submitted to President Barker, with power to act, with directions

to buy such lockers as he may think proper.

    Motion was made, seconded and unanimously carreid t1At the

 salary of Mrs. Lucy B.Blackburn be fixed at $500., and she be

 assigned-Ito such duties as President Barker may direct.

    The question of the fixing of the salary of Mrs. Marshallaas

Matron of the Boys' dormitories having been submitted to the Mcx

ecutive Committee, with power to act, it was unanimously voted

that her salary be fixed at $500., and also that the salary

of Mr. Lenighan as bookkeeper be fixed at $8O0.

    It was ordered that the question referred to the Executive

Committee by the Board of Trustees relative to the putting of

hot water in the boys' dormitories and the conversion of the

veranda in the new dormitory into a reception loom be postponed

until the next meeting.

    The question of the selection of a Legislative Committee by

President Barker, which was directed by theBoard of Trustees to

be approved by this Committee, was postponed until the next


    On motion made, seconded and carried, President Barker, Miss

Hamilton and Miss Aubyn Chinn were appointed as a cp=ittee to

take up the question of a suitable matron for Patterson Hall and

make some recommendation to this Board at its next meeting.

    On motion made, seconded and unanimously carried, W. T. Laf.

ferty, Business Agent, with the approval of President Barker,

was authorized to rent houres out in town for the accomodation

of such appointees as we are required to provide for and who cannot

be accomodated in the two dormitories upon the campus, or make

such other provisions for their accomodation as may in their judge-

ment seem most advisable.