’T{F "{ A is  W H 4-7 ’· ts    
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P ‘ l ' Any person violating any provision of said sections may be tried and punished a an t d' · · *· .
, either in the district in which me unlawful matter or pubiieaaon was mailed bg $1. Saggegmfl tP°f,§ht m this °°‘mtYY· Bette? '°h¤t_1¥m€F1w¤ labor
3 or to which it was carried by mail for delivery according to the direction - g in egl lmat? unions, kid by Amerlcun c1t1zens, support-
y thereon, or in which it was caused to be delivered by mail to the person to whom tug our Amgrlcan 1H$t1tUf»10I`1S, than that embittergd workers bg foycgd
e it was addressed. (June 15, 1917, c. 30, Title XII, sec. 3, 40 Stat. 230.)" into revolutionary unions, led by oiiicers of the Third International
`I Your attention is also invited to the immigration act of October 16, 1918, as- and seeking the destruction Of an th· O. A · ’
~: l amended by the act or June 5, 1920 (une e, sec. 137, u. s. o.), providing rar me mes mmcw-
T exclusion from the United States and the deportation, after entry, from the
United States of aliens who believe in, advise, advocate, or teach, or who are CONCLUSION ‘
members of or affiliated with any organization that believes in, advises, advo- M d . . _ _
; cates, or teaches (1) the overthrow by force or violence of the Government of d O BTH S91€Ht1ii1Qt§1I1d 1Hdl1S’LI‘1al progress has created new social]
‘ the United States or of all forms of law, or (2) the duty, necessity, or pro- im eC0n0m1o com 1 10ns never C t '
. priety of the unlawful awaulting or killing of any oincer or otlicers of the Rgpubljg Them is a chasm bgtgigzmgutgd XD? fhg f§‘%l1d€”§d°?d*’h1S
pf Government of the United States, or of any other organized Government, be- We perha S need a H tgt d 0 BW 1 B an 6 _O 1 Bas-
.; ` cause of his or their oiiicial character, or (3) the unlawful damage, injury, or _ h P BW 8* 1 u B ef thmlght and _¤· H101`€ llbefal ap-
3 destruction or property, or (4) sabotage. The act in question also contains gmac te Wm? of Our P1`Ob1€m$· After all, ii Soclal System Ends its
_   further ppovisions of a similar nature as grounds for exclusion or deportation Hal S2`mI1Ct1OIl 1Il human llapplnessand social Welfare, 111 the achieve-
{ of suclggsggzsfully ment of economic freedom for the individual through the elimination
1 y , Ol R. LUHMNQ I c Of egoléomlc poverty. I` he crisis that American industry and Ameri-
yi Assistant Attorney GEMM; _ E can a or IS facing to—day speaks in no uncertain terms of something
E b 1 (FO; the Attorney General). ; A Wmng U1 OUP social Zllld lI1dUSi31`l$.1l system, of that which calls for
E RFCOMMENDATIOYS 3 izgélier arid deetper study if causes, effects, and cures. Out of such
l J ` ’ .
A i { } y muc 1 goo may even nate.
l . . B ll ' u · ’ ‘ ‘
1. Greater care on the part of our consular oliicers 1n the selection mw;   FITXEQEQS; it g%(§&i;;§guJEggt1€?l 0hf1f0S tthigt C3;
· · ‘ ' · ' f ‘ ` · ton v's,as. “ · _ 4 s imper ec Ong
A of 1II1II1lgI`£lHt$ Mid thff 1$5U§m£_O lmlglgm 1 .1t. t bl th f>h6}’ 1`fmy be, express the hereditary needs of out race. The were
2. All necessary authorization an appropria 1ons o _ena e e born out Of those needs WGYG Sha d d ld d H Y
Department of Justice to resume the work which it carried on pre- t f _ » P6 _=m mo e to _ t them, and are
_ , . t. .t. . tl U .t d a par 0 our very beings. There will be no weakening in our ideals
vious to 1924——that of following up radical ac 1v1 ies 1n 16 ni e f d __ . , _ _
y _ _ , . . St th .t. V o emocracy simply an extension of those ideals into other fields
States and cooperating in this WOfkW1thth€V&F1OUS ate au Orl les. `VB may correct the fimps in Ou _ l bil h _ ·
J 3. Adequate appropriations to enable the Department of Labor Ophy itself Wm €ndm_€_·g hucsg imgh lgt Ogoiliz li}? buf? U18 Ph1l0S—
i immediately and continuously to deport all undesirable and illegally ,4;..., kind au that it has wb vggof hq P _Y la 0 6 HS g1V€I1 to man·
l` h se de ortation is indicated under existing statutes. . · l y r . *PPm€S5· _
entered a iens w o p is . The roblem f i ·
g 4, The strengthening of our present deportaition law? sp far as l and gcogomic p1_§b1€‘;g?’“I‘}II;1§g;;5;Ixlg;¤r3`$<;1§§r<;f scglngliiyig
' A ll is no forma]. inspection or translation of the contents of the foreign- an Eradication Of the diseage mthgr than like S m toms PY Gil BS .
il langcuage lH6;V$P?;¥Sz 01;1SuIg}5;2u(?;Cg;311Ch are camyylng matter of the EMG Sglution   f?hl$ PI`0lJl€IH HSS lll the YVlS¥lOl?1 of (iur lggiglgjggps
l m0S V11`¤ fm im ICI `· , ‘ fm H1 @16 UHSB ShH°Ss of our industriali t I · ‘
  (;_ The gncgurageulent mid Sllppoft Of_0Yg&H1ZBd lubmh _ { ,_ W0I`k out €C0`00lT1lC jlllStlO€ llGI`€ in AIl101‘l0?L Sand    
l It has been p1Ct1lI‘€SqU€lY_St&t€d, and Wlth mllch truthv that our best *1 . I SYSWHI that labor shall share lll the €CO1'1OH".lC life of the Natiqm 13S
‘ defense against the red shirt ef the ¤<>Y¤m¤¤}$t and th? black Shm `_ 1 , fully and as fairly as it now shares in its social and Olitiggl rf ·
of {hs Fascist ls tha blue shirt of the American workingmau- N0 A _ in just that proportion will radicalism fall of its own inlanitiori 1(ftlm
one who has made a study of the communist movement in this coun- · ¤   threat of Communism @358 to disturb us * an 19
try can fail to realize the great debt that_Amer1ca_owes to organized I L i. ‘ JOHw E N
Y labor for the universality with which it has rejected and fought 4 } O ·· * - ELSON-
» against the insidious propaganda of the communist. Certainly, they é · _
deserve our every consideration and support. In our iight against i
i communism we can have no more effective ally than the 5,000,000 g
  patriotic citizens comprising the American Federation of_ Labor and V
{ the 300,000 comprising the United Mine Worlrers of America. Labor X g
f f has a constitutional right to organize, to bargain collectively, to pro- ‘ ·
i tect its own interests. To deny that right is to weaken our defense .
. l
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