- , - ··-·‘’ ·, ¤¤ lu SLUJ!1 a coiiclltion {ggjn is
S-6(IM01/2 Y different. The Students mid that the
  miner is almost starving to death be-
· cause of the economic system in use by
V th€ operators. The "representative
  people' of Bell County say he is in that
state because "he is sorry and no ac-
  count and trifiing and won’t worl-:."
».     It also is worth note that on the day
  · mm the ‘°*`°¤*>le et Cumberland Gap
  V . the more conservative elements in both
groups began to repent. In Middleboro
H         respectable men and women of the town
I began to say that they regretted the
.` ° 9, Q _ way the students had been treated. In
és Knoxville certain of the students de·
  H H   1 ‘ ab   clcled they should not have descended
. l _` `UFOH KEDtuCky as théy had. They Eilld ,
  _ · _· that perhaps they should have written
, ,, _ . . r   `ig l$h9 lil-1l?l'l0flti€S and the coal opgratgyg,
C1t1Z€11S of Mllllllg [`OVVHS R€S€Ht Any   — ~. as well as the miners when they planned ‘
of Outsiders to Intervene in Their AH&1YS° H °“ "’“““
S   P {   Y lg To the people of Bell and Harlan
_         ‘       counties the S`hUd€I1l}S XVGIB "dam¤@d I
Y&l`lk€ES"' thE}’ WEEE coming il'!. to
qa • • ¤ • • * D fnide
Should 1"11‘St Stud Conditions in This Crt »r»· dla mm an aim they had mm., t
. g o _
do with. The coal industry and its con.
b ditions in Kentucky was something boys
By Ben RO ertscm ]I·_ and girls in New York knew nothing
` — bout. Their comin was ·
Fnamarorcr Ky. s —. a E legmled ee
’ t . tt r ~ ·
HEN an observer of the engagement at Cumberland Gap begins to ` igsanglggg ;€§€;uS;i;k le dictate t°
. ; S.
search for the reasons which moved the college students who were seek-   e
ing to investigate conditions in the coal fields and the Kentucky citizens 4 C°“‘1m°“S F°““d Bad
to clash, he finds himself involved among mostof the historical and geographical C°“dm°¤$ here been bad enough or
traditions of the United States. He finds traces of the oldest sectionalisrn, of ima MCM Of th? U”pr°S€ma“"E m€¤"
the lingering influences of the frontier and of the large cities on the national Ln (EEE $*0 cimmes depertd m_°{€ er less
mind, of the continuing effects of the abolition spirit, of the old idealistic urge p _ E m M5 for their hvmg and 7
_ _ _ _ they were not going to have "Jew= Wg 3 ·
to change and reform, of the differences in ancestral and religious tcmpera- and Burman Redsn come d " pd
. . , OW
ments, of the effect of the present economic conditions, and most of all of the "take our country from us witgouina
influence upon us of the Constitution. fight " The Kentuclrians held tha
, . . t af-
In this emergency, both the Kentuckians and the students went to the ‘ falls ll"- Bell and Harlan counties were
C itution for ground to stand on; both found in that document what they affairs fm? Bell and Harlan counties to
looking mr. sdm were wmmg to battle ir need be. The students . · “’°“‘ °‘”· AW ’°h€>‘ d€¤*ded·e¤ C°l°¤¤l
red to go to jail before they would allow the Kentuckians to refuse §;;t;°§n Saéd E; the m0? meeting at
their ocnstitutional rights to travel about the Union to observe O} Keigisky °\:1;uI3;;“E'dTh?t;tr;?n°;
. . .. ` I‘€ Wl
, ~·' ·—-—f"‘·>>Wll¤@€V€l €G0¤0llll<¤• G0¤d1l»l0¤S @h€Y berore we will let outsiders tell us with U
. chose; the KGHZUCKIEHS W€l'€`I‘€&dY to ` they think is rlght." ` »
= _ arrest the students had they persisted The Kentucklans iddked with disdain` .   it  
‘ pi, in pushing on into Bell County with — on the "a1len·* names or ui 1; ‘ A i  
b e sudenten V _. .._,
` IY;/N/> ` "thg jntglntign gf tearing down ggfgab- Sl.lCi1 PEISOHS COl1ld‘ DOD possibly be U ,"'-
; »\_· on _-lished institutions and ofinclting to ‘ A¤'l€fi¤¤¤· Only Anglo-Saxon names `    
I   J   riot? Both knew they were right; both _ ` Wx; Amegcan Din;) ge gmsgendamis U ’_ i
; éheld to an old American ideal; both- ° PSB W ° °?m° H - ee uc Yb°£°"°   ·  
V gl¤l¤§§<;therrwere·stanillng for thegen- E;‘;B1];;;‘$“;;$;“g.V°’° ef ‘W;“;lh*; ‘“°‘?k·     .· .· ji
; ' °ml¥*$PR‘??PE.·’?·h€ °°“¤“Y· ` - l — ·` as being ··oatndi1;g;;§;rgw ;¤ikl;$?;·t   fi
A¤"¢¤iilieéllil¢¢ steep l¤r¤lv¢¤ le the essimuaiaie F They `im·i&4t»Y0i1£i      
2 · `b°9'°?°Y$;¥$}l§§;¤E¥%S€£sPl¥¥9¥S"W°V ¤¤` me   be a.city:.,r.`§vi5rs¤msrtsa`iieg`smzgns€Ei$1rl¤sti? 
I C{know<—W1i%€§lie,ii§§’slfZo§ii;1¤n·ewes: f They `- i’ · wi k d, -. adr ° =     _ i»*?i€lQ;Fil;'§
~ wsrssot   it t r » t — · ‘ ° s° ~“*°“ “‘ "°*¥li*l·a-¢?*"”*’ °°‘¥l5’<»¤se 
,   ,  .:»&.a&§$€F¢€€*?;€t}‘?° Fi *‘l   ,. not seewiiy stude¤ts»é¤¤ui&·¤¤ms.ts* l   <‘
’   ffl-*'1.>.ir   Keaméky " aosiiseestigaeg‘;s,,,.ia;;;,S   ·_..   ~‘.s    
· - '   fl.  9%...»·FH;·,?Ii,.#E§$?lE.“·..9*}.%- l` I -`=. ° ` . V when "there is the garment;indust€r‘f$ai·     ° `
,d_.,  W,.     '__,,   j,\,f,.2.:;gA ,.  ,i,£__x_.i_._ To the K€Hu¤1Cki2D§, .io,_ever,, _one_.._ __r_ ,\
, "aH. Z "f`;ea  .l who cornesto study'fconditions° in-‘tlis'Q»s ‘
Kenfvilclslemaansl;gge‘?e*e¢§¤}§¤¤i¤¤¤l  · = '   mountains isle Red*They·'li`ave"§€&`il?   »·
_· - · -i     ,.*2;;:e, j*L; • ·\.sr__?‘..`:_   4 > V5 , _ _ i · "__ :' .,'·`}. >.`,,
:..?-gg  imuble with ‘°¤¤¤¤l¤¤l5*i efslmlzéle  .. G
if     among aggroup of the miners. lThey re-~@j-    .°
     { . gm '1f1¤<>¤=ls>_r¤P Dfeiser. . wade lFranlE     sgi?  ._?;
·   ¤¤¤ the ¤€¤e¤¤ eS·Re¤¤· ¤¤¤.w¤¤¤—t¤e- .·..  
.   *‘ — we lesea e¤¤¤¤¤¢*¤¤-*¤e —·¤l¤¤¤·‘~.¤l».$€-Tala; `*"
.__V _ _,g. ,2,,  3,:,, ..,,   ». ._,f_ ._,,, .,,  __ _,;_.§,,,,_,...,ga;  · ___,q_l,_;..’I;he·s udents, rcapediflge-.w_  _s_._—.li·;~—
·I i»‘?l9EF€    ~<" 1  ‘$°*° li  lr ;6¤?¤*h€“' "h°1sl°e'é· E mlédt fth id  
=     · —#i=               C   · .       -`·-  
gi .  i F     ·       ·s»` l ¤es-’<¤ee¤lew=¢.:e1r>es·&g25’    ·‘
        _           ..  
        . . -.        
. y :.z:_ ;¤ \· Se, 5}- ··e ¤—;‘::~]r_·,. V3, <.` . V . ·· E- »`  - - .*::.q.¤ v`.F:·;.·. — `·' " Z ·f{:*¤$*' " '  w ‘ ""· Y`
l=g<;   ·=.~   §P_·gg i ‘ Fm  ·   ¤  ay   is all     ‘ .»-l law       `
  »Blls,}ze’¤t*f=.¤lleaa\ ltlxslenls ‘l·   gra e         
.  _._'___: ,__4l_;. ._‘,, __.,__;l,s.,` pi   .__aé’a_ , &e tA     da;     M?
fatback and bean soup."` "1`heu the attiff `Y · l 7 VI _
tude of the two as to the reason why the "  l "
|\*r~i•~r··- 1. ~. -
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