` · I ' . V. I V V _ V
  ·   - . A     · 'IT-HE-·I§NOEXVlZLLE
· g 1”'€ZS€7" @796 ·A €€7”LS€~· r€¤¤“·· ;···  
4 _ . . _ · ‘ _ ~ . Your statement that the_com- *
_ • • · mittee f‘did not interviewj a‘
, -     0       ‘ 4 singlecoal man or anyone rep-_<.
~ · 4 . A e A __ _- _ A 4 4, - · resenting them’?;is, as ·the?_&tese_{g
· 4 . ' . , ’4 _ · 4A, » -' timony, _wil1 .sliow,“A4.absolutely"=··
IE C77"ClZQJfO7”CZlQ677”lZ1’ZdS Smith me- -· v ·‘     »o-·  
· __ . V 4 4 J 4 V. A 4 Al -. :A·As`faymatter of fact,$“*3MrQ
I _ .m_......   · ‘ _ - i [ Smith, there_is' something des- l
, , , 4 , · _ ‘ _, 4 I · " 4.perate and convulsive about of
» _ _ Virgmza Editor Answers Clmrgo o Bell Count Atiornc ,· — your indignation atvrsoit-ap-·*
I. 4 . y. U      
al s PT ·b I F J   ti ‘ V5   K A 5 · `po1nted" and ‘funoi£icial’i inves·"‘
0 c S cafe , c cr a .$.— . s i.` -tigat0rs.—··.‘This2.resentmentVof-·:
l, . _ 4 A _   A4 _ r. ian . _ _4 4  .44 __ .    
. A . A A 4 A - _y inquiry from gthe outside *
_ _ ‘ _ _ "`l'_” .. .' · ·— . ‘ savors of hypocrisy." The truth E
Special To The N€\\'S—S€I\tll1€l A ’ 4 _ ». · — · -. A »- ·-   ;
1¤1NEv1LLn, Ky.-wooo Theodore Dreiser’s`committee went lsaggit "°“ "’?_"¥“t MW .m‘T€s“‘ j
in_ into the coal fields to investigate "the defense" had every opportunity: A g_ _Y   . in .‘   · ’t. .  
im to state its case.- The pointis made by Bruce- Crawford, editor of rtiouogyékcgglgissggzA,;;;%§i;§;g;g
4 ` ” t ’Crawford’s Weekly, Norton,-Va.,.and member .   . A.   A · . . ·A » {3
{OHS 1   .__\ ‘ of the_Dreiser committee, in a_lette1·`_toiday to [by fomdler GOVQIDPY §aH}PF°“ Ofgtg
4o o     wo1tor_ B.4 smith;-oommo¤wos1tn*s · attorney, ¥>’°}” °W¤ stated The I€P°¥*· °f.;=;
, K 4 4;Aa§j”£§§4’·  Bell County. Crawford >Ais one of the news- ~ Fm? c°¤?m1SS1°¥1A·,m‘1?¥S€_m9@$#;4_@
mnt 4* ;;jj;jC§‘¥§f"`  ;j;Aiij-ii ‘*\ paper men `shot in the leg on going into Har- {lg; gsgizgg1`$§;;1h3§éf€P*;¤§;d%f.-.F;
t 3.%% ` ’l C t.     ."   ‘ ; .    
QQ;   · A ] an   Xerox ot_,tue_s;tost1oo,*· as'Crawford Aimed by i1¤>assasés‘printed`i${:‘ ;‘;.<.¤_A_}·l}l ~ HG did ¤0t ¤1t€rY1€W 3 S1¤§I€ 00211 m1¤§F» . have Trefreshed your memory as—?
ld, I  ‘:.;_\ A§j;é‘\;Q·i;y§;_j?4‘ or- anyone representing them., It was_  tothe tBStim¤DytgiY€¤A*aDd the  
from ‘   ·‘,§;fj‘4%"·my‘ l_1k€ taking Lthé t€5t1§¤0¤Y Of. th€_°0m‘ circumstances under which the  
; and _ ·;_ I;.}/l ,, monwealth .1n_a doz n cases and clos· . hearings were couductedx .AThé i
Here _ ` ` ?·°·'  e _ing the case without hearing thoyootoose " testimbne, mfutéé Ay6m;_j irreji
*_ P6' Crawford and tummg It Over to the Jury ; ; sponsible charges. .Thé circtim-Q';
glues · 4 _ »As one who was a member of. the Dreiser émnces _ that is to Say» Athé _;
rucks committee, I wish to say that you have made an amaaingly bold .haDdic&pS imbdéed by mg EOM »·_.  
thern _misstatement. _ -` T ` I4: V. ‘-   `. A`   _ .` ` ‘ -` ` ‘ A ··   ·’ *;°·i
-milk ` Surely you, a county attorney, sensitive to the interests of coal, gggggtggs S1I;d1;;¢};d§i2?g;;é‘if·;
‘ operators and alert to "red"4activities,_readthe A A   · ‘w€r€·such as to mak'! yéLi1_.at;ié
nite," ¤€WSPeP‘” YBPONS 9* the ‘D’°‘S€" h€“““gS· . . . .·—A·   ‘.—`   tacks on the committee ‘·--reeiérf
:5 2;; yo.?§§§w’iiittt§sp%%22h§;2-?ASEES§§.$'°$L§é?:·   lrimi i¤si¤¤¤¤t$i¢~ir¤e..·<¤ée¤.¤e·:i:é
{Sweet itunity to state its _case. Tworepresentatives ‘>   _ dlixggt ggglltig g1;;¥g‘;§£{`g 
ought of the defense, Sheriff Blair and Commong _   ,t at., ~ H .1   _ 4AH  .113;;
(Sy Wsoiuys Attorney Brock, the former reluctantly · ·_   S3 V gw- d at W   A.  sg;
Aé ,. and the latter with at least agesture or that   Fm? *6% A..°.¤°FJ.l°T*¥PA. F*?V~2<·l9$;·q
m8“ fairness which should characterize a public'   V_€$.F1gaU°_D» °£f1°1§l4_§F~r¤h0¥fi7il5
ll; mid official did testify before the? Dreiser com-   Clal-` Tli€YA_are.‘·‘p0i;nmittéd 10 ai;
*1}* ls mtttoo 'A · ‘ - f     A e ·   *7* ‘‘‘   — policy `orsthonoosloionts=.A·.—.fr1iey;_§
  And. surely you know that Judge D. C. Jones`; . if     Ymldete ,§h§;1%W$"U-léliljf 
e-@,0 after indicating he would appear before   Q _‘ ° °_A "   P   'i_"`- T,?_A_ `‘`°` "Tf_1?‘Tf`-‘iT_;
I -   `oommittee, squirm_ed4 and finally refused "€0—.`-`  ._._ ;   · -. ’   ?‘V-P ··_—  `fQ.-§·;i·1.;`¥_if-’·?r?_i·_§·¥¥vt1:;-]
i‘·` appear; · A . 4 A I · ; 4 . I °   ‘ .  
_ ·i‘mer* `But if you did not get a complete report _of»    .-i .. _ AA= _A _ iq   [yi}; ‘AA, ;°_ ·_";;;j};.`ijza;-§_;.—.“
e into the: hearings from the_p1·ess,_ or from Acoal   ‘·`  ·    ·:`   ‘ _  ggggg gy   ;.4_ag._‘_;  jr;  
C ta-“*p* °"§““°”S't“°§§*i“i,“€f thm? ‘“§;‘“‘gS·S§,“§; 3    S¤¤·=¤— I »   ;  A.·‘ ts;   .A;.a®~;.:.i;t..¤;a»;;.;·
re er you o e 00*, " ar an mers __ ea ,   . J   -A .A 4A 4- A   ;:;_·x; .-1;  xt ·;;.;;£,;;. A-
pndalg embodying the testimony taken Ibly th; cgmmittee, and-published  j-2·A__; *t·`   lj‘_.i4;.;·‘ 
dg to _A by Harcourt, Brace & Company, ew or ’.:    1 A -?_ i‘ _ — . — 4 {A __ _A .r;j;_;.;if.i`VA .§jAt.i¤j;.;_A§ 
dg-__1‘§-. In this volume you will find   ~_ -       Y-.   -_"' - "_“     4{;~.lA;‘_»Q¥ {jid;  
$1.9aQ- theA·ie.stim¤ny of both Sheriff A Anisir sotrcootmoowositu Attoi--_   *~·A  ;·;A  ;.__;4g;o.»-»··
      ney Brockgfof.th_eAf‘defense.{¥.   V it   fg .A  
°   two would give them a monopoly V _ I'} ‘_tl$¥*$ ;VP1‘}m? A·Y—9l} Fm jlud 4_ _ .;.5; ____ gi!
’m°¥*g of the- milk industry here;   t€St*A¥¤9UY.:t9fg.¤iI¥*€.¤·Z}@Jl‘:“Y 4   JS Fei,  
Qt .‘.’ ‘ . ‘ Murphy regards too condition <><=¤¤.r-a‘.1>~.i.eP»