M. Dr. Ray Marshall Named First Alumni Professor of Economics and
Chairman of the Department of Economics

      Dr. Albright said that it gave him much pleasure to recommend to the Board
of Trustees that Dr. Ray Marshall be named Alumni Professor of Economics and
Chairman of the Department of Economics in the College of Business and Economics.
The recommendation carries the wholehearted endorsement of both President Oswald
and Dean Haywood.

      In 1965 the Alumni Association established a President's Progress Fund to
provide three alumni professorships as well as scholarships for needy students. Dr.
Marshall is the first Alumni Professor to be named. His appointment will bring to
the Alumni Professorship in Economics a scholar who has gained wide respect and
recognition for his thorough research on some of the most pressing economic
problems of our times.

      A native of Louisiana, Dr. Marshall is a graduate of Millsap College in
Jackson, Mississippi with a master's degree in economics from Louisiana State
University and a Ph. D. degree from the University of California at Berkeley. He
has served on the faculties of Louisiana State University and the University of Mis-
sissippi and is currently Professor of Economics at the University of Texas and
Graduate Advisor and Chairman of the Graduate Studies Committee. Dr. Marshall
has been a Fulbright Research Scholar in Finland, a Wertheim Fellow in Industrial
Relations at Harvard University in 1960-61, and a Ford Foundation Fellow in 1964-
65. His appointment to a position at the University of Kentucky will bring both
prestige and quality to the program in economics at this institution.

       On motion by Mr. Broadbent, seconded by Dr. Murray, and passed Dr. Ray
Marshall was appointed as Alumni Professor of Economics (with tenure) and
Chairman of the Department of Economics in the College of Business and Economics.

       N. Dr. Herbert M. Jelley Named Director of Jefferson Community College

       Dr. Albright recommended that Dr. Herbert M. Jelley be named Professor
of Business Education (for one year without tenure) in the Community College System
and Director of the Jefferson Community College. The recommendation has the
endorsement of President Oswald. Dean Hartford, and the joint Executive Council
for the Jefferson Community College.

       Dr. Jelley, a native of Arizona, has been at the University of Cincinnati
since he received his Ed. D. degree there in 1958. Since 1963 he has been director
of the University of Cincinnati Graduate Studies in Education and Professor of
Business Education. In September 1966 he was named Assistant Dean at UC. Dr.
Jelley's experience and training qualify him admirably for the directorship of the
Jefferson Community College.