l  .
_ Mr. J Axunno. The League has been trying since its very founda-i   Outside of that, the Soviet Embassy supplies funds for the publica-
tion 1n 1954 _to t1·y to bring the realities which we are facing today   tion of its "Northern Neighbors."
to the attention of all the free governments and especially our own   Mr-.Annns. What is"Northern Neighbors"Z
, Canadian Government a.nd the United States Government as the leads   M1·. J Anunno. A publication strictly under Communist auspices
mg ones m the free world.   which is quite extensive, printed on comparatively very good paper
_ Among other tl1lIlgS,_We were advocating a stronger control of var-   and containing a number of photographs from Soviet Rl1SSiir and
1ous Communist activities and we have openly advised rohibition of   various Iron Curtain countries which are designed to sway the public
the Communist Party, camouflaged under the name of tiie LaborsPro·  Q;  opinion in Canada toward a favorable stand for communism.
gressive Party, as well as of its various affiliated, fellow-travelino· as-   Outside of these things, the Communist funds are drawn from
sociations among almost every etlmic group f1·o1n which Canada is ‘  various postal services to the Soviet Union; and since there are, in
COUIPOSBCI-   my opinion, about 1% million Canadians originating from the ter-
We had great ditliculties in bringing these realities to the Canadian   Tit01`ieS immxed by the U- S- S- R- and fmm the PYICBS and custom
Government which was Liberal at the time. They disregarded our   duties that are collected with this postal service, which remain in
advice and warnings completely and felt that eomniunisin is not ns   Canada, the Communists in my estimate get about $20 million to
dangerous inside of Canada as it is outside. They have absolutely A  $30 million YGHFIY to finance theif ¤€tlVli?l€S-
ignored the ideological terms of communism and have thought only `i,_  J  i i MI`- AKEN- May I be Sure the recerd is eieiiii eii iiiiS‘ May I
in terms of military attack, which in our opinion is a seeontlnry tlnnm g ' interpret what I understand you to say, namely, that when a person
Due to th1S Stalid of the Liberal government, we openly decided E,   in Canada sends a parcel to an Iron Curtain country, the Communist
Support the Conservative Party in the elections of last yeananrl in was   regime charges a ceitain amount of tax or levy in order for that
elle. in large measure, to a wholehearted support of all of our groups ji  parcel to be sent into the Iron Curtain country; is that correct?
in Canada, which are favorably dispersed, that a strong Liberal gov-   MI`- JAKUBEC· YeS¤ that is eeiiiieee
_ ernment was overthrown and the Conservative government enrne into   Mr. Annns. Where is that charge made?
power. s   Mr. J Axrnsro. That charge is made right in Canada.
We have made up a list expressing the opinions of our member   MI`·AR-ENS- In what ageneyisihe Charge miiiiei ‘ i
p groups to both major parties, the Conservatives and the Liberals-   MI`- JAKUBEC· There iiiie Viiiiieiis iigiiiiciiis iiiiii iiiii iiiiiiiiiig Oiiii is · `
Hllil the Conservative Party, I am pleased to say, were more favor;   called Ukrainska Knyha. This agency was able, for example, to
able to our views and now, when after this landslirls Victory Of the ( f buy and renovate a number of buildings in Toronto itself; and in
Prime Minister the Right Honorable John Diefenbaker and his party i i these buildings they here Viiiiieiis miiiiiiiiiiS’ iiiiiiiis iiiiii Ciiiiiiiiiiiiisii
we hope that the situation will change and, for the sake of Canatlai it- Propagmdil ilisoi which Mev of eeuiieev fer Siiie to iiie piiiiiie iii giiiiiiiiiii‘
as well as for the sake of the lVest, a more appropriate and realistic ¥  SO they are swine iiieiii iiieiiiiy for iiiii Viiiiiiiiis Ciiiiiiiiiiiiisi iiiiiiiiiiiiis
approach will be taken toward the danger that faces us within the li and they are also dieeemiiiiiiiiig iiie Ceiiiiiiiiiiisii piiopiigiiiiiiib
country itself.   I have here a copy of a list describing these various custom duties
M1'- Annrs. HOW Serious is the Communist operation in Canada?   andarticles that are connected with this parcel service which points
MF- JAKUBEC- The Communist operation in Canada is equivalent   out that the custom duties and fees ordered by the Soviet authorities
to the danger that the Communists present to every free notion UD_   in Canada average 150 to 175 percent of the cost of the article itself.
fertunately, in Canada we do not have any npproprinto restrictions _ Mr. Amms. This exhibit which you have in your hand will be
of Communist activities so the Communists are able to operate more S iHC°1`P0mied in the ree°i`ii‘ (See p' ii')
openly than they operate, for example, in the United States of ‘
America. _ =
The Communists have apparently unlimited funds by which they i 
gan go ag far as to publish various types of propaganda such as the i
Soviet hews Bullet1n," published by the Soviet Embassy itself, and
distribute it, for example, amongall members of Parliament and the
Senate, as well as among the leading personalities in public life, such ·
as university professors, teachers, executives of various firms and
organizations, and so on.