S      1 .   
J- -___ B. . Q "QX V| Q Q“/S-E Q"' |]]Q HOME
  ESTABLISHED 1886—ISSUE N0. 14,735 I . 1-g·.—·.;»_;:.»e.v.;A_  »_vv 2  §::_4»;, .`.  .. `   , I  ’ I
M f   ,       Sousa; world famous band lnnstcrvl       {T:.     t S R · I V. tl f v~..v l`   >~       H}; {-Z   {El Z       H      ,      —· _
EDU 30 t‘€l`S · ES died ld ms mom in the Abraham  '~Q;E.:.g_:;_`  gg ·   SF . 0g9t`S S |0ll'I1 0   v-,·’ . ..   . _`,_ ;;;_, Qi;  I,-·_§Q;- ,_».w·z    gay I4-- ·A  Lo ‘· M . ’
2 L4 Per cent Wm Raise mmm M? beam 12:30 L m_   ._`»:~   :__   Unknown Assa"ant_Fam_ ,2;..;. \»`.   _. ,. ,__. .:..f;.;:,e;    ..i_f.,_g   VV:»     We W1ll Also Follow Any Other Measure
_ _ . hi 1 I l   t;.,:_:;,L   _ .   _.:_ _ _ _           r l-:     .  »:¤__, ">.;,§L. '
Over Halt BllIl°ll· Lash Iggzkng 0 ow ng A mor     lly Hears Fnrmg, ··,·, ,.. ·;-·;gz/—_d;}·»>j v\»»—   >j;_._, _v,.__ .- _'   ..,.   Sll§g€St€d by thi? I<1(lI13.p€1‘S, Message;
_ d _ + Sousa cam., here sdm;-day td f,l;{i_`f;i =·;-   ‘ g;V _· L _;=.._...   . ;_;§:~  · .=  » · »:_;§j;;;·;*1_-a=g=;·I=3 A   , ‘     ¥   3   .fi?;f'       "    in l· · ` ` ...
_ _ Ho had itteuilsd 1;] recelwtiru.   .     i —     ILI__-‘: i    I  .  j; SMOOTH WAY FOR CHHJD’S RETURN
· on or e o   ·’’’ ‘ ’·Y = ·-Tai ‘v-o   , ·   .-o» ¢  .ee.SZ.;·  `“   »i}».’*¢  ’o.`’    .-*» -.     
Home Brews, 01I, Telepléone ;‘;ub“0fRmQg and hddyrgfuzg   ,_-,.·   ldv   . , . l Mtgtve of Slayer Is Mystery; _·__   _;_;A;§[..;,g»;;;._.·.2,;.ji;g§e,.  i._.. E;   ·  
And Tele ra h Attecte · t his 1 tu h t 1 h 11   —’-.· . — F , .   · a *Have Been Holdu J   ».iT`f  :=;<..  ‘l.   " ' · .
g p _ ’ bzcamsriam Sul: hz; slgcgim;   -,—v   I; .>   . I   y p ;_      in- ejl.~¤»  j__j Z_·  _g ·v,· g    {edd   { , d NQ\V Tack Illli€1'l(.l€(l. to l\[3.l{€ It E2lS1€l‘ FOP
l¤¤0m¤ TEX UD- w¤B.wm,—;,,·m .   .r==r   ‘.-‘   =  J - Ma" °' E"°l¤Y- 1-i» ‘`·:‘ f < ’‘:T·         :I»   ’ · Abi to to A I;IfB 1, I H Idb T {
, · .,*—i  . ·— `’»· ‘ `1 .. ¢ ·`   J if; -~,— a;.,"3’i¤.j‘Q   _ “t€`j:~A  “       -   (UC I‘S C 21 Y S C y I‘& —
· ——- ` Me b f‘ I his I mil     v_ _ ,.   ‘ _ _ . V i -· ~·»» ;   _._.·.:·>··,e ~   F  , · .§;;;;;;;;;\sIgg;.d.:.~   ·   ·   _ . ' ·
is unit are • “°°m§]d i:d¤“"’ °"l’°°Ed tl'; "g?‘l;   ‘'‘· ‘>` ‘·‘. hit I     i' ` ` Elbe t s' R · l`.i:`Il:1x>.‘*>¢Z ‘>"=`?> it       .  *¥·=-`J¢.#*  '.‘ ’ fICl{€I‘S IH Sl70l€lil Clllldféll ‘
’ ° °° _ _ some time-today. The body prob-   ?>’·¢·.   ·   _ " · · Il ' °g°r°' 54'y?"`°ld ‘i`   liv;  -.-z,.;"YiZ¤rE=€·-<·-{2;*._ .   xl "  . ~  `I    . I   ·
WASHINGTON A tax bill de ably wm be rammed to his home   ,_;,_     —_.-   , _   stdrekeepen wu shot thru tha     ` >g;§d;;;.<  _ 2};  ;     1  » I   _ . - _. ,
signed to raise $1.0%.000.000. New York City; fm. bum1l_ '       More byeo mysterious assailant nt .   f ’°'. `. _‘ rl.,   L;   §;__~:{--‘ ‘     ’. `
renreseutfnz a ·¤t¤1¤e¤d¤¤s effort . The famous nano conductor and .§;¥j·;:j    hte llttls store at 1806 Boyd I r"`‘=   ‘·`’· Y FQ .I`··-.   Fi'.  `     ·.   ,.   ,.Q   ·`·- . By BATES RANEY, 4 .
*° l>¤l¤¤°° **1** budget-by l°VYl°¤ °°’“l’°“°' was ‘° l’“'“°‘l’“‘° ’“   ``’’.°   ‘.* €“Y}.· ‘».... J s¤oe¢.Meehau1e¤v111e, mm 7.,0 .:1i‘;-~‘?.’¥·i;`.§=E;fI3:é?i·.i;§3    ·.‘.`  ..     Qi? .».- *7 ¤·····¤ ¤·r=··¤¤-¤¤··~=·»»···¤=¤=
¤¤·2¤ me ¤¤¤l=¤¤·¤·=*<¤ ·=f ·=¤¤ly ""‘i~§`2';$5%l”l1J*§§.‘l§%‘Li§'$.§3°.§‘§;   evrf     ;_f 51.1 ¤·¤¤·=¤·=¤¤»··¤¤¤¤=.. `   .‘~r.—    ‘`‘ `  ».;_i¥.%%2 ‘.·;    S- .>. f      HOPINVELL, N. J. —c¤1. and no. cinues a ·
°"€l'Y l°°l'¤°¤ l¤"l¤° .°°“¤*l`Y· w“ eomplaluea or betug lll upon his   _.__   The two shots rnngin the dm.   ·».°.1» z   —     ·§£‘-¥\;.§..-;$§i_i;    .1,.· yygudbcd-K1] turned to the New York underworld toda for as-
¤°l¤Pl°*€¢l $=*l“l"dl’·>' lllglll l>>' the arrival. 1-to was extended s wel-   1»·.’L·.:;.c··.if?;a.-2`·=.=;-;:2;.. ’»‘. Z¤ ·‘ ~*’·>.=·. gm, E, · { H [ 2`>@=..·2—.;;-a.,-g ~·`~ ‘·   . =sl¢-2=.¤1’·2é. . :_¤  is ».»·   s.e §:»@g..?¤._-   . . . . . y
House Ways and Mum Commlb coma and had {mended me club .,.,,,.;;,::2  All   o g s am y, ga bored 1,, the ,;;;$§_¥,,§;i·;,_; — ,1, H     ·~~ ;~_;§ ,;     ..;i_;,;.l;·—   v,_.;.,j, sistanee in reeovermg thenr kidnaped son.
tee; - · ·- reception apparently in the best or ,@,.,j_e.;:,·g·.¤j?;;¢,;;,:.i,5._ag.n  V.; . home adjoining ths'store. Ons   ” .   - ;·_ 4·         I .. — ·       In a, frantic appeal for the return of Charles Augustus Jr.,
The bill. which will l¤¤ l¤*l'°‘ health. _ TMS Spldndld pmdrd Dt me young daughter nsw the father   _ _·   ".   °- ',1_  _ evr. ‘ _   ·EYaEI* `   -·¢ *   they announced that they had authorized Salvy Spitsle and
gléiedéfistbheflixse Glfcjndiiéigg H9 Wal! S¤'i¤l<¤¤` ¤l1¤l"ll¥ lm"' handsome bandmaster, Johns stsgger rt-om the store porch and   -1 i '   ~ I ‘· W.     ·`·,·.  ·_ ¤ 4    `”-       Irving Bitz, whose names have been linked with gang activities
chui}_man’ wm be ;8k€n·l;p about lhs!Dzzxliveglnlgnhgmizzzrgtelygeglgl ggxgdsig1éilnélu;its0:;;e;p:§rTg; fall. another. itilugugn at the   ._e’ ed.; ,»V »‘‘»   `   ··_V` _`  I -   .       in Manhattan, to serve_a§ gg-betweens with the ahduetors, n
the lmlddle or the week. - tel ,mddhEd ddidd his hm vim in Knuxvmel Scum. same me saw` e or anon   . _       4v_r · 1:1 ‘,i;§e,>:»,»;,.;?;.;_ should the latter be unwilling to deal directly with us.
fT:° *****1** °‘ '~ll° l=lll lll E m““‘ Sousa was 77 years old. · is but known for his famous away on toot _ln·1he darkness,   » 9 ·._‘ · ·> =· "   Spxtale is the man the late Jack (Legs) Dlamond said police
gaze tllxsegglcswailylgheglgtlhltgcl Sum w“‘°°° °t that Hmm marches. W°¤*`°“ But"` ‘A"““°‘l n .` ‘   Y -_fr;‘jl   _`.»   · 3—   ’`'>    `  should look for in event Diamond was murdered. Diamond was
·· ·:= s "ss:1s,o_oo,ooo_ - Egspdgsgugi **;;*1] lg': `§;§l;;€§;{   R¤a'¢¤‘S WM deed .l>€f¤l'¤ Mfival   Q_"_>[_`f_ ‘`"1 d 3.., gr I     _..v QQ-:}_·_· killed in {Albany a few months ago, but _Spitale was notsrrest-' U
" · '  "‘~'  mls .l>*‘°¤·l mx or musleat taste and appt-eetntlon et G°ll°l‘¤l H°¤lJlt¤l· Tll°l‘° were   · ·`.’     _,  gt, ig -`·· . jg»;_- ,._. I a ed.- Bltz IS said to be an associate of Spitole.
' Q I . Tay 0 Y ..   e w inlthis country.     “¥““u “’°““d‘· l“}°l‘ “"mlghF,ll¤V¤  igjg, *’`*` 1   VQ} "i·f.%¤·°"   In namingithese two men as go-bctweens, the Lindberghs "
g,BAYR‘°·ig·`t),: H°"'v°l'-*··ews lu  . '  " TY °f Sunnis musical at l " laafslilegelcluttlhllli lll; 3tli?I;l;;?b¥"°l‘     `.'j?Z_·;_ ;?.f~»g·..:. Q ._,»     2:;.* are believedto have smoothed the way for their child’s`retur¤
 . its; qdmb__!;l;ecla1;oxe1,g,, · ’ °°”ll¤ ' Ulu I; uumahl mnluub I . l I ‘ I I I ` `   Over the MM2 and ldwdd me iu: ·..`.    T.  `?.Z£,` i`   “ i :*1 fi ‘ in case he is held by an organized gang of kidnapers. 4 B¤th' ~ .:.2;-·
’**·°~"'*¥U§d,;.;·- _"’*¤¤ S em”"·¤£sd “  '=' ` ° d   · F ·· ' l   ·   N ef " i ‘·.1 I   ;·T ·`    {fi i·`·‘ '   · ‘ - · J ‘ · ·‘ ‘ th N — York u¤der·~—-e—;,"*"·”,‘
"·—¤  · · , ' °¤¤a was b lll IB H  , , \ { ¤ldR·. · _,,_ -. _. .. .,1., .;,;v_ .;   >_,._e;y _=; .¥;;._·,___;;—_;·»   _ Spltalc Bild Bits are familiar names rn v ¢_ BW _ __ hpbhg    .
··   °"l_lxl w£:;lc.t , ` ··  '-  I V _ Bind so In Poekeu   _ 5 °.,. B .;  ii   _.»»__   _‘_.—   =._ A;.—e2’;.~;.jj·;g;g§_.j·‘gg.;¤j.  world and would be known by. an qrg¤¤}Z¤*{?l'{:§gh‘°b 
‘ °  · ,,_  ’ `  »   - Defective Chief. F¢>serlY .e- . gi;   f,i··  3;:*:  ·f*T  mlfflcklllg “‘ ‘“°l“I Yh‘l_‘?,l`°}°‘  e ·=‘= i’i¤L`*·?%° ¥>.= -¢i:..·i
 may " " ‘ ° ° “ “ ‘? ‘“  “   YS.,    .—f.·   “.lf   ·.». ?Q.·§f-??i* *  · ‘ —* =‘-l ¤¤¤f * `°?* ”      ‘’ii ·‘·~~~1§