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  A ·'   V t filebmary 24, 1932 T H E N E W R E P U B L I C 30 i
`V .   ‘   iof the Associated Press or of any other neiws- men_ so supposedly advanced as the book pub- ‘l_
Oli   '·s· {Tg i up gathering agency that pretends to any degree of lishers. Everyone knows that what is needed is a 4
gl?     impartiality. ‘ vast increase in labor’s share of the productive
,8 s   °   I " dollar, not a decrease. A strong labor movement
It-, ‘   _-J t - SEVERAL months ago the Governors of the six in all industries is one essential for achieving this
YC *   ,__s_   chief industrial states of the East met to discuss a goal. \Ve cannot believe that the action taken by
m _ t V Vigil uniform program for unemployment insurance. the board of directors represents the sober best
m c e   C They appointed a committee of experts to draft a thought of the book publishers as a whole; and we
Ot _     pI·OpOSa1_ This committee has how reported, and hope that when its significance is realized, it will
ul ‘ ` `   its plan is endorsed at least by Governor Roosevelt find general rcpudiation.
In _Vy.i V, V c_ ip.: `  ‘ - 0 of New York. The proposal is strictly a minimum
m ‘ he one. It provides that unemployment insurance THE International Labor Office of the League of
la it -_p  V V Shall be made compulsory by State iaW_ Each cm- Nations has recentlyiconduicted a worldwide survey
‘h· ‘ Q  . ployer must build up a reserve fund by contribut- of lln€mPl0Ym€nlZi Wlfll Slfllilng 1‘€SlllfS- Th€ 60m-
st V `Q?.  · ing 2 percent of his pay roll ooril his reserve cquglg parison is in all cases between some month late in i
ld I    if - $50 per employee; the contribution is then reduced 1931 and tllc Sams! mnnlill in 1930- In tll€ €¤S€ of
it _ __   to one pereene The benenr is robe $10 e wreck, or countries with compulsory or voluntary unemploy-
rc —50 percent of the weekly wage, whichever is lower, insnt lnsllmn€€» lllssn ilglllns may he tl€€€Pt€€l tls   0
I'- i and the maximum period ut bcnefit is tu be ten lvccks fairly accurate; in other instances, where trade-
it I Q in each year. The funds of the several employers uninn nglllns Ol' thsss Ol €lllPlOYln€lll excllanfscs 4
It V.   are not to be pooled, though steps toward coopera- WCW tslrsni lllslc mal' ht 3- nisrgin Ol srrvri.
is V tion of firms within industries are to be encouraged, thvtigh lt is Pl:OllnlllY not lsllgs Tlls Yellllns shsiv
t'  I since measures toward employment stabilization sn lnslliilsci ln tl Willis unit, Ol 34 psrttnt in `
n Vi must be on an industry-wide basis if they are to be ` G€l`lnslnY» 63 Pnlcsnt in llallb and 30 psrttnt in 4
ic Y at all effective. State boards to administerithe law the UnittiYQ__ l"  curtailed. Such an argument, however, seems trends shown are significant. Not one country on
? V,,i ‘. 3  _. . C . singularly 0ld·fashioned to come from aibody of the list registered a decline in the twelve months.
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