the Ethical Principles and Code of Conduct, and it now comes to the Board for action. He said
that he was surprised when he came to the University and learned that the University did not
have one. He informed the Board that there is a piece of legislation that is being attempted in
Frankfort to try to put out an ethics policy. The presidents of the institutions would like to see a
resolution in Frankfort to tell the Council on Postsecondary Education to insure that each
president has an ethics policy rather than them trying to define the ethics policy that takes over
for everyone because the University of Kentucky has a wide variety of things that are unique
from some of the other institutions. He said that this proposed draft had been circulated to other
universities so they can see what the University of Kentucky is doing, and in his opinion, UK
will be taking the lead on this. He said that this has been talked about for some time and
recommended approval of PR 8. Ms. Wilson so moved. Her motion was seconded by Professor

       Dr. Jones said that he would like to offer a friendly amendment on the second page. He
asked that Senate Rules be added to the listing of additional, official University documents.

       Ms. May apologized for not submitting her comments when the Board was suppose to
return them. She said that one of the things you want in a code of conduct is for everybody to
be familiar with it and everybody understand fundamentally what the rules are. For the most
part, you cannot expect people to walk around with multiple documents in their hands to go back
and refer to. She pointed out that it is not perfectly clear on page 3 where it talks about
employment of relatives, and this probably impacts a lot of people. Relatives are not a defined
term within this particular document and given some of the restrictions on other education
things, she believes it would be much cleaner if it were added to this document. She said she
was sure it is somewhere within the University policy.

       Mr. Siemer indicated that this can be linked to other University policies.

       Mr. Williams reviewed the background information about the inspiration for the
document. He reminded the Board that Mr. Miles had asked the Ad Hoc Committee on Board
Structure to review the various corporations associated with the University. He asked what plan
was in place to communicate the expectations of compliance with this code to those

       President Todd indicated that each chair of those affiliated corporations would be
informed of the passage of this code and the need for them to abide by it.

       Mr. Siemer reported that an implementation committee was already being put into place
to circulate the code. He indicated that he would report at the next Board meeting on the
progress of the committee.

       Dr. Plattner said that she would like to reiterate under the non-discrimination policy that
when equal opportunity for all throughout the University is discussed that that opportunity would
include benefits for all those who are entitled to them through their family, their employment or
in any other way. She indicated that she knows the issue has been discussed and will continue to