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I _     T1mss_pub1ishes today af{ew._é1i}Spin§s'A1jeQa§'
' ‘ . A A, tive ‘-tp‘.t1f1e’ adventures of V oollegé studéntsjin.,  
  . , ooupty. Many more _cou1df’be‘;epiiinteg,`(;      
.   . A A/-Tzu: Tmzs said, Wh€1‘i_'T§EODQi\§·i]2!iP'§I§'Q§§R’§_.}’iSi{7  ·
· · ~.__ · (Eastern Kentucky was receiYing*‘wide°;51ib1iéity,jt1iat
A »   Mi. Dnmsmvs ·so1e, `or 1najo1g,".'objeotive,_ pi·oba§ly_ 
‘ V the front4_page,__but when he .was inciicte_d_    
` HP believed that?bfTtaptica.1;erroiA·_yyas;'ma¢ie`,‘;,§.nd.that[§{s`
\ Aipublicity-seeké1j,· the accusea_.w¤s‘vtne;ggappy.. 
  hq · xiciarw Sq?     ·     .s-. 1  ‘
_ , i A.  Had Dem F9?-_*2¢€.¤ 1¤§*9*°§e..;.e¤d  Y°T¢{»¤29_..
I .. e U3 . VETRANK and his group nojgbeen_put1_out5o§ B€uA:AQOEl§§X-  
· , Al-the students`wH0se puttingfoutgccasi0ned‘.a'f1o0i1 _·
_ A ‘ —»-\ . ;¤r¢pub11q11;y_.m news coluinns; and ’a*_·va.st'·am§unt Ao; {
      ~ , mmment in bditqiel ¢=¤1¤¤¤¤¤· »tb¤#i¤.4i¤9¤v4P¤ag€*?*%¤ 3
    ?’{;#;#i  ra L — i tothe miné agéa, 'hardly'w0u1d have headed-fo;·_Kenj {
  is} i ( V . tucky.‘ . ’     .· .·   Q %__-.,_ ‘     in    . Q
1;   ` l ` _ . 2. The Arkansas Adelegation n0wA en A-route fof Arma; Q
so     i {B ‘ ¤¤€» ’¤¢1¤¤g.'¤¤??¢S ¤f me B"? ¤fLBi¤*&¢S *ts>..¤¤>ri*&$ E
t  til V   i W': in? *9 ’°“°e*h?.€"‘=‘y= F°* P¤F“°“¥;.LPi°“P?>*F9?  
fr ··~· ¤ *%~»».·=¥*€·~:¥·¤».w.·»¢--<¤-·>·-»··-#=;=¤w»— .r its inspiration from exclusion of the students from .·
  _¥§}};}§A?55;ggngA3§gg.:§‘¥i§g%t}~&(Ziib1é;&ixii6q1§   i g - A- me East >·_ _   . t V. . i e _ .. ..   .     {
: 4 ·.Aw:-"·‘=¢3;*.»:’>#‘;:'f2tv;~2€.‘.$QE;·`2‘f¤?;L¥·§€E;1?.   V-   __ - A _ AA · --   . f   ',_v_ ' ._ A ` V   -.   _· xi ,;_:i r =
      A A it Tpé pglicy 0f· eizcilusion has made Pineville gtiie  
£    .   sounding board` of everyone who cares   insist that  
    ‘   `- ¤¤¤¤¤* ¢f¤¢¤¥S We ¤¤ lighi *=¤ ¤=€¥¢¤* émeée PF s
      A, - yisitors uponmissions of inquiry. -_ ‘·   _, _ , _ E=> a
    gg?} A· ` _   A As a. result Beli County suffex·s_!xjo¤;_·intei·na:tioi1ai 2
      ;· 1111 advertising, e -`t· " ,3;,,. ~ » é   ;_: ez -   _<·-ai} .:5%.  
ii  ~   ·» V  T¤¤"'m*Es. eymbiihizés Y”*h“$é*¥ **°¤¤F>*`°?¥i°¢¥$$’»? `
FI  gut§ , A. sed with ¤€h°’ ??£°P`°?°¥£’**?a¤S·.[?’¥‘° 'd9?¥‘E -i’”??FLP'P$YT{  —
      . - A ‘ Aloads of ba11yhooing_ busybodies iumbeping into Pine; {
,. ¤.··$¤;g2·§*7>$E‘?‘;- :·;#»-`J.;-: i~·.~iSr    ,.;.:44 ,? ,,_,_.; . · ’ ‘· ‘ · · ‘ — - ' ·~ "# r ·`  
?·%;  56;.% 1 Q » · ·,"*“°* ‘pr°’°‘**"¥:'“*’? .“°. ¥“°¤‘?$“."?'??“*?°¥* *3 £*°.***°*?· 4
;;g —S·é.;:3;€;g;~_ ..-. <    A   than procure publicity, and _ without gany. .i7easonalg1_e .j
is     .·~».   .~·V ii   ;-.:.L- I T-1 ‘ »2..·h¤pe.iassur€d1y.’.cfbeing the benefecms pf. ¤¤y"¢1¤ss, 2
  {E?  1 ~ U. . PF bf FmYb9dY·» .‘‘ iB?*??maSmV°i‘e i**$.·P€”°”¤Z-Yi*7h°i.  J
      ·i-:.-5iQA   ‘ A vioiated`_n0‘1aw`oannot   qhasepi p¤;<6g_g;¤y‘_ éouxitj 5 .
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F, R l ,_ i*’ ‘ ‘ [invites neW»inx?asiqns,€oteating ‘1rioféf?pj;b1icit§. A}. *I€ 1 l
  . i-..<~ 9 - 4 - - . ..= x, ·   -.4-     ~  —»·-   ~.=— ~*;·
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