= This same section goes on to declare that the very structuie of activnies, as Sl}Cll,'1I1 this country. It is reported that_a Japanese
I soviet power is international in its class character, and concludes fugitive from ]ust1ce, named Sen Katayama, was active in the origi-
; with the prophecy that the Soviet Union thus formed “ shall stand nal organization and that he later became chairman of the American .
» as the firm bulwark against world capitalism and form a decisive section of the Third Internat1onal,and a member of its presidium.
  step toward the union of the workers of all countries into one World _Thus was created for the first time in the United States a party .
. Socialist Soviet Republic.” The State emblem consists of a sickle With 21 MFLTNIQH €0m1nUn1SF P1`0g1`H1n, as developed and ei&b0I‘&te¤· qE.iSl“Ef"§hi?{*é§l“ZEvtiiitthfuéteftfrithois $23 {EEEEE.“‘§i$tfE§g§2Si$ut]£?0§°3é
I A reliable index to this purpose is found in the Pravda, the oiiicial the bourgeoise state. y D i
¤ organ of the Russian Communist Party. In its issue of September, '
_ 1928, appear these characteristic words: , _ VIRTUAL OUTLAWRY OF COBIMZUNIST PARTY Arm DEPORTATIONS
  uutih%iE§ZiZZ‘te`$$§ ’iE§l`££`§.°f fE“&?§°¥$‘t‘"J5 E§’£.£1$€SJ""$’ bit im Stiehitiiitii In the letter imt of 1919_¤¤d the early rm of 1929, at the instance
i aim is world-wide communism; our fighting preparations are for world revolu- of   _D€PaI`tm€hh of Justice; which WQS then k€9Pihg tl`&Ck of tim
tion; for the conquest of power on a world-wide scale and the establishment of _ 3Ct1V1t1eS of L1ltI‘£L1‘€1Cl1CalS in this country, the Department of Labor
H W0Fld D1‘¤i€¤11`i¤¤ di¢t¤t0FShiD· * * * _ if i issued a large number of warrants of arrest for deportation of com-
. One of the early acts of the Soviet Government in December, 1927, munist agitators. The cases were based on the theory, enunciated by
was to pass a decree appropriating 2,000,000 rubles for international the Secretary of Labor and sustained by the courts, that the Com-
revolutionary purposes. munist Party of America advocated the overthrow by force or vio-
This world revolutionary movement is now being carried on lence of the Government of the United States, and that, therefore,
; actively in some 50 different countries, where communist parties have its oflicers and members who were aliens were subject to deportation
been established, all subject to the orders and instructions of the as being members of an organization proscribed by the immigra-
Third International at Moscow. The Third International reports @1011 i=1WS. '
from the soviet headquarters at Moscow successful propaganda cam- STATE LAWS AGAINST RADTCALTSM .
paigns being waged in the following countries: Germany, Great
Britain, Ireland, France, Italy, Belgium, Holland, Sweden, Norway, The situation became so acute and the spread of ultraradicalism
Denmark, Czechoslovakia, Austria, Hungary, Yugoslavia, Rumania, ` ‘ so general that by the close of 1920 most of the States of the Union
Bulgaria, Greece, Switzerland, Spain, Portugal, Poland, Finland, had passed laws against anarchy, criminal syndicalism, sabotage, red-
Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, United States, Canada, Mexico, Cuba, flag demonstrations, and organizations advocating the use of force or
Columbia, Ecuador, Uuruguay, Chile, Argentina, Brazil, Turkey, violence in the furtherance of a political or economic program
Persia, Syria, Palestine, Egypt, Japan, China, Korea, India, In- Some 30 or more of the States have now enacted sedition or criminal
donesia, Australia, and South Africa. syndicalism statutes. The result of these arrests, deportations, and
By the exact words of the Communist International the United enactments of criminal syndicalism laws was that the American com-
States is included in this list of countries. munists were for a time driven underground.
onrern or Trrn AMERICAN coiwrixruivrsr MOVEMENT wonrmns PARTY or AMZERICA
The communist organization in America represents the gradual In 1921, in order to camouflage illegal communist activities and
development of the left wing of the American labor movement. This ri • to create a legal party through which a communist ticket might be
left wing had its origin in the socialist movement, but later became placed on the ballot of the various States, there was organized, in
strongly permeated with industrialism and revolutionary syndicalism accordance with instructions from the Third International at Mos-
which found expression in the activities of the Industrial IVorkers cow, the VVorkers’ Party of America, existing in parallel with the
of the lVorld, the group centering around lVilliam Z. Foster, and the *4 • Communist Party of America and under its control. The second
left wings of the Socialist Party and the Socialist Labor Party. The congress of the VVorkers’ Party, in 1922, adopted a program of the
Russian Revolution and the Communist International clarified the dictatorship of the proletariat and a soviet form of government in
ideology of this left wing, wrought an easy coalescence of its various the United States. (Calendar of the Communists, p. 688.)
tendencies, and later produced the Communist Party here {in the It is to be noted that communists run for oflice simply for educa-
United States. Its formation marked a definite break between the tional and propaganda purposes. They do not hope or desire to
revolutionists and the reformists in the socialist movement in America, accomplish their aims by the orderly processes of government. They
The Communist Party of America was organized at Chicago in y
September, 1919. Previous to that time there had been no communist _