` *°]l`¤i;§d§g%5·*;:V·3§‘;· broad tu responsxone nur me o¤.er.,,,........‘
ll ,. ¤ · li l lt t d ltl · , . ,/.v   ...,..  
my em géiiieoaseigysovsgg QL-'Zél§ i‘Lu.‘l’§{? ““ “""'°° °       Z.€.t‘€l°$iI3}.d’é{°§§é§?£;.E‘i;i§’r{1552   *   t   .,  ., V   .. _ lj,       .,... .¤., .,.o   w-.-.,,-c~,..-
x y T e ew; 0 Sp · lc - b X m - _ _    _‘   ‘ ···..‘=;::~,7' ` · 1 · ‘ . .‘ · . "` _‘ ; . · '_·e~
n bm names increased income hwg cm-cer and ir0mp0m:)s§Ssls1;¤Sre]u¤:_ A _ _ H   ]:g;‘et;‘d.g:•?s *31; Ktigallln-e steel-  tv;)     V   2 .4   I   F 4 V are ganauélng gbesel.-two me¤;os;go_-betweens,·the Lmclberghs V _;_
atieetlng the ordinary pers0n,_in- ]i“e;msmry’.0( mls Coumry and . · · Ovuoum hun and hwflt brig: _ v·;,v ..L_   ,;_:;  ,       Q .; __ ji _e love`. to; BVQ slno0theg1.tl1eyva}§f011 than chlldls return ~ ;»
S;-eaefi estatle taxes and at gilt of the wérm for nvm. halt A cen. I I M A N Hideh _ V _ ¤ tl1e_ · .       · z         V.}; _» gl vioie ·l1ed1sBl§elv§ uyfan. orgamzed gang 0f kiduapere Both »
X. · ¤ reuse corpora on axes . J - _ ‘· -· `· ·· · ., ···. ,_  .,    ·‘·>f*‘Q§·;?*'~·:=·£.;E¢?j‘ .·’y*’y 3 [ ,‘,·   -     ·‘ ··"‘   1 a c Lan '   ‘ ' " ‘ -, ‘ V. . ‘ ‘. - ;
and e. number or epcelol oxclee §§’,},{,·,¤T}‘°‘$h·hL“‘[$m“?$Q §,i§ §'°{" ; ‘ . . ‘ n · · _ mud so In reekeo ~ _. ·.-· .   ...···,     _     V_.-.,   » wind. . d. $13 $9 e¤¤¤h¤r Daum m .‘h°,N°” Y°'k .““d¤*· l
ex eom z· tn r - ¤ " " °' @l° · 1 . ‘ . - - .,*··   z   · .     — · . . ““· w°“ E }<¤¤W¤ by- au orgamzatxoo wluch ml ht b .
t es,_ , e `o em {novel l famous hqndmaswr dm not hwg tr _ x. t_ -#7-1-., T I Detective Chlel Fogarty rc· _    ·,  ;;4;¤y;.»;»g·_ —%5:;¢.f?:!j,¢g_y,¢<,gl,L;,;;  _ .   ,_ ir _;. -_ _·  trafhcking in Stolen childr ~ , e., . 4 ..,,   g B ·
_ chB“c{"·   H   ' . some port, or whlil; he had norAm9l`|U8¤ Teac 8l`?‘B¢ tell BY :°“l°%'-Il; STKE wie being B gd ·   eg       ‘ `;{Z" ·`   V=°' .7 ‘ . {tu ih _ kidn ETL · " Y · V '
Tnx n cme rows ’ commemorated ln ls muelc.` _] ` · mm ° ° ang EB °Y K1" *1- ·» J·3.‘~  . TT&‘·?°`  I   `»   ’·iz’~2,&.i-‘~·&»5..   L   ` -’ I ' 2 BPBPS of 0111* ohi1d‘a.r will' I ·
. » - 3 — -— .,;». _;.·;.  ..,2. _;;.,;;,.¢   ;;r;,, Q   . at 1 _. _-· .. _, .. . · · , . ° lm mg W d€¤·1
Among the special excise taxes SUHSH WAS b0l‘¤ i¤kW¤$h$¤EV~¤¤. » p Troops A Sha Qhal. __ motive and a grudge moth .' 0-, _ . ;:";.·`·  .3*%`?`%.-%i;',·ZN`E*:l··’.·" ` ‘d“"rFct Wh us": the aPP°&1‘$md»—“W€ full? 8·¤th°?iZ°` $31*77- `
are xs cent: e gallon Von mon. ·N¤v. 6.H?4, theego or;. Porltu- · ·w- _ énrty szld deed laid;} learnle ure; z   V . _ - . _ _      . , [ I .,5;    " V -     .-Spltale 8Jld’I1'V1!1g’;BiT»Z to act as our ko-between. We will ‘
eyruv. 40 per cent ed velorem on suese a ner ¤¤_ a » nvnr nn Hy HERBERT n. —— · n °$°” an ° ` ¤ °” The 5 `-‘Th »l ·· tt' " ‘.*’" ‘·o ':¢         .’.-   ‘ ’ ‘ " `V " ‘·r - ·‘   ¤ V.-» ·
gl-aps concentrates and 5 cams meme,-_ His ;,,_th€,·5 {emily ymd umd P;_"sin"c°» B‘l?*m·$- » Llny Bm,-E_ · Undurtakgr, g und ..bDy·U§;¤;!.3;egrf?¥iLd%“Gs§é1*1. the .Pllldl5er§ltdThqme,»whpee_ _ AISGJOHOW lilly 0th€I°.I|1€3§\1l'€ suggested: by_thg.}¤d¤¤_pm·S,. .
` .--—·—;---- VVVV ~»--.4 been driven from Portugal ln the SHANG A V ""‘?""‘¥°“‘ about S5 ln curfe n ev in the g•_?}lhr“0ld_‘;§;bn“_’,§lid wliuhaupsggg E3i;°g§a;1?§;;:ébi;¤{;b?;g   , that we_ca·E }7€_$UJ`€   bflllg the I'€t`\11'11_0£ 0'l11` chjld," ' c ' ":
, ”·=r¤'= ’¤¤¤rr·~·= T¤== R·w¤*—·¤·=¤ ¤r rm Md he *¤¤—¤·· Umm elfZe.I·o2?.““?“"’ “’“‘° £°°"°‘“b°&" mf? ZL? $123322 ‘° me*¤¤·===¤¤¤¤:¤¤.¤·=·..z¤»·¤¤¤¤».¤4.l.l..t...le.o,»eél¥·e¤¤t=l€lr§*tY¤d-¥· ··Tl=e latest. Lindbergh omme.4t‘»;¤q.t€leph¤¤ee one ort - ‘
_ V Table Under New Bill was berridln $¤¤¤¤· ds ` to Japanese aufllloglaegruazagig hidpggxgreythz attack D" llizzegli xgmiugatrilgyevgzi mlce;c<;w_1¤¤_l¤; no wa.yfbeen"c'on¢v· cre at the state house in'Tre¤t0n. _'1'here was no mention ogauy
_ .; V (By Ulxltcd rem) ' km M1 B"' . against an attack on Miss E. Ruse ' A light zray telt hat was found the kmmplinko j I · _· · .'·*’*“°P¤h°*·l.W§¤·*·¤l}<€¤ ¤h¤¤'¢lY;b€!f¤r¤, arrangements that might here beenmade with the two meofor
- ""S“3"“°'“ " ‘“°"°“"“ a.£°§§TH2l`i“ “}l.§E°..E’t?3‘}.’ed“‘iZ“§ K‘;"§‘”·l.““ "“""‘°““ ‘°“°“" r° "‘ "‘°l.§‘°"3 “‘°¤*°m·=¤ me em-     -. - ~ mum ¤r rh·=~b¤l>s·- — = a < · ` ‘
xncomoaxeyrtl ‘ ‘e., apst ll u1_ ll n lt ld tbl tit-   **"¥ V   .· ..   ’ V , _·
cmzen under {gy-ng; :;,5;:5; street; or Washington ln Clvll was severelymbgaegl ig gg., :32 e;.S,Detecuvcsuqnellgvznit umlgit _ _   · · `· · . thkepogts hir; Mlmhauif? sgld that ipltale was `mgqded m
bill are Shown gu me following War days, Hle lather was rt trom- wrecked Chapel dlstrlct ol Sheng. belle been knocked from the ' ` .` ' ’ · ‘ · B lm crww there B? a rlgbt Huy ·, one who cmlld bi? do-
‘ table, pompémrlngiqnexv rates with lzglxst :nIgle'gJnlted1`h§ta;esuhla; hal. _ ownexgsdheagd durlngg scuille that V { r ' ` 1 ' . · . , ~ ., P€nd§d_€1?°Dft°hk€€Pfh;5 W0Td· V
present ra es. o allowance ls rn 0 5 He. S 9¤ 0¤ Mies Marlow was beaten by re. Drece e t e shooting. t, , A I `, ' . · ‘ ; _ pl a e, at er 0 our small sous was arrested in 1923 .
made for taxes passed t tn “ ·+·—-—·—"_"‘ " lt; It was tlrst thou ht 12. ` . F   ` ' . A ¤   c , ` BR I " ‘ · . · ’ `
r Vort um. in rh. oo. t:;\$.,,.; - ·· iii; .»J‘i&‘1“ ;l2§l’“?§?.§l"‘;§: ·»·¤ ws ·~·:·»m»·l»¤ “w¤ull““.L »    1 or -   - M   ~ ·   ~ V V . W   . ?“f$`°§“°'$“ °h“’r$° "“‘ “” ““°’“‘*“°"‘ Wm "’°l‘*’“ le V
§°"“ Flr bulk   bm   SNOW FALLS IN D|TY` bo., do V..0VV d by ..,. M VVVVVV ,   To-   VVVV wl. » - r x ·· 4 r o   r   · ·     ·  ·‘ .2..io·¤2l§° A "‘?;“if“°““" M“‘·‘.?°“°’ ‘“‘ °°““°°“°“ `“‘“”’“‘ '
, or wh D1 no estimates are pos- _ _ uttnck on Chlneee tr-mp fm-mul Dwbably the lam person lo· the V ' I ,   I ` " 4 V ` l / I J "*;. ' ` 4 S ea 8 was quote Yu Sayililg he WHS Uthfll with
_ sibkgmeh will d- F V. . 4-d defending mu district. 5 Y More below the shawn; HB Bm;] PI‘O]Il1S€      ¤¤¤1 was not
h;c__m_ 'r*:?° Qsw mantle of Snow Over the City anu. · _ Rnggrgl whom myghbur, No ¤¤5' Werpoeslble the sate return the Rev. George J. Creswell, preel- at home and she dld not know where 11 was. { .
1 te She was attached to the bhun - E
S   ........... Fog? $.:7;%: {lr? brlnglng qqcaslungy nun-rcs Tak Guys school which is zum gardied hlehly. had operated th.; ci the child to his grlet·etrlcke¤` dent ot the ·K¤oxvllle Pastors · . .L_;_ f
MM   NISE $5-W uf eatmg I-aim — ated with the Southern BH UBL oy Street store for three years, pa;-gut; - _ C¤¤!€l'e¤ce. But I should be glad
mlm ........... zs.1: sign The soowtall is the second Mleslon Ml M l p and had vb°°“ ”· “'·°*'€k°€l>€¤' d¤¤`· " Whilv church people today ex— '~°·B°°“*'° the *’°’~“*"¤·°Y l-he mud        
-_ s.0¤¤ ........... sg sg _·;e.¤u Kymxymé had this w1mE‘._· Lan Id · EB ar °w has been ’ lng hls 12 years ln Knoxville. The 'pected to otter prayer ln all er - »bY EKVWE $¤¤¤1\1¤l!Y ¢¤ $*5 ¢>¤Dl0l'¤. —
  fr}|l a lew {lakes of snow tell ln 1 ;·;;r:m at the Orient mr °°m° f¤¤lU>’ moved here about 12 Joes in the MW Y0? U18 U¤¤U¤SS ZY I believe what p“"°rS' (00* www         ·
per gallon on malt, all deslg;-me cold r3l¤_ They melted pn much The incident aroused made I years ago from Sharps Chapel. the baby, Jewgslh Catholic and co—operate ln thls_·· _ I. E
Tin netéeturos lor ghe govergmenr, lng the ground. At 2 a, m. thle lugs 0; American msmmu Oi lin; (Turn to Last Page, Thls Section; Protestant mlnlsters` lest night 'The Rev, Creswell yesterdiw
mm E " Wme rew" $11 DSU! m¤¤'¤i¤§ {GDS of bulldlngs end {memau I tu -*-;*1 . D¤'¤¤1 8211 immunity to the k|dua,pv· a.sked_Ki1o;vlllg ministers gu hmm By unnoe mos, ‘
which flourishes desplte vprohlbl- there were covered with a white has remgllnzd f§;X'f\?;u:?tl'€l:;:;;Q TWO HURT IN CRASH `l ers lr they wlshed to escape their prayers during their servlces to- HOPEWELL. N. J., (Sunday)-—Deepest gloom hung over the
tion. The Treasury estlmatee illm or eupwryakel hosmmes between Cmnesa and _._ . r crime by leaving the baby at u day {or the mmm 0; th€`baby_ Lindbergh home on Sourland Mountain early today as the army nf
$50,000,uuo 3 year {rom une It will be mir and colder today. Japanese troupe eosplte me with- CMS C°md° M E”° Em °‘ Hm °1“"°h °" “’“°€°g· , "1 think lt would be wise-to *’°“°° °°“'°·"°‘* mw "°’° "“l‘°“° ¤· ¤l¤¤ ¤¤ the whereabouts or
solace. tl l t b ;°c‘:1rdlu8· TED Weather Observer drawel ot the Chinese defending Avenue Bridge. `: atTgE5 A°I°H°°" Legion was ready gram, immunnylu me kidnap"! gate of Mme Charles A. Lindbergh. Jr. Four days have Fused Bmw
18 mo on p c ure pu lle and an ers. he temperature ea.rly‘ arm towru·vfNankl¤g- . · T "_` °· · l m uums “°'~l°° W furnish in order - to have the baby re- ° was ““°h°d‘h°m his °"ib· U
;g`f;SHg`;t`;°   ;l;;c;Q{;“;;‘g ;kQLiSmf;Q;‘;]§n;’°: ’;‘;“g‘3 Q7   The Chluere revorts sald Jepe- cen;-;1D§2;;?€alwl;;i   igeflffu`Zhs&1§ig0’!f:§n;%;_“fE d‘“Y l¤r¤¤¤·" Said gabbl Milton Gree¤· Save for therncle left on the*——jé*‘L‘*
· · D S Y u e nese alrpla` fl · _ . ·__ Sar Wald of B tl- lT l. ·*'I - l d lll th l ht th hlld ~ · .
::11;;:),;,::1bS; gmgsmcnal spurt ?niU;£Dn_ it wm again be wld chow and ;\:’i*nni"’d;E{cL;h;0i$§_ gzdalgliogalvllsvgzlhdglniéxéethe east grgzgiréy al“hn£‘eflnfo;FedtSl1e:it talnly should do sgmllie saiecg- za; lz.;?eo,0tll1e akrdgaperse {have gngglflzgnCsuflzzlziigrwsfilxseyoivglre
e o egovernmeot DHE · - Weel-oi Slxanlglml on Frida. d J E T ' " ` . ‘ a°Y VEC 0* ¤· turo ls the ehler eoueldemtlou at malntnloed an ominous sllence '
campaign to balance me budget The wld wave is me rbsun M 3 Simian Eh U · , _>' an ' . . homas. 24, Cumberland drersoo that lt they necd·addl- present`·· · , _ It is no b li d th t Lb . frlghtelled by the iurmldable ar-
iu a 10 Der cam admission lax on disturbance which was moving wurkmglxu tg; 11%-mat iurmero Avenue, had A orulsed chest. and Lmual men ln thls work they have ' ` ' ,, it gv E {N5} fz; I 9 veg my ot luvestlgators and crlmlnol-
all tickets above 25 cents. These {mm C¤¤¤d¤ to Texas Yesterday. por'ts‘eald the Jia Q E- Emu re- Oscar Hendm-som 2B' of 125 Easl umym "°lEph°°° m°‘" · Hwmther W4 B` Cunningham or gul¤¤Llud`l£¤ Uh l fl? or m B d I Ugisu who have been m°bm"d
taxes are expecied to bring in Beginning at 7 D. ml last mgm Ed a mmm vanese ed. land- Main Avenue. a. badly laeeratell rt Clty. county aod,stete‘hlEhwuy. ho y Ghost Church said that ··| uf. in er; s wiat prevente hum I
$90 000000 H · t 54 d _ ` gent 0 troop; in the {m·€h€&d_ _ T Dquce forces were { H 1 e ould simply _reqelv v   hold me  emugh that De weuoru ba mad" m In-`
Ions right lor protectlon against ` -   E. . -—· ret out the kldneoers.
   · c.......     S $500 OOO AID FR OM  1 2 · S [ E gj T       ‘° °°¤*  
::121; ollulnto the United states _ ! _   _ · D     I A Z E l(Turn to Last Page, This Section)
°mP’3 ¤¤ W ih his produc; ‘ \ , A ·. _ , · · . . ·  
(TurotoPa8e Nine,ThlsSectlon)   i’   E             q JO JO Says:
` (The following artlolc, written by Herndon J Evans '-se Llo * ‘ d ` , ' V ~ V A ‘
    Hmm. 0, me Pmgvmm KL Sum shows wmmmng of-um sm; _ ¤ ¤¤ may offer. The lr’*°“ .5·.S°¤lety lrns demonstrated amy to tene car or an 1 e · ' · SNOW
of the task or rolmbllltatln mlno s l tl S tl L · K . ‘*¥°d°r= sev. how teller eau bu glven and real servlce t tl L · ‘ ' B . ~ ca LB ut these °rg8'¤iu!"°M have been dung " ·
. tuokyitconl tlelds and fha Em.]; hgh]; d;°‘:/E ;(<;*:¤;;;sh¤;L `taln people rendered wlthout the lzubllolty and {Imran: Ogiizzgsy, all that ls poosllble to take care oi the problem- - - _ um:. L. s. mt. ou.;
TWO white Men Taka R S ¤¤M¤ esvec ally lntcresung by Mr. Evnns' report ¢X¤“F$l°¤5· _T¤¤lr¤Y the_Quakers eregreedlng more the gg V TOW11$,Strive T0 Help ‘ .
· _ e. that there are l"00 cases o {ll · ·iLl h lm l · — ` ' n 00 chu- ' ` · · ' ` ' `
· 4 tions ln Pluevllleuand that tlilere :.I'§El;1;:l1!.gru!{g;, Olztgixlltllml dren in Eau and Hamm °°um$H’·a'°d “°t A ¤l¤El€ motion plc- . . The w°'k> mm in PIMVUIB i5»b¢i¤E duvlioated ln Harlan ~ ONE M9RE WWRL AT
celpts Fr0l‘l‘l Scarbrough bu · d , .. ll 05* ture machine has been used lnllte dlstrlb tl · d Mud b l » ·, THE OL QVERCOAT AND
. lm gp Hmymh A govemmam ndwmca of $500000 F nk, In {Dv __ _ u on pepjecu Waldo an 1 les oro. Every town le bendlog_ every effort to meet THEN MR MOTH CAN .
TWD uumas)`;~——-Ed. www men in -uould rchnbllltote 50t) Imnllles Ln this eounty," he wrltcs).4 1 rz S °°mm*d ee _b’°‘!Bl¤t Wurmovlng plgture machines, the A the sltuotlun nrlslng from_over-production ln the coalilelds and TRY FOQ-A 'HOLEINONE
fglilgzgsjl flourished plstols end By HERNDON J EVANS azad tt? ;;)trl:>°ut;St::`t:1§lg(l¤I§?1S¥:: sf gmk in paper containers umlleaders in mesa communities are of thc upiuionlthu matters l ~ ` `
‘. ` ¤·¤¤Ser M. A. Searbrough ‘ ` " " °° ‘   · Wu mt be |¤¤lDP»d by egltatdrs who come 1 t · l ' ·  
of his da , _ Kdllnr moevlue, ny. em. Th m . { S th [ IKE _ ~ _ ¤ ° EAP ¤li human _ ,._  zi}
Store, at 1}:eEe giiggttsanzt Bvggég PINEVILLE-Southeastern Kentueky le trylug to rucct the and Plllzvilleixergzlag:E:lll1'.!ll§P€I:ir};1 Mlddlesbom, Hamm Amjsqrn can m9¤ f\'¤m_ Jobs (even tho-they may be underpald),· · , V  
A"€¤¤€. about 7:30 last m hl ¤r¤l>¤¤¤¤ ¤( ¤l¤”¥¤K for her people. If the wm·|d-w[de depmsslo ‘}_"r= ° S*°·'·€¤ fully orgnnueq and ¤'¤°k€l¤€¤‘.i¤ food and clothing taken from pug; worker, in . Cl {Z `
· Detectlvee checking biuéve has hit the coal fields a harder blow than other eeetlong, as man; mr relief work under the qufmsfesiden" H°°v°r‘ All °h"m*' \ other sacuunx · 4 l " Z  
gz; rlobbery gud the shooting Dr 23;,*;*;%kgllltiiéetfnillgegféglgglthis section ore maklng even greater Ziilorgzggsdous geheemucgs Refiiaézh, communlty under- 3 gem ‘ Lam January. mat is. 1931. dmmh rene! Operations were .   Jl a
e eeper . S. Rogers gow;. . . r w o com e. ‘- t. ross, Associated Ch ltl carrled on ln thin sectlon wlth BD dit l L `
1, d t . . Thu one {mug UM tb ld [ I . . d ar es, expen ure ot about $25,000 .
the sgzneneggrsglz Erzmieume I"' resent` above all others ls tixgiinpzlcgtllonélxudigjésrcgrgrggtlilrlgi _ Uuegpijsent C¤¤¤¤1ll¢€\;5c0*:l*;al`?é·¥r egencles co-operating to in Bm c°“¤*Y· This Wmk was carded °¤ i¤ i llmlted W3! dur- ‘
aibn Tha two Sums ém¤';¤l;‘;r;; ner people ere emma by and looklue with complacency cb me BT; te e greatest gm, dvwcax one and um duplication or ‘*¤_S me Summer. after belus ofilclally closed down May 1. The _   F?
. ml;) or more apart. ;;;%e:‘l;1§§d5·l;0;l;e unlortuoates and that nothlng is being done iauelrchevgotélldd lizéellggggltgs ·wA5 _in§;i:s:;a:;> lQ3lS8 funds were ilrst of the yenr found coodltlous worse than at the bezloolng ` V ` I ,5 rj?
V rank lvloDp¤;ld' wml 'SL · h d ngrcbhl ` €¤ ¤g to those ln °f l¤5@ year and the leaders ot Seuthe st rn K t k V ` N 5
- §`il`§5f§‘l§’f¥L‘L“v%§ i'°°éq$¤ Jiii qomlrflttgelkgsdiaigtuéi/Zlgzgxrgnplglz-0;1fm'§`:t;gd3u·:tI£;2E;&1‘:.2t;13:: ‘2‘?’?:' ’°m1m?0;? am %,°$‘33l *i}Y*m¥··$’Y»'$ii‘ltYf¤¤‘NZS;‘ `° mi‘?§l‘e§E.§i{‘S50§$§.§“1-.“§‘l"‘““;‘°§‘d T"? ;c"¥°r;}?:? to  
1 e 1 _ tl 500 1 p, * · e og carr e tl B ll . —:——-
°- “IZ;2i “i?°}‘; be Wy.     l’§§§§°.§6l§1i&€¥“Rl,1‘£.’lJ‘i.."`El€.€"cr£§l{"€¤"$§2 $¥?¤lii'“5F‘¤?' ..2“§t0»-$LF;‘¤“;‘%%%%?‘ °' ° 'vl- ?`“ P‘“°““‘° "‘“‘ *’°°“‘“°’°“ ¥§{}1¥$‘i’»f ’“ ‘&"l‘“?“°$°‘ °““"°’“‘°“" ‘;;‘°°?°°;*°’C?:;{¥>" »
ea h ~ · o · · o ;an as, bm _ ` - ·
__ ___r_ o_, eautomatlc plstql rnlouutalnl2eo£Ie"tlret"1ras`le`d vte"d:Eo{::r’tl;>h:A and warning that Rea xéiggiikdzogethsgiiggit;:2;. élnnllgjrxnulnltles called upon the · A complete organl;:tl:n h'a2,t§,°;;i; set up to handle the cases.
,.,,.-. _ ,,__,,,,;__ A6 ,____m_mm -h‘£mm?i‘St?¤ce. It wasntoo · iléglaliheu 130;) egueesfre on {ile in the Pinevllle otllce end slml- :°°‘"""' '
.. .... .. ......... ,. es may e uuu ll1—)\llddlesb0r0 or Harlan. Where there The “uu“,, · ‘ —
· ‘ : Snowy than -