_.  ,»jn>:‘·y= . V t » _ _ _ . ,._ .1.;,, , . , . _ , _ ._ -_ .. : . .‘ _ V- L_   tl
»_2 $.-9; _~_ _$:-_ , . ` ‘ _ U A , . _    - _ .. 4 _ 7 . _ _ , _ .
,1-=·¤<.  *1   '.I ‘° · A R°   K ·· 1   V. · A d H ’I‘h P < Refuses Llfers New Trlal
  » ·v  [} AN LlGK - lmers . 1‘€ lg HOXV1 e S   ettmg . otter Il - are s e mo ..;m.S.%;.wK...t.....
Yi?  .0é' _ _ - _ . . _ _ __ · , . —.i0tl0¤ for a new
 Ei*;'A'·i' `* ` ` f ` -   V . ' ' _ _ Lrlal for Martin Brown and Boar
  RUUSE - * lllllll -  `t   W °V***“   ··“*¤a¤ -
  ‘é.. .· _ ! +4 . 62,4- by Judge Blair. They will appeal
'··`· ' y a life sentence for criminal as
  V SAYS Mllgggy eo 61 .4 -H:¢ez:e w ere  Me Ezimmmll ll lllllllll   ·»»   y¤¤»g    
;, · 1~ · _~ - ~   hearlng had been delayed by
  V - · ~ - +2 604 l     -— W HE   ee · · ZZZZ- · ll IIIIINIIII » cause  - ¢=E»5¤   W- -·
E '·; kl h   F, , h » ' Z; ` , f ) ’ / Boswell. became lll just alter the,
· · +1 .4 · / A Aa / § / . ———-·—
· - 0 =-   ¤v¤r¤¤r   e e ee lllllllllllllgglllllllllllfll/· » V   ‘“‘€° We  
· 2 Campalgn ln N. Dakota; ‘ · - m   __ _ 1- _, ,» , I . I V In I . r ,
·   ‘ w · - - %l€’”‘@§5Z@W3G·* u’·llIV l7\I’l IQIW IW/li I ’¤ -· ~
; Answers Heckler. _ O . 58-4   _.V_._V   __ V   in _     _ _   U.   ,. _j@_ Ag _ ,, Ag AA A ,,,_ V _;_ A AQ V AQ r jj sD_§g;_l;b_Fh9_{_‘lSSe_lli“Qir¤wned
Z   I 4 ?"“ - ,_ Q'}_·_._[f]Z'€-}'=*J"‘_‘?¤·   ·       V·"',‘ · . gy 4 `   ‘·` " " H " ETOWAH-—A1'ter 30 hours or
.  -.. . -1 sm ·++V»,   . VV,VVVV+,+.   VVVV T . .   I`.   All--Al A   Ml la: All!-lll . lllllll- . Eegrc     budy ..  
{ DEVILS LAKE, N. D.——"Alfal- · ` Q-{jj".-r :    ` V-   ’i·' ·   _ _ ’ Younce. 14. who fell from a foot·
j fa Bill" Murray, of Oklahoma, _··Z     ._'·_j'.. ‘·     YJ} ? - log into Conasauga Creek, had
; seeking North Dakotals support _ _   ‘Z_l_·» ‘3·.';2`¤ , '   . . not been found late Saturday.
V       ~¤r»·   »»es   N -5 so 4 I-VI -NNN » lllhll---   Illlllll llllll-H   ¤ee5=~¤ -   eeeee =-·---
» *3 ntomlngtionhendeglais tiolur ofktbe ' .'   * Etowah to Hlwassee Rlver, flve
; s ate a ur ay n g w t a c al- .__“_ ,. mmm _ \ .
V   to   R eoseve ·~ .~   ~+. 5+.4 HIIIIIIIIIIII V     lllllllllllllll-V .;..?n ·
T     “‘€S   E"‘*a‘ "° 5s‘‘ T Hllllllllll ` · t e
w »» rrrr Y- V t » Hlnllllllllllllllllh @A@@RUFF
, "I can lick Roosevelt slttlng , _ _
_ J down," h said in a mild. conver- · - ;; g · ` ‘
». Sauom §,,,E_ ,,A.,_m,,,.d www _ /87/ V V /880. - /885 /890_ /895 ,1,. ./900 (905 _ /9/0 /9/5 /920. /925 /93/ V scalp ryrunuong
. n microphone. . V Wl¤€¤ the Qld·tl¤l¤F¤ Dull thelr, Wlltekere and onlne that Ot the past 61 years, mg mt ll years have been far the Only two cold records were broken durlng this periodj IjJCKY TIGER don the work
:. Then he ant down, in a cbalr the weather sln t what lt used to be they probably don'_t know hottest. ‘ ,_.,'_ .4_ _ _ r They were April 23, 1923, and Nov. 8; 1929.   ¤¤wl `Bncteriologlcal rene
f on the stage of the theater where that Solentiflc records beck up their opinions. The hottest year on roodrdyaa 1921, Last year was see- An all time record of continued hot weather was set lest prove both lu safety and germl-
— he spoke, slumped back la a chair Weather Observer J. E. Sanders, in charge of the Knoxville ondhottest, 1925 woe thlrdAgu0',]92'] {earth.} - , 'year _when for 17 consecutive days the temperature went to 90 ddaledidcnw. Foryunmilllcns V
_l with one wrinkled trouser knee office of U. S. Weather Bureau. has worked up this graph show- Only two of the last ll;yom¢g,wore below uormal,v19Q4 and . and above during September. - hive beeu b¤Yi¤z itat
; over the other, and occasionally lng cold figures and facts—hot ones, too—for the 61 years since 1928, and these were only allghuy gul,.nol-mal, , — "From all of this does ft not appear that Knoxvllle's weath-  » their drugglsfg or bar-
V waved a half-smoked clgar as he the bureau was established here. New heat records for elght or the 12 months were set dur· 4 or really ls getting wsrmer?" Observer Sanders was asked. ‘ =  b¥`¤» ¤¤d ¤U-l-¤Z their
, · launched into gs plea ftor "less { glasedlon the delgnrtures ggornunormsg, which tg GB.4 degree; lng the last 11 years. Thegggg-geordg ere; January, 79, 1929; "Slxty-one years," he said,-"is too short a time to judge a f¤;I¤d-• ehzntég ·A¤i¤·
7 taxes, more tr e. no rus s." _. or noxv e, cnn e seen s e co es wen ereame sc February, 79. 1927; Marsh , @1929; Aprll, 93, 1925;. June. definite trend." - ‘   ¢•PP ¤ ¤¤t¤P• .
l Third speech In Day Ll; glilesglog ogd day; from 1871 thru 1885. Tho black on the §gé%1931; July, 104, ls30;'augo‘at, 101, 1930; September, 102, h Wslli anyway the trend ls. upward for the 61 years-2.nd   Q- ¤h**=;%::
. ;‘ It was me lane speech of the “ _ “ S °'§° - - . s ea   . “ _ · w ether t Keene en le eeether ¤¢¤¤· ‘ .     umm momm-
; day. _ . . ' _ "'__ _`T_ . · V _ -... lnsnzlvlrdnnona.
3. The round of meetings the s N ] I I ‘ · ag"' ’ ' ‘ T F R 0     HAIR
. - · · . velt Club - .. _
, must trying of his three-day tour.  .     $ 5 O O 0 O O O   d     ·     0 crm 0 se dr
1 brought both the biggest crowds _ ? . Jr r - ,· , _ _ _ Sveel•l’¤e’¤'¤·=¤*¢w·—ee¤¢l¤=l _ 'I‘0 eyed-rv.u¤r¤iv» .._ -
; d th H t h ku _ »· ., o . . we __ ld _ _ , . _ 0 _ MARYVILLE —— A Roosevelt- elesmaed hairgune  
' *0 anshgvsrlugswlgic cgxigfrgm B, 70- R         L ’ ’ .Wl{c 0f_Navul Offlcer Al for-President Club will be organ- °¤*‘WhY'°'F°‘ M°d·'-nd 'e•5
`- lelle eelereeblle ride- me Ml¤e¤· ' STARTS ON PAGE ONE     P A     ‘· - ·H¤n>¤ii Threatened " ized et e meeting ef Bl°¤¤t ¥g:1:b1g:llE.:;1lxeLEj .
T; ly zooo persona walted, _ . ln!] 8 ION llBI'E1 OI`. t e nnwuut of work svn leble. e rece ver supplemental ordere     AA-_`»gg_'_,_5'LV:_;,._,w{-LH.-` xy;  M  
» L In tha midst of his Speech, he 4- —- · 1 from tho rellefngency. Public works_aro being used by the lyk.;} l._.efr;lE;.T;,ai-;_t._;_.E¢,;,,1;.;,:.2   , ` .  :__>M'_; xl _V . ;___   v_ .  __ v
*` %“,$=**¤{°d,"“* “°_;“°°‘{°’°,§_*§‘g$,§ Deteeiive eee Klesev end r¤- €§“Z§'§¥S§§“$u$°1`l`F`€§§°‘}¤Tr'&dIEEE?TZZ`§'e§U$§lt“”'°'°“°“'“.`"“* .JLrwentrffeetgjrégéer-·‘r¤se;Qiz`¤= ;.   *  `‘`  ·   .V 1   ...V_   ::6;,:    . .-·   K.-   .
3, le mee <> e¤ e Ve W llcemnn rea anor, rl eased ln _ . — __ — - ·tway nlenecc ieee ¤¤er·Be e¤7¤·‘ =— =`-»°  V . .— ;%;*    ’   -—-N.    N`V
e E-**;¤ g¤Y0*;::§;“’*¤g *·b° ““ farm plain clothes, were str-ugh by the ` Food Twrce M0¤th1Y To Families ‘ . r   -pro5ected<.}§nn¤:ler]€;¤l"»;r;>¤teii!t¤. l. e' ‘     - .   ’‘·‘;   ,  fi: ..-. j  
1 ” “ B · suspicious behavior or two well- - T ‘ N —V the·‘Great· me Y °¤¤ ¤¤e:l· ¤· *  ef re   ¤§"   N  >€Y<*¥‘*$TQ-»?·*"?‘-52%-*=V` “ ·*&?   JT§2,»Zi
.· ·· dld t th t l dl" . . Wher there is no one ln the-fnmlly able to work, lthe cnaej _ 4 _ - _ . V A   » _   . A _ 3:0 M   ._..__ {_ ,__ _.
' é a orykgglrge rroinuthgs audgeng . dressed Y°““g m°“ °“ GRY s"°°* goes to th; regular fnmlly rellet llst.- -0rders of foodare issued.- — “°“‘*l’CP“"i ¥’_‘b?i“g‘Pb(“i“Fd,m _ =   1V    _ wi?.       ,4. \
-· ··i b eh; ll lf g ·1;-h lf 1. t Y°"?°’daY· ` ` . twice a month to these fnlnilles-¤.nd they are u ged to supple- gr ,. °‘ F"' Y· ‘ ’· =- .: ( ·‘ ‘ *‘* =¤ .·=’» R   Z,   ,   Mm k  0. ·»,_ e;£;,.—.;V
  by bei?,`;” ,,,1 ?,,d;)m,l cm:B¤_·· gse The officers played their hunch. men the relief with ¤uy,odd jobs that may come hp. -‘ , V , %-:f1`hl¤ wee reveeled Y¤¤t°§d¤Y bs - .  .       {jé»;2»     t $9*; Bldg     §_‘;;¢,2·j-Et;.
. i snot beer, In e few beers e Chetteneese Few se; l*;¤";¤d° Jef" ell? any geeellvere gee; et-the 4 ilyglgtge §,]gh§:j;g§;g;EEf“g· - ‘     ? °““ ‘—¥       .‘..
Z — ., V ' .1 fllll l d , l t u o wo-Wee s pero S. .- ecnuse un s ave nol.·,. · 2. e , · Q     · _;-,. iq;   . · _; .5;    
t Any Mmm Quesucimnj ldenxtfrlgtlatthg 1;:: gfslnlemfl-Izzo `“ gzgnnavghable fer uneruploymentpmany families have been placed H; Stezell; has been hnrsetnlns         .> 27; >¤ _,v_  _ “for Lg;;"  1;  ·.;.ci_g ·_·v·_. _
  Th°’° W“ °· m°“‘°“°” ’*‘}F“°°· holdup men who rubbed mm or ·on the family relief resletero- Pre.c\lcally•nll.the mensro willing, ` for the extra strip. ' *       .     ’ _ · _ .g;;Q   _»»  ~‘;
s "AnY more ¢1¤eeti°¤¤? he $19 Friday mgm tu work, lt labor ls. necessary, but most-ofzthem aresatlsfiedfto This extrn 20 feet, making the       ‘ _’   g Let us` ilgure- on your     J
_; roared, - · · - » ' ··’· draw than- two~week¤,eunnlles¤ ·s*~ . . —?, ._·.   ·· .   - entire rleht etwev 120 feetwlde. -j·_;·_:»;,. .;f}{‘.; ·._.   ° , _·   bills-—P1é.nt noo Hannah VI "   
L . Silence. H · Sh?d°wl“g the t"'°· Kim"? ““‘} _ , A rtehabllltatl¤n.Commlttee has beensoperatlng ln the zleldg _ ls. requlred by the Federal Gov-     eV- eg, ;;.;m· rg Ave Dial 3 8118 :.;;·-   _. t ,- 
‘ :’ ·"I`."¤ h°¤*'d *1*** ¤*°‘"Y Pew"- Au°" w“m‘?d °“*’ bw a p““ °d · seeking some permsnentlselutlontcube problemgall realize that ernment, Swaggerty soya. The _ _‘_-- ~    _ \ _ ‘· · * · \ 3 ·· _· L- 0I` .:=»:; ·.. · os. V
- ”il’"l’ "°l‘.°   ""“° ’°l‘“ "'°"` ZL‘§r’§‘.f°’ °“‘L.1§‘°°Z’.‘§‘;“{‘.§P"t§..‘2Zr M lem ¤$,·"‘ °e;·*°·;,*;·e--¤=¤¤·~`¤=¤¤e¤¤*¤=Veeel- ee-¤¤·=eV¤¤ me em   eeeel ee. ¤·= »—€·’ e-·= —·»»»¢ r   .». . ¤·.   ·¤=- e· eee-—e=r *119- . w. B. stereo
{ n y ear _ some l¤¤l‘eV’ H ~l'¤ 8 11 , · thorcommllu yyan an ng.otbers·to labor on an unemployment says. . ` - .,·‘:  ‘``· L`;_=·g·‘_·i*:=~·  Z   ‘ - · .
  , He. dld not explain what he The hotel c<>—¤pernted. - · *1-elle: basis.--·. :_-  ,_. ·¢. .2 -:-  » _ . - All, of the property owners who  S ’;===-’. ; i`.—ii        .» - “ `
  melant. H 1 ` h h W 'lghe ogflcergdarrgsted ih‘?tc;\;;· vv _ {gpg;.-cqmyéllliéaij%i]},*¤k]¤g to. the !utu1.E_ In its hands is had given 100 feet Us being  ,_    . V       CO,
;., urray's_ nn speec ere 65 pee s an se ze a EBVY B · place eine ,-0 In ng homes for from 500 to 1000 miners naked now} to give another- 20 ..%..1}.-§_jZ%·-‘i*i.?H.-I  §’f*—$;$~?>  ` I ' I ·
5 z;. summers; oggae lltélgsgl 1:;) {3;*; Klgrserksnyz; age mnlzb PE1 E:   lnhBell£g\l¤t¥hnHl'£·l;lr0hnl;lybn iféltéf number in Harlan County, feet. Only three of the orislnel           I
Q armer an ' e su case ey n smou H . .w ere yrw no SVB 0 e ependent up th ll d t t h b lk d d ~will - __  ··'2>Q*§?€*§*= °’  ·.§?.sE?§?i · . .. * l `
2 eerrleo across the Wheet lends ef never he-swallowed lt. The eye _ ._:or.a‘11vellh¤¤c1. This committee nee oooptegua slag: o? Jnsegli . 5;:; xs be Tse, gwiggearlty sam. .. ...1_..——.   ‘’‘"’`  ·"*§"‘*-*‘**"*°*=‘ *~**¢;¥’·   » _ ‘ T ` ~ ·· '
{ the north. was foreed in Detectlw. Ch “_ to the famff and most of,lts work ls along the llns of flndlng Eight property owners have not Here is Mrs. Dunne WJ Cur- V- :1-Z;;?’-`Q  . — · ·
; _ Ho concluded _l'f<'ltl1 tm! d€°lm`9·‘ Fogarty'§ office.- ILS ¢¤¤t°’·§u-fnj h¤l¤€S for miners OD small farms in Bell or other bounties of given rights of way and their Ty; Wife of a U. S. Navy petty · _.     ` . V V
j HG2. ·   _ ted‘ 6 oluded two loaded ¤\1t¤m¤·'- iz-V? fi K€¤tll¤k}' and Tennessee., Efforts also are being mnds to obtaln property probably will be con- officer, who was robbed and ` j·Q?` ` `   Z l - _
\ I Whether- I dm NH? EB leur thlrd plstol, extra s.1¤l¤¤¤ fP“_ ..,‘8¤Vernmentnl or other aid ln meeting the problem or sendlng, denrned, , threatened by a man after .he ` —.{~,:-[  ` ‘ ,` . · ’
L Mt. l¤Yl¤¤¤¤0i9¤°BiV•’ u if cn";. and clothing labeled fl`°}'Q Ml   V ¤”l€¤ Paolfto the soil. The committee realizes that it is irnpos— Swaggorty and Stegall, prob- had attacked her crippled nelgh- V     · r
; FY "{;l°_€Ep“§g°;;d“ gh;} _I und dozen cities. ·   X. j ‘ sib]?-t0 §?¤d ¤· man and his fnmlly to s. plot of ground unless ably aided by Squire Ed Gifffn. bor. Mrs. John H. Hope, wife or .   . ` ‘ . · _
E n'L$0th;_Pm°:;1_tEking up uwbab A new Noeh.·.eodea.j aelzerlug '- g;t%iu§Y`€l?_§¥lY1§QUlD?€d Ito talte caretnf hlmself and family after .. ,w1ll.. oontlnue thomlghi of way a naval macblalst, at Honolulu, f  ` ‘ ` . - . -·
L .· u, ti " ·5¤io..pletes .w c . _ re. ·srm` mp emen s mus be provided, llvostock must e: iwor 1 lll wool; Allqlgnta orway   .- gg;.    -_ `
- ; We °“d di$°“5““‘g="‘° ’“`°blE"}°' bag EEE;] ;:?¤¤_.g;5ln'.a·Eord‘ln l¤eg¤btelned.xn-house-must be buut and oothulldloge must be ; iw, WLS mcmséd .0r condemn. . _ ·.     5.V·;,·._· _ —
I ll bo taking up the fight. If I m B ., . D Y . . . . .
cl nominated I know ml be dew _Ch,1,_mnm,ga__ 5,,;,1.;;;,,,,;,,,6,-·;;L_ V constructed. This. ell ecstemeney. The problem ls, where to - tlon Bolt, Bm-tod ngslust there BIB. Gets Stélll-l'rl€iZ Desk __ ..   " ,~ , . , '
_ Med  ._Z;·.;_.. ,__- ,.~··  Notltle•;nDete¤tlves;·PnY¤¢lend -·g°*PP“·F‘!Ed’·     ,:'~~. ‘ _; , _     -. g ~ V I who \o0n·t.glvo by the ,tlrn1eV véhe *§¤_§Et:;1·l;1re·`¤vA__§· _E¤_il,   Img- ;;:·     ,3
ya._,:` '.     Q `Abcromble,2 ofjqhatthnooga.; ar—· . ‘:’ Q,}  ="V  ~.- ged. 500 Td··g.° gmk-, V » . . etgloilote the contract on t e e- . l   . gg ¤ · l—   ~· »* ·  
' · 2. ‘   Ji-.‘·   - - *· ·'·-‘ `. rlvedeleet·o1ght;·eoeempsnledt-by..- ".:.:·;_J.      .   ;`e . V . J - `vl r aloof the road. Swaggerty um°‘¤°° `Bti de! Bt- Whlch··C¤¤l'i€s   ’ · · V ·. _   -· 7 ·.- · » j ·' -- ‘ .
,A ;- _ j .  \w;.,G_~(;‘ ·l nm Y ¤m,5»n_ 5 ,,€g,g·_ ~_*·‘·>·-.;_A ‘g°o`§ernmentV dvdnce of $500.000," ifi such ls possible, ld_ Th ·l,lda on thla ar to bg Proteus telnm tz,-electrical wiz-, ‘ . · ' ' ` I t. Y ‘
hi     ‘* · ··Su{.§Fl;xch§:,Ed Cégyfrafter — ‘would rehabilitate 500 families in tblscounty. ‘Thls would solve gen , piston 1]. {hg, Macon;-eo, nrd of the General Electrle cu. S, w_     &   CO•
· V tho trouble so far as Bell County is concerned, for the miners ‘ l · ' . me . used to stand—not alt..hag been l· , V t ‘ - J ‘· ‘ F ·
' ' ‘ ` H careful lock at the prison"' who remain would be abl to get la enough days a week tdmnke h°f' Dmrmé" guy not bs im di presented tu unl l, p [ ‘ · ·‘ - ·‘ T ‘ ·
-~ ; · ·· · · e t , . e ro easor   _ . , V V . - .
·       P   ming;    ntghutyeld “ “'*"°¤· ‘L“'*“g °°“d“*°¤¤ "°“*d ”€'*m¤’°"°d·**¤°· “‘“m“°°'Y» Fir 3:::151 we could have had Hebert E. Doherty, rosrmer reels;. -. —. Yihfmes 3·1143··3 11*4 ¤ .
i ‘ ·· n n mo. .·.....- ..... -....--. }`,,,..- the mal lndustrv might get on.it.s feet! to such ¤n_€X!¤¤t that gh, Meng., `.,,,,m_ suggested by But of the scientist, ' ‘ ` ' - . _ __ii-1 K