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_   Fm-ty-Fifth) Year of PublicutiouixluséablisgledrlDec.S2.1; 1hgG _  
  .C hA .,b Ts ox s ws-e nl o.  
  Pu§;1i}e;gda:§t221§evg{n¤§3;li¤ Poxsiniflxe as Sngcng ClussEMall lcllattgr.  
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”   · Editor Business Manager _ A -—-.
=..-=·"-é   MEMBER THE Assocuvrim pmzss _,_r _ ______ " M N ··
L2"-   The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for repub-     ,.  
-*5: i;}.."";-·—·"-" licutlon of all news dispatches Credited to lt, or not otherwise credited
=*.;-`==   lh this paper und also tha local news published herein.
,-.r·..."'==.. ¢j'»-·-’  Members df tha United Press. Scripps-Howard Néwspaper Alliance,
  Newspaper Enterprise Association, Newspaper information Service,
  Audit Bureau ot Clrculutlons, and of Medin_Rec¤rd¤, lhc.
L · $¤*¤»\-.v:¥.w;=eY\w:. ¤Q:;.£S—,:.> · _ _ _ _ _ ,
~  ¤=¤"PS·¤°WAR" ‘ "Gwe Lxght and the People W1llF1ndThc1r Own Way'
IJ, l` V War is the concentration of all human crimes.
,`\ -—Wm. Ellery Channing. ·
, . _ ‘ ___,._...
E ‘ V ' decisions by a majority of the member-
` ‘ Cruel And Unwlsc ship of the United States Supreme Court, _
_ THERE is lime wisdom and less justice have so interpreted this 1aw· thlat Justice
_ in the general Sales mx which thB_D€m_ Brandeis said of one of them: If on the A
ocrats of the House of Representatives are undigputed facts 0; this cas? refusal W
_ {1-ying to Saddle on tha cm_mtry_ To can work can be enjoined, Congress created
· it a 1m,_uumctm.erS· Sah, mx, and exempt in the Sherman Law and the Clayton Act
muy a_ fgyy food products, publications and an instrument for imposing restrains upon
fertilizers, does nut improve it much. l¤b¤¤‘ whgch reminds UF °£ _ i¤V°l¤¤tm`Y
_Sucl1 0. sales tmc is unjust because most S€YViWd€·’ .
  · · _ of the weight falls on the rank and tile As long as judges possess the power to
' <>9¤5¤m€1‘§. the D0¤1‘ 4D€¢>I¤l€· K is GSDB- construe, they possess the power to al-
, cmlly umust when upward ot 0ue—fifth of my the mmm gf written {dwg, and law-
’ the 1>¤p¤1¤¤¤¤ are the victims of umm- makers nzwe_¤¤ recourse save in the
1>1<>:·*¤¤_€¤t. and additional m111i¤¤¤ Me on right' or the senate to prevent appoint- r
5 \ g$~1r;§1¤¤¤ €m¤1¤>*¤¤¤¤¤ ¤r dra-Smelly M- ment or uusunabie mw to me Fedmi
i C 'WZ1.g€·S. ' b h_ l
Such a sales tax is unwise because it is V wc - , , ,
‘ a. blow at business. Even at the he1=·bt of - .
prosperity business should `uot be elrxcum- JUDGE PA¥{KER’vgvh° was “°m‘““‘°d
bered by such a. load. But during ape- ‘ mr the Sum`€m°` gm? t“'° Yams ag°·
` rind of depression, it is utter madness to ‘ ewes °,“°_‘{£ the 1i¤¤¤~¤ ]“d$“ who has
— think of putting up new barriers to the Egg Ju‘§2;’·ghp‘l¥1';r(§£iyi*2)t;1 ***22;* glidprag
· ‘ sale of goods. °¤
. 1,v . * , give workersp He was very properly re-
OF ALL the many Explanations of me fusedconfiruiatiuulby the Senate. ·
cause and cum Og this =d2pmS5i0¤_ 4 Judges Wilkerson and Mackintosh,
· there is one thing upon which umeis gen- w¤¤ have been ¤¤mi¤ate<1_ f¤r_`th¤ Circuit
_ eral agreement. It; is`tl1a.t return of pros- CONT UT ADDFMIS. 3- I>05iU¤¤ DOW€Ff¤l iu
` perity will depend upqu reviving me pur- itself, and also u. stepping stone to the
chasing power of the masses that might higher COUIQL UWB _i5S¤€d Mme of NIB
have been achieved by the maintenance of I¤0St i¤d€f€¤Sibl€ i¤1¤¤Cli0H¤ in the his-
wage levels and steady employment. But L01‘Y_ Q! NMS ·~c0\1¤(}'Y· If Hwy were to
‘ vthat effort failed beiore it was givena fair participate in continuing the new Antl-
trial. Now wage levels and employment Iujunction Bill, it is extremely doirbtful
are down. Thus the ·0nly hope ot re- whether even its sweeping declaration iu
- vlvimg sale of goods ·is thru low prices, behalf of workers could protect labor. _
` until the peoplehave larger regular pay ·F¤r the same reason that it killed the V, \ A
  'euvetopes, _ appointment of Parker. the Senate should · - H I
4, Iwieauxvhile anything ·t}%at dbimsts the vote down Wilkerson and Mackintosh. * S0nIETgV€Stm€Ht      
`price of necessities will en · 0 begmr .1..*-———· -   t ING ·    
both the producer and the consumer, End · - . ....1. ~ \ wa_St;° Drolilemof the trezn  jcjs in ern Kelt `Dfv
DI  advocates of the sales tax admit ` ‘ , Evanufe Pinevigg HerHd0¤S$¤day·S }V';;kY
‘ thu truth of this- indictment. But   l}0rd_ P5] ffftiqel é ky., Sun . Evans; ed"?
their excuse is that the dangerous Federal r $34,006 f€V111e and Iiicwjug til _ i·_.
‘ \ deiicit justifies dangerous expedients to ` _ `;€U10SEg0r charity ;1‘1an raise? Middleg
· cope with it. — \ uar mmu I . I 0rk_ . 3 td; `V
That sounds well. It will not stand·-i¤- ¤011ap;gn0§hat ha; tges effcrtgrgmafily ativgif ‘
· spection, ·h0wevcr. The deficit was not 4u`{€n and the Coal ieeu left by ° meet th `
created in one year, and itcannot be wiped ¤ · Pmeville women a ndllStry_ Hum Virtua.? "
.0ut in one year. It cannot be wiped out ~ —. ’ charities EUDU6 13028 Without undreds 0f` ‘
at all by any tax which destroys the wealth I · If goukh · are list work In .
upon wthich the government must depend ggfned to negftepu Keumk ed by. the ·
’¤r its ax revenues. mad Hm] C y ·
L There are plenty of sane and effective less fhege if fhesecyéewme dfsg; tg be I-E
methods by which the government can may be EY S· disccut-peildeuc pesitmu mus;
r handle its deficit without resorting to the - ` The p€2)D€ct€d to g€nt and C°PYG. U¤_
sales tax. It can more than double its i HLAUY jnsgue are w1t;°w and nggmmduism
“ upper bracket income and inheritance _ ;¤¤_cu]tu1_E ances without {inane di-Bcrgase
. taxes. It can lower its high tariff wall, — ming °*` any oth °u¢ knowisl and IU.
thereby increasing trade and customs rev- V Editor Ev GF trade 8 edge `Of
,;g$;¤____ enues. It can cut nom roductive expendi—· 53nGe of $5€¤S esumét Xcelit 00:11-
.·,;;&}giy;·.{;j;;tq;;ee;;·lnq1gding army  ·»  I`\B.VY,` which eat h 0 famine 9.000 gm GS that wit
" ``;¤ ¥¤'¤.»§¤i¤¢1i‘?¤‘.1ei‘S¢;1>f¤¤2x®! .;· S,;$ex-·m¤¤¤<=¤· » i,,“""¤¤rea S "* Ben Cm me gov" **¤ aa-
  1¤~am—;:;é>i@@t<;=.¤+·;.z1ii¤A$ed·‘  u ¥£;1¤=aa¢.-;».A¤s1 I S°¤¤¤y sg TM rxgu, °"¤¤y mi "'¤·¤e¤:`
" ···‘ ""° 'r·hKaihi¤'S"'!Sb0rt¤f  · = ’<"·is`r-`~u t arg8 t OWS fh S is so gm be '
""f·' ¤ ·»-¤—-¤¤¤m¤p1 V. "  "’   #¤.w£§5`$Y¥->s#=>iL l SMB asa bg hand? Dr°*”¤¤¤ Ogreat ihuar?
  Point Where an iéggm. m1·eepyBy'Ed {O im; · Even with federal _§d by Meg? much wolf
` `   ?*d€¢1uate returns , PW will Drudniééxt appéar al thai? co:) vemmeng aggllcie ’
. — Wait until tha. yd};   ` '“"""%T€¥·*$;‘iU5*%»:¢?:.·,-5ih". glaratively airge one, giration. tiqguusi hel;
strike back at th ms gel a. cha¤6e"t6 the hwg nslgnmca ths digit Sum may;
. B gl es tax Doliticidusg . ;;]v<;nt In huifénegtais cggsigheu tie3.r;\c0m_
` R"' _ " ‘ S cd 9 s 0 ered A Htu
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am 'S Dba Stem sional .
J :hS°{"g those if °*’ the si{{°¤F¤cky·S'“"°¤¤i—
not ;’g‘{€stigat0I_gP€§mOst inuaginu ShOu1%rabb_
Econ yt°!¤s ' Us wi; · E mihd E
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