` 3
< i ‘
now active in all the IVestern countries, including the United States. i
He stated that their principal aim was to destroy tl1e exile and refugee  
\Vith reference to "su1n1nit conferences," Mr. J akubec stated:  
As far as the Geneva Conference is concerned, this personi- 9 INTERNATIONAL C0illMUNlSM •
fies the summit of a lack of faith of free world leaders in the   " _ A t. ,·t· S in Gamma)
question of liberty throughout the world, and any conference Q. (C0ll1llllllllSt Pl‘0p8gml(ltt 0 Ul W
which may follow the one held in Geneva in 1955, in our  
opinion, will be a "submit" conference fo1· the lVest to the   `"_#—
Communists who are following a twin line i11 every branch 5 THURSDAY Apgu, 3, 1958
of their activity.   ’
There is the open line and the secret line, and if they want a é T — . Sr was House or REPRESENTATIVES, A
summit conference it onl tl t tl * ` ' " LMTED A T r · ‘ ' ACTIVITIES
, y means ia iey u ant to utilize . COMMHTEE oy Lia-AMDRI©Ai\ _ i
these debates for their own propaganda purposes.   I W aslmzgi07?·» D- 0·
As far as our enslaved nations are concerned, these con- Y CONSULTATION
ferences are breaking the last thread of hope in free-world   _ dent of
Suwlvali . . . .   The following consultation with Mr. Mgan ·L;l»lpg<§,£11*‘€1a· m. in
In commenting upon the "new look" displayed by Soviet Ambassa—   the Mutual CO-Operat1on League of Cana a,_w( D C Pursuant
dor Menshikov, Mr. J akubec observed: ei mom 226, Old House Office Building, IY aslpgigt/g;;€Yiéa1l·»Activities
During the Geneva Conference, great pictures of a smiling i Ei to the authorization of the C01n1111tt€€ On
President Eisenhower and Anthony Eden were enlarged on it composed of: NCIS E WUJTERI i,cimSyii.i,,,i,,, C;,u;,—m.m
tl1e front pages of various Communist papers, shaking hands   FRC L I · C Bmw mn w. mzanxiar, New York
. with Bulganin and Khrushchev, showing how friendly the   MORGAN M;1s10U`L1§1¤R»1MlsS°“u noxiaiin L. JACKSON, caimmna
WVestern nations are with the Soviet leaders. Q CLYPE DOQE;  lhiiwigsilaua eounox H. seamen, gipcilmu
_ This was a double-edged offensive. For the WVestern     iu. muck, virginia nonmvr .1. Menxrrosn, c ., ·
nations it showed the willingness of the Soviet leaders for wi. _ _ t_ Richiid Aieim Staff director; Willem F-
peace and friendship with the NVest. For the terrific ma-   SMH H1€mb€1`S PIQSFH ·d Biéiiqrd S `Véii Stag member, _
jority of the people behind the I1·on Curtain, it meant a deatl1   Heimllchi €01Y5ult““t·> Em d ‘iS misiimitito the policy of the Com·
blow to their hopes in the sense of Western justice and Z? Mr. Arzmrs. The $$8101* to .   Iof receiving Stiatgnjgntg from au.
security.   mittee on Un-American ACUY1 ies, mtimy,] Coiinnunist operations of
As far as the Menshikov tactics are concerned, these are also Y thoritative sources r€SP€0t{ng in 'ei im Uliited States is a Segment.
directed in a twin manner, first of all to show tl1e American   which the Communist o1>€1¤U(gl In ith Mr Miigm Jakubec, piesideiit
people that the Communist leaders are down—to—earth good   \Ve are pleased to Coffey ti)   iii (]O;()peration League of Can-
fellows, who could be trusted and with whom we can get V of the Execut1ve_C0}1¤011 of t fe d gtiiies with various patriotic groups
along. For the people behind the Iron Curtain, it only   ada, who is V1S1t1¤g in the Um? .11 f(;i,m,itiOii mid Views Oli the Com-
means a post mortem to any of their hopes -that they might V for the PlU`PO§B Qi Qxqhatlgm? IH miSi,ii€i-6 E
have as to the survival of freedom in the free world. -. munist operation in the W estein I? . teh me bppormiiity to Voiimtggp
In other words, these pictures show to the leaders of our ~ Several days ago Mr. J akubec so 1% tivities iiiformatiou which the
nationality groups that the lVestern leaders, who may not   to the Committee on Un-Aineigcigl ih his been deveioping Ow;-t.1ne
notice these realities behind such Soviet tactics, were, them-   Mutual CO-O]_)€1`tlt1OH Léagllc 9 i agi i{iiD{u]i$i} operations within the
gplves, paken iii bylthis Sovigt propaganda and actually lent   course of pogie tgne respecting tie 0
iemse ves in urt ierance o t e ro a anda desi ns of in-   confines o ana a. V ` tee to welcome
I ternational communism. P P g g   Mr. J akubeQ» we are pleased Onvpihiilf 0€iti[i$i§(ggi;?§;g matter.
  you this morning and to confer wx it 1 you o
V   Mr, Auuns. For the record, kindly identify yourself by 11f1m€‘» 195*
all H g and occu nat-ion. _ _ ( born
.   dglvliri J AKUBEC.1 I am Milan Jakubec, of To1 039, (;=g¤j;Si*é1$)‘i"(;?€d by
  __ in Slovakia Oli Mmch g, 1922, At the presen im . .
. 4 the Ontario Cgivil Fei vice. 3
· 242·13°—5 ———
»?'  ·