.‘ _
JI/r I "\\  
gxglziiéggtionallyl the unemployed with the employed. It is said to
The one great offensive of communism in this country has boon, 49 cities ig11g1§@€tC0uH?1st of un€mPiOY€d and it miHi?aI1t” 11I1i0I1S in
and still is, directed against organized labor, and necessarily s0. of the recent unghe? t IS under this branch of tho party that most
W'orld revolution must originate, if at all, among the masses of tho The executive h  doyguglt Eamdes IFWB betm 0Fg¤H1Z€§}. _ ,
people, and communism to succeed in the United States must Will Foster former Gd 0   G rlmd? Umm} Umty LWSUB 15 William Z.
_ v_ _ ,- _ , communist candidate for President of th `
over the Dieat mass of our Working men and women. To accom States more recent} _ t . , , _ 6 Ulllted
pligh this it must u11d€1‘111lI16 and 0VBI'thPOW organized labor as to riot; in Connggtj y Seiignied to Jml In New Y°1`k Clty for inciting
€X€]Ilp1iH€d   thB AH]€I`lCHH F€Ci€1`atiOn of Luboll and tile United Squafg   was l OH \v1   6 Mal.C11,   denlonstra/tlon .at Union
Mime \Vorkers of America, the membership of which f0I‘ YQMS has stration that hg 'gn (finzrngcuon Wlth the mimngemems for thls demon
valiantly and patriotically borne the great brunt of the communist _ L a C¤€ to have shouted?
attack in this country, and still constitutes our one great bulwark of In%gr;;5gg§%°‘i gat this meeting tomorrow has been Oydeyed by the Third
defense against the potential dangers of communism. ` H _ °S°°W‘ Welt lt has bmi; Wiwt are you going to do about iw
The philosophies of the American Federation of Labor and those The 1`GV01ut10¤9·1‘}’ HHIOHS and sections known to date are as follows,
of the communists are directly opposed. Between them there is no Agricuiturai Workers Industrial Union •
basis of agreement. The Federation stands for evolution, rather A A¤{¤1$¢1¤1¤t€d Clothing \Vorker5 Industrial Union
than revolution, in industry. Recognizing theinterdependence and °° gigggg Fméugiuanc? Workers Industrial Union,
mutual interests of capital and labor, it fosters C00P€1`€1ti0H b€’6W€€¤ Food aiidiiiiaekiiiléngziéggliiirlggiis ilgustriui Um°I?'
the two and favors wage agreements and their 0bS61‘V&1HCG. FL1I‘i3h€1`, ·T€W€lry Workers Industrial iilgigm ndusmal Umml
it supports American institutions, and is opposed to any dictator- 1* 9 Nutifmul Motel Workers 1¤duSmaiLcugue_ V
ship, whether of capital or of labor. The communist looks upon 1l!II§§‘(§‘1$a;VI§_"`¥i€r$ I¤d¤Stri¤1Lwgue._
the interests of capital and labor as mutually &I1’¤fLg0HiS@i0 and Needle Tra?1;;'Ci‘ir(i)ii;;@k§,gi]l}Sii(;pSfr£ai League'
altogether irreconcilable. He considers wage agreements as but evi- National Auto Workers Industrial Utiiiggen
dences of industrial servitude, and seeks the destruction of our insti- ' ._ L¤¤}b€F Workers Industrial Union `
tutions and the establishment of a dictatorship of the proletariat. \ §gg;°%$;r£g§t‘¥’ yerkers UP*0¤-
So long as organized labor refuses to compromise With GOIH1HUHiSI¤ t .Nationa1 niiniysnglgiglxal Umm`
that political and social theory can offer no serious threat to OUP ”`§¥11bb€r Workers Indusitriai Union
Government and institutions. Elamiers I¤d¤St1‘i¤1 Union.
The Red Trade Union International, it section of the Third IH’G€1‘— ]];;2.5£;tg_;gV°rk€l`S Industrial Umm-
national, had its inception in 1917, but was not formally organized Wdmeirs Segiiion. ‘
and launched until July, 1921. It is now known as the Red Inter- Youth Section.
national of Labor Unions. Its aims and objects are as follows: A Of the members of these revolutionary labor orvanizations cover-
` T0 Organize the b1‘()3_d I1'l{l,SS€S of UIQ W01`k€YS iZhl`OUghOUt» the world for tho 1n%t118 basic iHduStI`i€S,   PGY cent are f()]‘Qi0‘n btgrn
; cyerthrow of capitalism, the liberation of tile toilers from the yoke of exploita- ollowing are SO1'1'l€ of the ch‘11‘acte1‘iSti db d l f `
E tion, and the establishment ot the socialist torm. _ _ _ _ _ Zation . L C eman S O the OI`gam‘
To iight the disease of compromise, with the bourgeoisie, which is gnawing ‘
_ , at the world trade-unions movement, the idea of class cooperation, and sense- Work or xvaggsh
less hopes for a peaceful transition from capitalism to socialism. Complete insurance against unemployment, to be rovided -
_. , . . ment, nuanced b t; · · .- D by the GOYQFH
The Ameucan section of the Red International of Labor Unions uu umm 1O_ d y.t1?X€S im?] m°0m€· mhélltuuce and pronts, and providing
l and the national center of the revolutionary industrial movement in diSquaHg§at;Oi]S_ W1 bgnits °f fuuwage rates Without MY €X•?€Dti0¤S or
V the United. States is the Trade Union Unity League, organized at Mmiuistlirtion of uueuip1oyed_beiie1iis to be iii the hands of the Workers
Cleveland In August, ]_929_ Thls league Coordmates and bmds all elected fiom shops and organizations of the unemployed; no disqualihcation to
Q the revolutionary union forces into one united organization. It leads ) $03;1%`;f;(ivb§g?§§°1_§’f€;°f“S“l t0 accept the reduction Of Wages or refusal to
  and directs the oeneral struoole of the new union movement. The * Abou i ii · ( ` , - .
` Trade Union Uiizity League   the reorganized Trade Union Educa- Pmymelgto¤g(<;£€Iig;Ya¤i§1¤§iI§£I@‘uoiiQuliyagi; Giigiigsgnlilaiigegfciiiiiijliriie gm];
l tional League, which was formed in November, 1920. This re- the “dmi”iS“`“ti°¤ Of u¤€mD10Ym€¤t benefits. °°€ Wm
l organization marked a new development in the policy of the revolu- Q, Eiizmgiiglglelgtagf-;`h°iu.-dgy and dday Week? DO Overtime Work-
L tionary union movement. 4 for the youth undeir 1;] iiiuiiii gilelgilirggiiiiiigénd other dangerous Occupations and
· The Tr 34 (18 Union Educational League Placed its main Stress On the Abolition of underground and night work in damerous industries for w
organization of revolutionary minorities within the legitimate unions. and Youth , B Omen
v` The] Trade Union Unity LB£tg11€ CBHt€I`S HS €ff0I`tS OH 0T`g?il'1iZiHg i tiogglggrtgiili1(is§>1e(iaivi§(]i1uii£i$g;V1]it€ Workers. Fight against an forms of Segregw
wor {ers into its own industrial revolutionar unions inde endent of Prohibition i th I · .. . . .
‘ the American Federation of Labor. At tbz same time ii) continues t€¤¤¤¢€ of f1llOChi1<(ir(ieli1]?)10ym€Ht Of chudwn of 15 and umm ’ Gmemment mam`
  the eforts within the reformist unions, and unites politically and wgiifgggfsf relief f°" the ““€mP1°Y€d from G°V€1‘¤¤¤€¤¤ f¤¤dS, city, State,
W5 `
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