r   i xuexiuzcuy lghivalry ’
THE absurdity oi Eastern college students;
visiting Kentucky for "sociological msearch" ; ·
i has been matched in the Blue Grass State? _
by one of the most outrageous displays oi nar- `
  roiwmindedness and prcvinciallsm ever seen
V .r e e ’iV)'L_t4}1lSVC0U1`lt1',$f.r The f‘receptio¤" given the .
. a V youngsters b)"WALTZR B. Surmi Harlan County Z
  yl   attorney, 'andma crowd of his, fellow citizens »
{g';l V   ’0n°,Fridey wa..si·oi such a*sm·tlas tofshame
  “ i ’an;ioxieTrexn0telylco¤neclcd with the tradhions
  _ A C0! Kentucky. i,‘’   l  l i"  ~   ·
    '»’’ ii l[‘” Nowithere‘is,/liitle doubt; thatysome of the   ·
  g Y rst/udents who/[made the trib hre embryonic   l  
‘       / 7 [radicals. It isjalso enhrelypossible/thet,» they  
M were lcd to make the trip by frenzied speeches ·   ,
' l 5 oflxroihlng Communists. [But the worst thai.? *  
i I there '3d0]€SC£’l"lY»S/ couldahave done was bo ge:   ‘   , {
_ " in {he way oi, a few people in Eastern Ken· ' { l ·   ‘
tuckyfend ccbring zi lot of publicity no a. sec· H i   mk _l
tion which apparently can ill aiford zoiiiave Established 1850, _  
._ all the truth told. At. bottom, this silly iaunt ..-— m Year bv THE _
of the students would have been no morei i   Pubmmd EVEIY D%vBLi§-lsgngc CON ;g,c_ 10*1 -
than a. mild interruption in the routine of ·‘ ·HMg;5-DISPATCH P R1chm¤¤d_ vgygmia.
- . »   seventh Street.
lite in the Kentucky coal fields. very much Smlm ...--· hmmm é
ue if they were being taken on e. sighbseeing q Emgqd in the P¤$wig§;:&g§ Matte; Q
, trip through some industrial plant. · rl VirZi¤l¤· “ S°i°EE;_j ' VICE  
% Bur Arronmzr Smm apparently forgot everrw g TES BY CARRIER DELIVER’!€1OSE,¥;`;'1;, U
thing but his terror of Commimisis, andlc Rim Richmond, Petersburg Ang Ccgs , weeklp
backed biy the ignorance and eusplcion of his S Dam, and sund¤Y·· ····   10 Cem; a \'4·’¢€§§¤
fellows. reated zhese boys and girls. whose 1; Um? O“‘Yl‘,"":;;;;;'.`.'.;. --·· 1° C°§°SD;;§7eeM¤
greatest fault is their rather absurd curidsiiy, g, Silugfg, 2§,_.;¤bé°paymc11tbY_ig';?t;°m ’ ' X.;
as if they were a group of hocdiums intem 1; ' and Sunday' 63 ' Wg
upon settling in Kentucky against. the peace ; EVEN Service is mainiamed g§1_°;'§§_ U
‘ and dimiiv of the Commonwealth Cam" D° kia every rural ¤'¤¤§° m g  
_$ ~ _ (Aron Abd _O¤ Re? * day 20C a weci.
V That scene ln the Mxddlebom COU1‘f1'0Qm,Ii; Raws;Dm1y¤ndS¤¤ · 1 VCE \Y
where Arrpseutv Swim threatened to send the lr TES BY MAIL pAYABLE IN gg; A‘ {YL  
whole company lo jail, denounced the studcmsg, l RA iM‘?‘~ 3%%   S 6-W`;
  for iniemlcms which he did not boi/her lol? Dam Quay   .-·· ··$1·gg svg, 5,25 12-gg.;}
» verify. and. supported Uk an ignorant and re-l, Daily and 5¤¤d°Y··: iw me 2.00 · l
vengeful mob. virtually drove the visitors outv Sunday only `````. -·-··· NES  
of the Stale. I. ADVERTISE`?. me uc gas; 4_2nd_$¤;Q2}·`;
. Such, we are forced to believe, is Kentucky; John   Y°°§g:;rGuaya§cee aud A*`°§F¤ii?n;§fz‘
Justice and h0epita.iizy—·such the irezazment ar;-i, NEW AYSAGEMH; Motors Bld€·- D°“° ' Y
corded visitors from another State. Couldqg ‘   éidg., S¤¤ mug; bv had wm li
· anything be more shameful to Kenmckyi , mus reccived and not Pu {amps my
traditions? r _   . . G¤¤*¤‘“{"°§§,, unless ¤¤c¤¤¤i>¤¤*°d by ` f
The truth of the matter is that the people; 2:;. gggigélg _________ TED PRFSS  
of Harlan and Bell counties, frightened by- Ass0C1A_ _ mf
the presence of a dozen radicals, have become Tggigxagg   ¥${°-‘$§uS;';;?s 2§;;l;f£h·;5  
suspicious of all visitors and have reverted .‘ me me gm- _publi¢¤ll$“¤tg€!“.EE credited in  
to behavior commonly met with in savage C;-edited Y0 “iSG°Ym!;°mc,; news p\¤bu?h°‘2C£°:;g,g]1
t‘fib€5._ It is a curious community deierlgel p2j£·;>¤§&h*;;‘%f”mp“buc,g;¤¤ of sp€¤¤¤l d‘Sp° '  
mecha ni.sm, a hangover {rom times oi isol:i· ‘;QO{}{.e9;··  li
‘ UGH, igU0l`31lCC"&¤d barbarism, ` ---···"‘ MONDML MARC5 23. 193]-  
The fact that Arrormer Swim, a represenza- ' ` _______,,...-  
tive of the Commonwealth, lent, himself to *3  
that uucouscionably tyrannical "_investigation"i; \
and indulged in a blast of oratory forlthe
benefit of his gallery-merely gives the whois  
spectacle an unloiiely official character)  
We are unite armre than these students `Q;
should not here meddled with Kentucky ai-if
fairs: but the best way to liave treated them `1
_ would have been with silent Yamusement. Bua
lhose "repre.sentative" citizens, whom Mx. El
Emu: referred to as "the sons of the pioneers “_
~ oi this nation? might have awaited some over: “`~
act; ircm the young researchers before mu1tner· Pi
_   ing threats againsiytheir lives and then drir- p?
ing them out ofigrhe State. ` d?
{ ~ What do Kenizucliians think of their Lradi- W
1 { tions; in the face ot such behavior as this? gm
‘ . F How do they explain such barbarous treat- ic?
1 mentoon the parl; or their public orrimisv ““
  i · Are they prepared ic defend the hlglvlianclecl be
QQ   lmeizhods of Arrormsr Smrm who quite 0l:· xp
Zj     viouxly aimed wiihour authority and with· sd
` `   out reason? ` SM
  E )`   _ , ~ — — the
  iiori  o   , ‘ ri; eidm
      » X Ollhg POIIIICIQRS hm
` ~ Injinmn -·#~· ··` ` ```` `