Editor & Publisher The Fourth Estate for March 5, 1932 V
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When you make a relatively large investment, such as the purchase of a `
new Newspaper Press, it is well to remember that you will have to "live" 1
with your purchase for a long time, that any extra cost of operation it “ `
, entails or any economies it enables you- to effect will be repeated con- , 
tinuously for many years, and will, therefore, grow into a large sum, i
and that perhaps your ability to meet future emergencies depends largely i
on the wisdom of your present choice. l'
Unfortunately, prices of Newspaper Presses (which must be built for . ii
different sizes of printed page and in varying arrangements to fit individual
buildings and which are not in demand in sufficient volume to permit mass 1 
  production) have never been standardized. Also, so many variations in
character of detail design and construction and in intrinsic value are 1
practiced that purchasers unable to definitely appraise the merits and f` 
relative values of the different offerings often concentrate on price. l 
The importance of the price of a Newspaper Press is unquestionable, but , 
  whether a price is high or low depends largely on what you get for your f
__; '_--- money in intrinsic value, in economy and efficiency of operation, in quality,  
. · . . . . 1
speed and capacity of performance, in reliability and freedom from ;
expensive or annoying interruptions, in economy or ease of maintenance, J
in reduced depreciation and in the extent to which calculated foresight  
has been exercised to produce a machine that will acceptably and econom- 1
ically meet future requirements.  - 
\Valter Scott & Co. invites the most searching investigation and comparison
with competitive machinery, confident from actual performance that when 1 
true values are established Scott Presses will be found the fastest, the  
. . • . K
most productive, the most eflicient and the most reliable presses in the iii
. i:
‘ world——bar none—and the most value per dollar of expenditure. {V i
W6llZ€I` Scott 8< COIIIFJGHY  
. . . rt 3
New York Main Office and Factory Chicago gp
1457 Broadway Plainfield, New Jersey, U. S. A. 1330 Monadnock Block  
V0}. 04, No. 42, Original second class entries. Trm Jor·nxs1.1s·r, M.¤rt·h Hlth, 1884; NEWBPAP RDOM. March. 1802; Tma Fonivru Esnwrxe, March ist, 1894; Tm; EDITOR & PUBLISHER. g. 
December Tth, 1901; Enrron & Ptmmsmm imo Jonnxnusr. October 30th, 1909; Aovmnrrisme, February 7th. 1025; Emrron & Pnmnsann, May 11th. 1010; Revised entry. Emrron & V; 
PUBLISHER, Tun F()('Yl'l‘l! Esvrxrm, December 3rd, 1021, at the Post Orllve at New York, N. Y., under the uct of March 3rd. 1879, Issued every Saturday by Tm: Eprrrou & PUBLISHER CDE;  yf
FANY, James Wright Brown. President and Publisher. General and Editorial olllves, Suite 1700. Times Building. New York. Subscription and advertising rates on page following "Purely Personal