of the citizens of the Commonwealth, to meet with faculty and students designated by
President Oswald for purposes of clarification and discussion, and to report back to
the Board of Trustees in time for implementation of whatever action might be taken
in the fall semester 1967. The motion was seconded by Mr. Brcadbent.

      In the discussion following the motion and second, Dr. Harry Sparks agreed
that further discussion was necessary and desirable but wished the record to show
that he felt the report was, in the main, an excellent document and those responsible
for drafting it were to be commended for the care and thought which had gone into its

       In answer to a question by Governor Breathitt as to how much time the faculty
had spent in reviewing the report, Mr. Johnson indicated that the committee had
worked for a year and the University Senate had a discussion of the report as its ex-
clusive business at three sessions. The students were represented on the committee
which drafted it and the final report was submitted to Student Government for study
and discussion.

       There being no further discussion, the question was called for and the motion
made by Mr. Ezelle, seconded by Mr. Broadbent was passed without dissent.

       Governor Breathitt named the following committee: Mr. Smith Broadbent,
Chairman, Mr. Sam Ezelle, and Mrs. Rexford Blazer. (See PR 6 at the end of the
Minutes. )         -

       I. Acceptance of Annual Financial Report

       Dr. Harry Denham called attention to the copies of the Financial Report of
the University of Kentucky for the Year Ended June 30, 1966 which were available
to those present. He indicated that the Finance Committee had gone over the report
and approved it.

       Dr. Denham moved that the Board of Trustees accept and file the Annual
Financial Report of the University of Kentucky for the Fiscal Year Ended June 30,
1966. The motion was seconded by Mr. Ezelle and passed unanimously.

       J. Appropriation of Funds for University Hospital

       Mr. Kerley explained that the 1966-67 operating budget for University Hospi-
tal was based on an activation level of 318 beds. Reserves were established to
finance any additional beds activated. In the fall of 1966, additional activation oc-
cured sufficient to bring the level to 345 beds, or an increase of 27 beds over that
provided for in the budget. Staffing increases occasioned by this activation added
over $200, 000 to the hospital's operating costs for the fiscal year.