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F. ‘ _`     ,P -_ ff? ‘» > A   fflebrizaryl`24, 1932   T HE   E W R E P U B LI C IV
_           _   ‘ Business man, banker, engineer, consumer flounder
 _  V_._ ‘,Y‘jfp Q;} '`s·     I ,.V‘ 1 c ‘ in an economic pit, each helpless to extricate
—   gl,  f    a pi = — himself and each suspicious of his associates
t `    ciei i    r   s CHAOS OR CONTROL eec 
    i   "* a series of five articles by a
of         _ GEORGE SOULE `
»   I   to be published in consecutive issues of The New Republic, be- ’
ll   `_ 4 ginningin the issue of March 9, explores one way out: the path
    F ` of national economic planning.
A ii i  _ The capitalism of today, Mr. Soule maintains, differs more from e '
  - that of 1840 than the civilization of Soviet Russia differs from
  t a o e ca i a ist ni e a es.
 ,_, ’ htfth ptl UtdStt
  It is a technical civilization, and that fact makes necessary further
  I I great changes. How are these changes to be brought about?
  Mankind is equipped with the faculty to plan; and in planning
`   techniques are altered. In this faculty we find the inevitable force
  - of social change, the basic course of evolution.
  But the job is far from completed; the start has only been made.
  - The need of today is a reasoned and conscious act cf organiza-
  tion. It is the purpose of these articles to explain some of the
  conditions and the possibilities of such organization. The chapter
  » · headings are: _
  " I I Impotent Business III We Learn from War ‘
  ·   II The Organizing Man IV Russia’s Economic Inventions `
  · V A Challenge to Inaction
  The series will begin in the issue of March 9. (Not, as announced last
W  H week, in the issue of March 2.) Make sure of seeing every one .
_‘)   r _ by taking advantage of this » _
_   . weeks of The New Republic, including all $
_ ; f ·` the articles in the series “Chaos or ControI"
  I.    _ i THE NEW REPUBLIC, 421 West 21st Street, New York, N. Y.
.   I . I i   . I   For the enclosed $1.00 (cash or money order, if- possible,) send me The New Republic for the next 13 weeks,
i `   p     i . including all the articles in the series "Cha0s or Contr0l,” by George Soule.
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    v_ _ _ _   _ _ 2»2—l-32
I  ._"\ i i   `   g I · — -  3 Printed by Srnmmznc Pnass. INc.. 409 Pearl Street, Negvihlegk. N. Y.
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