3d SGS- _ ~ { No. 2290 '
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JANU  ny 17, 1931.-—Gommltted to the Committee of the Whole House on the
state of the Union and ordered to be printed `
Frsn, from the special committee to investigate communist
 ctivities in the United States, submitted the following
[Pursuant to H. Res. 220]
The special committee created by the House of Representatives to `
investigate the activities and propaganda of the communists in the
United States, under House Resolution 220, having held hearings
throughout the country and interviewed numerous witnesses, sub-
mits the following report and recommendations:
Hearings were held in practically every section of the United
States where communist activities were reported, including \Vasliiug-
_ ton, D. C., New York. Boston, Chicago, Detroit, Seattle, Portland
(Oreg.), San Francisco, Los Angeles, Chattanooga, Birmingham, At--
lanta, New Orleans, and Mempliis. Approximately 275 witnesses,
including many from other cities and towns not mentioned above,
such as Cleveland, Indianapolis, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Balti-
_ more, Pontiac, Flint, El Paso, El Centro, Gastonia, and New Bed-
ford, were heard by the committee and a vast quantity of documents
and written and printed evidence was submitted.
Most of the information presented to the ,committee has been done
so voluntarily and only a small percentage of the witnesses have been
subpoenaed. The witnesses represented all walks of life-—priests,
ministers, college professors, school-teachers, Government, State, and
city officials, police officers, industrialists, farmers, high officials of
the American Federation of Labor and of the United Mine Wforkers
of America, reserve officers, journalists, members of the Chicago
Board of Trade, grain brokers, representatives of the lumber and
manganese industries, of patriotic societies, including the American
Legion and other veterans organizations; also numerous negroes, offi-
cials of the American Civil Liberties Union, and various t Jes of
American communists-—Jewish, Hungarian, German, Finnishffhreek,
Scotch, and Negro.