\ 4 f I
` Dec 29 1951
» H J E
_ U Am just advised that Kemenovich, Frank Borich, Harry Harvey and a man by the
” name of Dorsey are all probably in Bell County by this time, they having
left Pittsburgh two days ago. A meeting was held in Pineville Monday
· I night of this week and I am pretty positive that two of the above named were
present, tho their names were not announced and they had nothing +o say. _
However, this there is an organizer in Pineville by the name of Joe Weber
Q and he had a small woman with him (probably Russian) who was introduced as
E "Anna" and he has been doing most of the directing for the last two weeks.
i At the meeting Monday night it was decided to establish relief headquarters in
_ Fineville and they expect all the Harlan men to come there for aid.
E Kemenovich is coming with the expectation of spending some time and will `
§ probably have much to do with directing the strike, as this was the part he
. played in the Pittsburgh district last spring. E
A Do you think it would be possible for the Harlan and Bell Officials to wmrk l
I out some plan of action to rid ourselves of these Communists - If they are -
’ not molested more and greater trouble is ahead. My informant tells me _
also that they have received very encouraging reports at Pittsburgh and l
are collectirg considerable money and other relief in the East, especially y
New York where the Communists are pretty strong. And if they can make h
a good showing around the First with plenty of food and money it is going to l
; hurt. I feel sure that we can get plenty of co-operation at this end .'
l but if·they are allowed to settle down in Pineville then it will be another
‘ story for us — they will be out of our reach ard will keep the men coming to l
j them.
ll' We feel that the men who are now working will not fool with this strike call, it
T tho many of them would enjoy a strike if they can be shown that they will be it
l taken care of. I ( '
l {///,/ J.
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