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.   V » · o -V.V» c     V VVVVV ¢    A    ` ‘ ‘‘ .A ~»·~»~»»-»·—¤”Iif  
T U E S D A Y M 0 R N I N G ;gj_V MAR G H 3     ,     V A ,A VA A ,VV,  
- »   V   "   VV·~   _ A ,V_V    ‘V ’ · _jjj;~xj
`   _ _  42 ` `   V, oV.QMV
nn A   A  
    ° ‘  ua-” `   " '  ·‘VV ‘ c V V   V  ‘*‘V » `
V ·When They Mako Charges 
z V V   °‘ VO! Roug5.'1‘reatmont;g‘-‘;*i-ii; 
Students Bob     V --—-- “ as VVVV  
V · `   Fmnkxori. Kyo Marek 28—-(.§P)e·;
"""'*"""".V · Seventy Eastern Vcouege rtudenu,
y · » erimy Iram constant travel by bog
No kentucky Once Moro, A sed ..:r.m»¤. emge m......._
V ._‘ . _ , . · V and Kentucky. orrlved he Frankfort
Thlb TUHC Ill Ltlpltal. _· Vme today to yroteet. sgnlnst their
` ejeeuon nom soecxeumn Kenpacky
_ ` cool Reid: to Governor Lalfuan.
’ ° ‘ · A ven gund of {ive young men 
gMGBt111g     and one girl, who arrived several 
’ 03 hmm earlier uneuceeuzuuy sought
{         to nrenge e. definite time for an
; ............. endlmnee vnu me Governor. ·
· _ ‘ Lou Uchlm md Emme`N¤gx·sdj,
E’1’o Mako Protest Agamst A=°·=·· mk ¤···*r···*¤· WM ·=··¤¢ ··=
_ V 1 A the first group, attempted to arrange
0[}$t@[’ Ffqm §fgfQ_ •. conference with the Governor but
_ ` ' were told b·yVh1a eecretery. H. H.
‘ "*"""""‘ Bowman the Governor wss mused
~ · ’ :Lu¢yi¤¢V'bX1X¤ passed by the wceni
VExooui;1vo Koops Thom ¤....mA-mere, M me me 1..
· • · . ibilfttiirltde Q;}
¥ Wamng, However. A V nm ..mAmmm.z oo»VVV?
____,__________ " ‘ Hulemen radium. however,  
e   przwéir wow  
  , ¤ _ \·· F FKBIQI', 1'_· ..   ~ -·V»»— {=%Z=>`3~¢#
2§°§§.‘$§`”‘§§,?" *§" A‘Y°‘*g  .V,:~:·.:·.:§.:: *::¤·:;V·:#*·;"···;V;.~
~·0_ I _   yn wo eyus, _¤
· V _? XV       attempted te have ao audience sei,
V‘'V · V     A·’>» `·-‘     nndwwhea told by me seezeury me
V V A V_VV VA     ·VVV·  ;.= ··VVV {   4;;.,%.-,-,.,;- wu buoy une um it be
 V »4;; A· arranged at the, Governor': earliut
‘ "”V.:§. convenience. A VV
*'W¤ have been trnvelingidey me
nlght,” nid Mina, "w1&h¤u€‘stcpping
{cr the nlmpiest retreshments. We
have exten oniy once today}
Mins said Robert F. Hell. Columbus
Lfniverslty student, and tour other;
lwere tmvehng by automobile {tony
` tl