, democratic centralization. These principles are: i
i a) Election of the subordinate as well as the
i upper Party organs at general meetings of the
' Party members, conferences and conventions of _
i the Party. `
b) Regular reporting of the Party committees
` to their constituents.
` c) Acceptance and carrying out of the deci-
‘ sions of the higher Party committees by the
¤ lower, strict Party discipline, and immediate and
i exact applications of the decisions of the Exec-
utive Committee of the Communist International
L and of the Central Committee of the Party.
d) Any Party committee whose activities ex- •
~, tend over a certain area is considered superior
’ to those Party organizations whose activity is
j limited only to certain parts of this area.
l e) The discussion on basic Party questions or
` general Party lines can be carried on by the
y members only until the Central Committee
7 has decided them. After a decision has
» been adopted at the congress of the Comintern,
i the Party convention, or by the leading Party _
committee, it must be carried out unconditionally,
even if some of the members or some of the local
organizations are not in agreement with the deci-
. sion.
{ 2. The highest authority of each unit of the
Party is the general meeting of Party members,
conference or Party convention.
A 3. The membership meeting, conference or
’ Party convention elects the leading committee
* which acts as the leading Party organ in the in-
terim between the membership meetings, confer-
ences or conventions and conducts the work of
[ the Party organization.
I (Continued on page 14.)