rn?. .v. ..17-- 7  _
Q 1 A YB . . . . h . _
. port to their sixth party convention in 1929 gave t 811` num- th 1 b _ _
bers in the United States as 13,000 members, 10,000 of whom were pig; izeig, %0O§{§C},l~:,i$;nd Sold them Whmevm they Could at Whatever .
dues-paying members. L k· dt . ` · -
, During the proceedings of their seventh party in convention in In 3,; gzlitcligit; ni'(l?;,(€l€;;l’1§l&é;i;€€i,I;l; g?,£,0l;Ck:,;iigl tg1F1g,;)£1};§gC°u;?;'
Q 1930 Il? ”·PP€aI`€d that their Ih0’hb0I`ShIP was 0PPT`0Xim0t01Y 15000* sugar lumber manuanese coal pulpwood petroleum prgduhtgr and
  Th? CI*l€hdF*T of the Commuhlst Partyttfor 1900v P0g0 070v §1V00 butter?. Her tixportg that inost boncern the, United States are timber "
V hhe Th€Ihh€I`ShIP ef the AIh01`I0*m Party as 00000 10>000 P€9P10· pulpwootl, oil, Coal, and manganese. Most of these exports come not
The Pravda, the pfficial organ of_the Russian Communist Party, from the 0utpOm.in,, of RUSSM, ablmdzmce but from the Sacrifice Of
gives the following ngures as indicative of the number of communists the Rusgnm PQOPIG0 A Careful analysis of the Russian Situation
throughout the W01‘ld in 1930i _ reveals that in spite of this alleged dumping Russia’s exports are very
Russia ................ ---- 3, 500, 000 i Czechoslovakia ............ 35, 000   small. HBP Sl1&I‘G lll the W01‘ld°s export {3;-ade aynguntg to but L2 pgp
0‘0"m00y ··‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ lg; 2043 t Eg$g0§%,E·,j ··········—···· 2* gg? ’ Gent =1S_COHt1‘&SteCl With 4 per cent in 1913. Moreover, her exports to
· F100°0 ‘’‘‘‘`‘‘'`‘‘``"‘ f" "“ 1 0 0 as ‘‘‘" f ‘'‘‘"`’" ’ the UH1t€d States are less than one—third of her imports, This prob-
_ It is well substantiated, not only from communist, but other fe- . lem of present dumping and possible future economic competition
n liable sources, that out of our population of 123,000,000 people we , on_ the part of Soviet Russia is material to the purposes and work of
1 have from 10,000 to 15,000 actual dues-paying members of the Com- *0 0 this committee only so far as they may or may not constitute a part ‘
munist,]3arty. Moreover the communists of the United States have of its political offensive against the capitalistic nations of the world,
~ been divided from the beginning into several antagomstlc groups including our own. Thus far there is little to indicate that this
I which has prevented real unity of thought and action among them. ,{_ , 5 guyppinlgbhas Bleed bghind it a mischievous intent OI. that it has been
RUSSINS T<>¤T¤TTT¤ WOTTT TTTTTTT   .§§.fL %....ia°...§§§?€ tttttltitfttt‘§i..E§f’§§S$i'a..SSE§.‘él.l°§Sti.€SSat}t‘l§-
. . - -··- ` ld cease. Moreover a read market exists in Russia for an
Th t r oi s th ·eat in this whole communist situation is per- mg Wpu > . Y , , , Y
haps €eddr(if>mSih hnld wdrld—wide, rather than political and national. l gggggtvebpggtputtgf g0(i100i)Y{}€1i0 Shefcgl Pfodt?0 III th? I§hIh0dmt0
soviet Rnssia’s I-amt policy of yiumping certain classes or commodi- i , d,SSe,.V,C,, {2, §§QW§§‘,lf,“,§m1,§n*;t°‘“b° “S0“’ 1 S“°°"SS “ ’ 0 0 be
ties on the_worPd’s market constitutes a more dangerous attack on the ·, Whatever the motives Of Soviet 12115 _SfeI1- d h t h _t
eTgTT1Ttt,TfqTT Ttpiglisec Weld the ag; Te Tmed by the Thad { aa. is strong ...n......e that her4tidibe10npdlp0vdddT §.Yi“§‘i.ZZit§3
n erna iona mi s · years o proparran a. _ . . . = . _ .
Russia. is a nation of 150,000,000 pedple, both men and women being {   §§`5,Or;,0€0;§a§;%iét%i2 ig &l;)l(0O3£t;I§, p06EH05;mlz,21§§;Eig;b?; T
workers, and laboring for an average wage of_$3o per month, plus the j attempting to Pass judgment On Tabor conditions in Russia Tam
.value of their social insurance benefits. The immense wealth of Rus- t Severe, hgndica ed b the fact th E d t . th S# . t,
sia has been taken over by the soviet state without remuneration to Q Govérgment angpthe yam more 010 1;;,0 b°uI;£, ;000¤'€_m00 C0 ,0YI01
the former owners. The communists are now engaged in the colossal ‘ definitions ’Und€r Tigsent Conditionssit Omight Y gc 0,0100 00.31100d
experiment of transforming what has always been an agricultural I unreasonable to msotgvg an d N ¤= .0 . 0 00001 01`0
. . _· - . _ - . - y oubt that may exist in favor of the
I Colmtfy 1¤tO00’0O0‘ Un0bl0 t0. 00` T its domestic market of commodities and ex ortin them at rice;
A mbhsh l"h0‘t0fm 0I`0d1t0 In G0l;`m00Y> F1`0H00> EeeI¤¤d» 00.000 Umt'00 lu { U lower than those prevailing in the world’sPmark%t Such algtion
_ States, the Soviet Governmeng 1S forced to make its expenditures from however dogs not SEG  P,_0’E,,,bn, In my event not`, or hereafter,
current revenues thus with_rawinv from consumption practically · · ’· _ · · ' “ - ’ *
one-half of the entire national incozine. It was recently announced the Amamcan Standmd Of hvmg Should be suitably pmt0cb00'
that the budget for the present fiscal year would be $16,000,000,000, or X V I NO OCCASION FOR HYSTERIA
, two-thirds of the national income. In order to obtain the foreign   .
exchange with wh_ich to pay for the necessary machinery, equipment, it The foregoing is an attempt at an unprejudiced analysis of the
. and technical assistance called for by this development the Soviet 1 facts presented in evidence before this committee. Those facts dis-
I Government has been forced to export large quantities of commodi- I close much of organization and sinister purpose, but nothing start-
ties which were greatly needed at home and at a price much lower ling or particularly menacing as regards actual results. For instance,
_ than the price prevailing at home. They have apparently assembled · communism organizes to destroy the morale and patriotism of our
armed forces. Since the birth of communism in the United States
2 ·   "