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’d mem' t]`mS' · - selves ou
rheabol- r _ . communisi
L system? / . : • • . • Hitlerfsm,
· Ha is `T he Liberal Viewpoint mpzegg
hat L°°a » —·1zy DR. HARRY, ELMER Banmzs  
‘ informed, AFORMER Kentuckian, Lieutenant Thomas H. Bac., &c."_
S 3, com- ‘Massie,is_to be tried for murder in Honolulu. Some U
l To as The Kentgclky Assembly adopted unanimously J€1‘S€Y·I
D pos a resolutio calling upon the governnaentto T0? 3 m
the 0pp°' insure the immediate release of Lieutenant @h\1Si··"R
zmbership Massie and the others accused of murder. ¤Thc m€9~¤$ 3}
1 gf com- Assembly asked that, if necessary, martial law ildgzg} gm
- - be,declared:——   0 9· m
‘ `pendmg "If such result annot be secured that the by iab<>1ié
lis m=%i¤r President declare rgartial law in Honblulu until Sh1m§i4 bl
ide seems such time as Hawaii can be made safe for municipal
women and especially the wives of our men in H-?} byu:
the army and navy, who, not of their own voli- D FLYSTO
hfggr   tion, are stationed in Honolulu? , ;nent_t  
“ It may seem a little strange that Kentucky, Yami
which has just convicted .two, honorable _labor Tim them
»ose_ than leaders of murder because of their organizing b°¤€St P
. . umOnS_ activities and economic ideas, should demand UCB fmt
_ . - the release of a Kentucky naval officer without I am
W *S iis mai. _ , . » -, had me
'GUES m - ’f ’ ‘!‘ { . man wr
mould be LET us, however, accept Kentucky’s` version of and I w?
grmger, . Hawaii for the time being. Can Kentucky, that a_?
up Of with its Harlan, appropriately cast aspersions on felt as_.
t up n social and moral conditions in our island posses- accords;
0 sions? I think not. ’ _ Fur_
nple., ,The mining section around Harlan is an ernor_
_ Bug armed camp. Qlonest investigators cannot enter calami
than without grave Hanger to their lives or personal and an
_ ' freedom. Low wages are paid to the mine work- engulfr
‘t?ma' ers. There is a vast amount of unemployment. vote fc
es and starvation stalks. Many die from slow starva-‘ I arr
5 than tion and from chronic diseases induced by in- hearin
, layman adequate food. Company-controlled deputies nated
' intimidate and even shoot down those who at- emy, &
tempt to maintain soup kitchens to feed the and Hi
. Green starving. Courtroom procedure in the trialof utteran
3o5_ It accused labor leaders resembles that in the propagz
` · Mooney-Billings, Sacco-Vanzetti and Centralia thing tm
°cOmmg' trials. Men are tried_for murder on account of place a
their social, economic and political opinions. those wl
CE. Newspapers are throttled if they propose to tell knee an·
the plain truth about the methods of the prose- their sell
the un' cution. ` _quences "
rk City We have no desire to differ with Kentucky on nearest c
I » 0 have the question of rape in Honolulu orelsewhere. Belforc
Rémef It is a crime which should be sternly repressed.
n d Is_ even the horrible Bishoff case in Cincinnati By M. D.
· g B' as staggering as the wholesale starvation and ·
disease among little girls in the Harlan area? ..S1€;gy§·
yy New The murder of Marian McLean by Charles Bish— Senator _.
Of the off was one of the most hideous crimes in the wm give
annals of violence. But her death was relatively ·
led by less inhuman than the prolonged suffering of Nam;§92
‘ » . . . » h
A$50· the-starving and wasting waifs in the Kentucky ;Og‘;1uS,(
situa- coal fields .’-’ — number,
C * * 7* » ently v
“yhich THE second major instance of unconscious been ap;
rizona humor on the grand scale is the successful of opini
‘ a’ persecution of a__the cast of "Lysistrata" -in Los friends.
_ _ re nga Angeles until ·the players finally gave up the· Roosevel
· » PTO - · —effort ~in disgust and cancelled further .per- The p
- formances. » from the
‘ ~ This will stir a sardonic smile among those ize that
· - WSNFZV who have followed the persecution of Mooney presses i
T and Billings, the attempt to railroad Yetta in harme
z one Stromberg to prison, the fierce sentences im- One thil
. mmm, posed upon those who would better the horrible fifty pe
· ‘ ’ conditions among melon workersin the Imperial spoken-
. :s1€f]§s' Valley. ‘ ‘ _ velt; a‘
. Jfomm _ "Lysistrata" is a classical play of great dra- they fee
0, with matic merit, though, there are admittedly a' making-
_ number of rather "broad" passages. Yet Mae breaks;
ry herd West at her worst could not produce anythilhg third pai
, ' to compare with the fundamental immorality of the I~
d15t*`Es$ of many outstanding socia_l and economic con- jority a
irve, at ditions in California. » I ’ ;. . Whiteirli
· E Vast · Indeed,_I ‘doubt that a.ny peepshow ever put recovery
ly Duc on m Paris is as much of an affront to really his elec
’ · vitalsocial morality as the unjust imprisonment possibilil
warnicr of Looney and Billings for fifteen year; raised in