ ‘ ‘‘‘‘ ‘ ‘‘‘' ‘ " ' » ‘ JQ.
; J ' »‘ .' ’ . _ l.
t L'"*’m°'StS‘ Fhlldféh, a hobby or other personal 1‘INANCIAL ADVICE T0 A  
_ ]\[[Y}[LEN]}E]{G RRANQH LIBRARY IHIBIBSIE, Unew and helpful material YOUNG MANS, by Merryle Sttlulfiy 1 25 »  
A zoo west 23rd se., at 8:2.0 velour. ¤b<>¤¤ rt rs always easy to find. R“k€Y$°‘”· S"“°“· LM $300 ···· · ·  jj;
locate the b z tid · · N smm; c.0v1·:RN-  
Tl: .. d F b 25 'Ijo es jar es upon any THD .I VI _  
- 1,Rg‘;,§€;gg)R ‘Qg_"ff'QI,AULmNG gubgect or to and stones by your sam. wljngilagv Hggi¤§;¤75B~ Mum- 90  
··*1*nocnn11ongeto Spiritual Values." ite ¤¤¤h¤r¤» ¢<>¤S¤I¢ the READER? nc ' ' ` '`''`'''' '  
t   GUIDE_TO PERIODICAL_LITERA- AMERICA, Tho Great Adventure. I A -; —· ~
—·——— ·   TU§ ll`; {fijur neaxiest Pubhc, Cigllege by George Philip Krapp, Knopf, 1 50 jg
_ ‘ 0i' C 00 I tary. t is 3 mont y in. 1924. List $4.00. ................ . .  
  dex tt? the ·c0nter1ts of 116 general , V AY_  
C   . magazmes, mciudmg THE PI·A‘.S OF JOHN G .· - ·  
_ orrmtuc Courses for Defectxve Speech Abbey Class1cs. 3 vols. L1st; $3.7.2. 1.50  
{ English for Foreigners W]  
S*···“··= 1T¤*¢¤*¤·>¤¤= °=¤**·· 8:9846-   . REPUBLIC §z§1§1e1l[I§{1:};1g€;AL}i1$10g€SIlElst$g;$.O‘l)¥ eso  
601 W. 110th St. Saturday and Sumluy or The l¤l>r¤¤¤¤3 will be glad rv show · ff'?
New York cityllovonlngs new- o ouook. Y°¤ h°“’ °¤¤Y 1* ¤¤ *° use- smmous or A cHEM¤`s*r. by ’  
—;···—·—··# _ The library will p=¤b¤b¤y have §‘1;‘2§}“, ?‘f’??}’.‘f‘.?T‘T?T’}¥Y°$.l“.‘?? 1.00   ·
_ RUSSIAN LESSONS—HHtlVG f€51Cl191'—S1I¤· just the magazmes you wish, new w  
, Q ple, elliclcut metlmd. .Specinl tra1ni11g· for or 0[d_ If not, we can supply HO", `VE GOT OUR, LIBERF  
those coutemplatmg tmp. Also mvxte 11ter— them promptly and reasonably. Tpis, by Lucms B. Swxft. Bobbs. Q  
ary ur business translations. CHe1sea 3·7860. Periodicals D P I t_ L1st $2.50. . ...................... 1.,.5  
  2 ar men _ ;= *
BEATRICE CENCI by Corrado fg  ,_
  POSITIONS WANTED THE H. w. WILSON c0MPANY £;¤§1.10rgg¤»ig¤t, 2’v¤¤s.. boxed. 400 ; . _.
· l (]{)1l})l€9-—I.[{1['V{\1'(I and Bryn Bgaxvrgxvould Gvmuilors and publishers ot Indexes to pol-iourogrs, is $   ' ` `'·`°``·'```·`'''.'·   I  
li ao tutor-g0\‘er11€ss positions or t e sum- - _ · · puopgggog, gERwHARp[ b_  
` 1n<·r,t0gct11er or separately. Several yours' 900 972 Umverslty Ave" New York Arthur Sehnltzler. LSim0n. 'List " ?f  *
‘ c·x;»··rlc¤u:c with children; nt present engaged   $1,50, .,,,.,..,.,,,,.,............ .75  
lu vniucuticnnl work in winter. Expert ten- t ‘ gp. 
nist if_0I`lCh. Address: Box 055, The New Re-       APHRODITE IN AULIS, by   ‘
[ 1- U, · 1 · L· t  
?".’ ‘°—.;»t..— The oristocrat of ull outdoor wm §?§(§i‘?}`¥f’f’f?___I?T?f‘_°§‘{?_?___}?_ M5 oi. -
\'umu.: Mun would like responsible genre- —clirect from makers. Sf1¤)Dl9S f1`§!§· li;
turinl position, requiring initiative nnd S“‘t'l€“gthS by mall' Carnage Pa ‘ IN TH? LQND   YQIIETHE P5;  
llllflpliillllllty. Preferably litemry work but JAMES St- TWEES) EEEGOT ggggcs tcp Ons`   L25  
not essential. Free to travel. Address: Box 159 Swrnowam co ` ' ' I   · · " -,4
651, The New Republic.   AMERICAQY H€n(;h.ik Vim Léon 0 V T (Q`;
..i...1  ' * ' ht. ` ". 0.   ......... 2.5 ‘ ’
Socialist who was forced to leave Hungary "NOT f0)LEU0I$IGINtAL IiPFAd IN;) Atcglfé ;:;;;r:;AD P;1;)TESS0R YV Her    
t , , _ . ,* n mon n ou 1   · , ;_ - 4
, l1l!f'£U|SG of ODDOSIUOII to HOIthy 1‘€g`lm€   cilvxsroilmgxioricentlyl NOW he has   b§¥é](({]g;n1;;l?S;;_$gJ5ggp)g];(·, 2 250 ` ’
··¤·=<*S ¤¤ 5<>¤· €¤¤ Sneak ¤¤¤ write French- K dozen mems¤¤g,_ unconventional, at-   · · * · · ········ ·  it »
Gvrrnnzm, Italian, Spanish, Hungarian, Eng- Elmked nga gilf€Yg"gg‘£‘;1Ag‘;`§€S2;“dana? §g‘gl§gATgIBLJ§1NT ’1‘HI%I§]‘SKFQé?  
._ ,. . _ ocnuse e ome ' , 9 OH _ _A _ _ I »_ - ,  r
;[”h‘   "lly kgd °tfl.W°”k' Adams' correspondence cmu cor the mentally iso- gwtcd ed- L¤ver¤z:ht.1924. Llst 850 .  Q t
  ,._, __ lntcd. Rare books loaned. N0 matrimoninl $ ' ' '''‘`''‘'''''''‘'‘'‘‘'''''‘‘ V '   _ ,_
Sorrotary-stcxnogrnpherz knowledge book- scheme. Particulars for 4c stamps from THE GREA'1: BEAR, by Lester   ‘ `
kpopang, desires position where initiative. comrncms, zu E. um se., New York city C¤h<·n· Livwght- _List $250-   -75 _  
]l(‘l's()\'Cl‘Z`tIlC€ and intelligence jvill lcud to ——————-————-—-———-—————-———··· THE PROMISED LAND_ by Ln, ·      
mlv;mccn1vnt. Address: Box 604, The New diglns Reymosgtb Knopf, 2 vols., 0 ·   _ — . _.__ ·
j Republic. S   boxed. List .>. O. .............. 2.5   _   l i  
l ` TYPING · THEFAnIETH1A:3eT f%;N(§i1by£r}§u- _ if-i   V_VV l
8 uid,. readers of tole rance. ( Iso o er 1 es .2;;  r  
Mmmsbrlpts and plays typed by experi- and r g _ by FI`*mc€·) D°dd~ List $2i5O··· 1-25 V, YV;.    
cuccd typlst. Rapid, moderate rates. Ad- Th! N¢"w Republic W7! ·WPPl¢’7”¢"'t CANTERBURY TALES’by Geog. . I · i¤·‘ j {  
d1‘QSSS BOX 653, The New Rcpllblic. {hgh- iyrggmgj by gggyrfng ;ub;[y·ip-   ggggglcgr, Ligdgrn Library, .70   ·      
` _ FOR RENT tions in their localities. Short terms S ' °' ‘ '`''‘''''`’`'‘‘''`''‘ .» ` V ` .   _ _   _r_r
,._.T_........?-T._...... and special ojfers at bargain rates. gg§[%’i?J:E_S§gv?§8p%£8?g§E _ ‘ '   7    
L*“'g" and smnu ’°°“‘“• ’““““‘g “’“t€”· For information address, CIRCU- tion, 6 vols., red cloth ..... ; ..... 2.50 T ;: ` ·;_ `·.A · .
stvzxm, private entrance. Telephone: Broad- LATION MANAGER .ThE New _ __ .  t      
hudst 9738. _ ’ Postage Free i . ’ . of l
H-V   Republic, 421 West 21st Street, New . V . 2;.;*  
z lwo un urnlshcd rooms, steam hen , re- York/N. Y.     . . .,€` _A L: i
; place, in remodeled [house owned by The _ 419W mst St New York city ·»_#  
' New Republic. '1`clcplxonc: Cflclsen 3-8393. ‘ ° °' ` _ or  
,$ . r' t
ill . I ‘ ‘ .
  ‘ _   .,... . ` *
  __ ~   ____(__*__ _ _ __ _,M_ __ A    W, ..,..   .,-.7.,-m....e,t.~_,-.,,t     ..l¥.AY’£*"’\#?"¢     ’
=*  ·» ~——~- -—~·—~··   ~   M t   ·‘?;ti‘tj‘i‘i;;ti;i,i;;;§;;;;5;';;j,§;T.l.;IL.—---.~.* ..... -. ..4-...-..~...-» .....---..~..·-~—..-~ .... Wh- ....- · . -e-  ··  ` ~ ·r