C.M.Grsves,Esq. , A
’ New York Times, may 15,1932.
New York City, I
Deer 31r.Greve¤:
· I'm sending films used yesterday in stopping of A.C.L.U. group at county
line. I did not get there until the party wes turning around to gc back end did not
get very valuable pictures, except of the crowd just as they departed. One picture
shows, t£shone,Heys and others in. car but dcn’t think it distinct enough for use.
will you please return these films to me es these ere thecmly ones I b.eve•
I'm sfreld they will not be satisfactory but em sending them anyhow, I'1]. be glad to
send any news films I may get here at any time if you will advise me.
Yours truly,
Herndon J .Evans