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29 "‘ T H E N E VV R E P U B L l C A February 24, 1932 .     .
p G QNE by one, the nations repres_ented at Geneva Germany has served notice, through Chancellor r "   e
in the disarmament conference are setting forth Briining, that she simply cannot and will not con-’ ‘ clci G _ I
A their official positions. The United States last tinue to pay reparations, that no settlement willbe .
week outlined a nine-point program calling for the accepted by her which is not postulated on this fact. if '
extension of the VVashington and London agree- France has refused to enter the conference if there C F    
ments beyond 1936, further naval reduction pro- is anyeagreement in advance that the Young Plan _ fl
vided all the Great Powers will agree, the abolition is to be scrapped. Everything finally depends upon _ in 
of. submarines, lethal gases and bacteriological the attitude of the United States——and we shall not C ,
warfare, agreements against aerial bombing of be represented in the conference. The one hopeful · T * 
V civilians, reduction of armies to police forces plus possibility is that Germany and the countries which of l -
additional troops necessary for “defense," and _ owe war debts to the United States may unite upon   _
some other limitations. Russia has again embar- a common program and proposal to America: a i
rassed the delegates by suggesting that the way to proposal that reparations and war debts shall both V 
disarm is to disarm, and that abolition of all mili- be scrapped, or shall be greatly reduced in amount `  c
tary equipment is the best guarantee of peacc—a and perhaps then paid in goods which are allowed s · _
position which is logically unassailable but one, of to enter duty~free. America cannot force payment  i
course, to which the other Powers have no inten- of the debts; if Europe chooses to repudiate we " '
tion of adhering. Germany has o pointed out, are even more helpless than are the Allies if Ger- ‘
though only indirectly for the present, that the many should do the same thing. Heretofore,»Great V
Treaty of Versailles is being grossly violated by the Britain and France have failed to act in common, `L
Allies, which disarmed the Germans as a prelude partly because their conflicting national ambitions `
to disarming themselves. There-are, to be sure, have prevented real agreement on any subject, ni
certain agreements on detail. Two Powers have partly because each country nourished the delusion t i
asked the abolition of military aviation; four have that America would offer cancellation and sparc _
asked that aerial bombing be prohibited; two th€¤l tht? hlllhllliitloh of ?1$l~ lll
i · of their own futility that they would only burst into thssc S€lf‘StYl€d_umght Yldcrsn was lelcmclon Evahsi C
tears and gp hOI·nc· who, besides being head of the local Red Cross and ·  
editor of The Pineville Sun, is the Bell County cor.  
I-IOW bad are things in Europe may be deduced respondent of the Associated Press. Before the s 
from the fact that the Continental press is hailing kidnaped writers were released at the Kentucky ..  
as a great victory the news that the Lausanne con- border, Evans walked up to Allan ,Taub, whose  
ference on reparations is to take place after all——in face, after the beating, was a sheet of blood. "VVell,’ · ·   i
june. This is the conference, you remember, which Taub/’ he said, according to the affidavits submitted i ' _  ,
was scheduled to meet hrst on ]anuary» 18,. was to Congress by several members of the writers’ com-     1 i l F
postponed a week, and then, when a hopeless dead- mittee, “why don`t you make us another speech one t ,r.i  ,  _
‘ lock was seen to be inevitable, was put over in- constitutional law? This will be the last chance c , ____ °  
detinitely. The date now set is after the elections you get to make a speech on constitutional law in “   ff  
in France and Germany, thus partly avoiding the Kentucky? Evans then returned to Pineville and c i,`i[if lil   . r
temptation to German and French representatives wired to the Associated Press the false story that  if  
of simply making intransigent speeches for the Taub and Frank had been fighting with each other., i ,_— iii. l  ,. .
‘ benefit of voters at home. However, the outlook We respectfully submit that Herndon Evans, onthe ` w fi
when the conference does meet is not very hopeful. basis of these facts, is unfit to be the_correspond‘eint       1
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