ii . The Nation R [Vol. 134, N0. 3489  
·-   "Interpretations of Soviet conditions  
 . l   throw light not only on Russia but on  fi
W'II I1 I t ' `I   *1 ·‘ " E °*  R
I   Q e   ` ’ ,     ot er coun ries as we . . . conomxs s, V
I y P S " V R   Z-=: scholars, statesmen and curious laymen  ·
        ,     will go to the U.S.S.R. in increasing Q
y U _   numbers.” -—L0uis Fischer in “Ma-  {
  U ` '   ’ cliihés and Men in Russia." _ _
’ I *HE continued reign of lawlessness in Harlan and O R d S I I il 
Bell Counties, Ky., after a year of violence against         _;
all efforts to organize unions, has challenged the E d R •  
this week 3* dclcgatmn °f lawyers and °th°" to help (Itineraries which balance sightseeing and special interests, foreign  
restore civil tights. The patty is headed by Arthur contacts and independent leisure. (I_Srna|| groups of like-minded _;
· Gafacld Hays, genera] counsel of the Union, and ymyelers, {Distinguished auspices here and abroad.   ·
includes a number of Southern lawyers. A Sampling of Open Road Trip, 1932  
This delegation will first; appeal to the federal each under °um°"di”g American leadership  
court to restrain lawless county officials. The prose- SOCML WORK IN $OV'ET RUSSDF _  
cutor of Bell County has declared that "If a mad Wi¤hkf¤“°¤*g*¤°° at df g*“_°"B‘;‘°’?;A§;:Vi;’;E”°E °€v;';;*£u    ,»
gvi gas 4 fgmtitutionfl right Z; ym;b1·,Znp;Z;b;,,   l’¤;;;urn;rrA1;¤g{‘;t 2; er- . . $790. g
e ounty iting peop can sca ering y ro o ia, _  _
then the American Civil Liberties Union has the NEW ;N[?gSTRlAL ZENTERSQDZLHS  ;”;1:_I:`(0 cn) $777 [_
same right. But just as we would suppress the mad LM "' P`°Fm°K °LsT°N A ' 1 ’ P ° ’, 
dog, we will also _mpl,,.eSs this .,m_Ame,.;m,, U,,;0,,_» FOUR GENERAL SURVEY TRIPS TO THE SOVIET UNION;  g
1. Leader: Mrss jzssrce SMITH. Sails june 23, return (open) $566. V ‘·°‘
Whether the injunction is granted or not, the 2. Leader: Mss. MARGUERITB S·n:wn.·r. Sails june 26, return _
* party will go into the coal area to help establish free- 3 [$39;**) KM B0 DEM sms June 30 mum (cpm)    j
- - · - · . 4 er: 1. na . , . »_
qom of assemblage w1thPu€ dlscrmlmauom and the 4. Leader: Pxov. Lucy Tzxwon. Sails July 19, return (open) $583. 5 
ugh: of all agcncxcs to distribute rehcf. STUDENT TRIP TO SOVIET RU$S|A_  ».
This effort costs money. The members of Auspiccs National Student Federation of America). Leader:  
the at are 'vi their time an takin the Dx. I-Lxmnsrou Hour. Sails June 2*, returns August 31, $343;  
· bp ty gl ug · g Optional 3 weeks in Europe $132.25 7 
ns .  
We call on NATION readers to aid them by    F
contributing to the expenses of the trip, of the    
court actions and of later work which must be '·"?§.?`;T    ·
. done on the spot to help stop violence and re- _ fs
establish civil rights, a total estimated at $1200. Lowest Cost Roughmg It Trtps  
American Civil Liberties Union. CHANQES IN PROGRESS IN EUROPE AND RUSSIA: .5 
  Auspxces League for Industnal Democracy). Leader: j. B.
M.u‘1»mws. Sails june 30, returns September ll. $467. l
Tear 0E and send in the coupon STUDENT LIFE IN EUROPE
b 1 t d (For snxdcnts-—-Auspiccs International Student Service). Sails .
e Ow 0 ay' june 30, returns August 28. $350. `
'°"°”" —"''"' " “'“_"'”''“ ' TWO GENERAL SURVEY TRIPS TO THE SOVIET UNION: Q
AMERICAN CIVIL LIBERTIES UN]ON' 1. Leader: juurm Bmum. Sails jon: 30, return (open) $387. E
100 Fifth Avenue, . 2. Leader: MAXWELL STEWART. Saul: July l, return (open) $391.
New York City. HIKING IN EUROPE: (for girls)
D¤te............-....-.. Sails june 30, returns August 28. $460.
1. Here is my contribution of $..._............. toward the EURQPE FOR SCHOOL BOYS:
expenses of your campaign to restore civil right; in the $2115 .l¤¤¢ Zh f¢¥¤1’¤$ A¤8¤5¤ U- $382-
Kentucky coal area. Trips may be joined abroad with corresponding reductions.
2_ Isuggcst as when like to be imcm8ted________________ ____ In writing for itineraries and rates, indicate what phases of
Russian or European life interest you most and whether you
prefer to travel with a group or independently. Booklets ri
available "The Open Road   Russia," and "The Open Road `
—·····"········"··"‘···""·‘· ·‘·· ·*‘·"‘——"··‘····‘·"‘·•···—·········· - gn urape." I
;_ Rum,-k, ____ ___ __A__ _ ___A______ _ ____ N________________*__   __ l
S J   The OPEN Bonn
iawr - ~~—- ···-—- ------~- ~-N ---- - ---- ---~---—~--—- -·-- —----—     ·
· 56 Wes+ 45+h Street. New York City H
Address - .A.... ......- .... ,_..,_,,___________,______________,____________ I
_ ‘ 'V Q Cooperating in U. ·S. S. R. wrth   T O Lv R I   _
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