Subscribe for

James Park, '15



University of Kentucky Club of
Greater Cincinnati: Luncheon at
noon on first Saturday in each
month at Industrial Club. Pike
Madison avenue, Covington, Ky.
Note Will the officers of other
Alumni Clubs please send us the
dates and places of their regular
University of Kentucky Club of
Chicago: Luncheon third Monday
of each month at 12:30 p. m., in
the grill room of Marshall Field's
Men's Store.
The Louisville Alumni Club of
the University: Luncheon first Saturday in each month at the Brown

Difficulty Experienced Over Eligibility of Players Continues
to Be Felt Through Season to

Mrs. Rodes Estill, '21


L. Kirk, '24



Dr. George H. Wilson, '04
Dr. E. C. Elliott, '62
Wm. H. Townsend, 12

Walter Hillenmeyer, '11
Wayland Rhodes, '15
W. C. Wilsen, '13


S. C. TEAM OF 1902




Published By And For University Alumni.

And Help the Association


Edited by



Alumni Assn.


Special Rental Rates to Students




Commencement Day will be Monday.
May 28. Alumni Luncheon will
follow immediately ,
Watch next week's Kernel for a full program.
The University of Kentucky extends a most
cordial invitation to all her sons and daughters

will be the best ever


Within the next two weeks we will send each of the paid-u- p
and active members of the Alumni Association a ballot with
the names of those Alumni who will have been nominated for
the offices of the Association. This is customary at this time
These ballots must be back in this office several
each year.
days before the Annual Business meeting which will be held
It is necessary that these ballots
during Commencement Week.
are returned by the time that will be announced on them in order
to make it possible for the committee to count and tabulate the
For this reason a time limit
votes to determine the officers.
has been set and ballots coming in after that time will not be
counted. The candidates are nominated according to the conand the names of the candidates are repstitution and
resented also as the laws of the Association prescribe.
your interest in your Association by casting your vote for the
man whom you think will be the best for the .Association. Our
Association can never function properly and be of ultimate good
to our Alma Mater unless we who make up its membership are
interested in its well being.

The fiscal year of the Alumni Association of the University
is from June 1 until the last day of May each year. This arrangement was made several years ago in order that dues and
Kernel subscriptions would be. due after The Kernel has finished
its year. Within a few weeks the year will be over and dues for
next year will be due.
It has been the experince of those who
have been in charge of this office, since this arrangemnt came
into effect, that it takes the greater part of the summer and early
Now this condifall to get the membership up to its heighth.
tion is one that is a source of expense to the Association. We
are forced to operate on limited means, in fact finances are so
that at times the purchase of enough postage to write to you
A great saving would be
all is a great strain on the treasury.
made possible if you who now are active members would send in
For your benefit
your check for dues before the year is out.
we are publishing at the foot of this column a blank for your
Send in your check at any time and you will then
be assured The Kernel each week next year and will not miss a
single one of the first issues. You would save us a great deal
of time and money and then you would not have us worrying you
every week or so by letters asking for your dues. You know
that you intend to pay your dues and that you want The Kernel.
the operation of
Your check at this time would be a great help-ithis office.

Annual Event Held at Brown
Hotel in Louisville During
Meeting of Kentucky Educational Association.

More than 300 graduates, former
FALL OF 1902
students, faculty and friends of the
The same faculty committee on athUniversity of Kentucky attended the
letics was reappointedby the presisixth annual University of Kentucky
dent. It selected as coach for the
dinner which was given at the Brown
seaspn, E. W. McLeod, of Findlay,
hotel in Louisville, Thursday evening
Ohio, a graduate of University of
April 19. This dinner now is an anHe
had successfully
nual event during the meeting of the
coached the team of University of
Kentucky Education Association,
hotel, 12:30 p. m.
Nashville the previous year.
which is held in Louisville
J. L. Vogt was captain, R. T.
was manager. K. U. was
The attendance at the dinner was
pursuing the same tactics as the year
the largest in the history of the din
before. Young was back on the team
alumbringing with him one Turner, a re
Louisville ners. Active work done by thethe of
ni club of Louisville through
ported clever boxer or pugilist.
ficers of that organization was re
State College started the season
Miss Emily Ray, 24 years old, who sponsible for a part of the increase
with the following team: Maddox,
Mc was graduated from the University in in attendance?
Mrs. Bess Hayden
center: J. T. Pride, right guard;
Gee, left guard; Stanton, right tackle; January, died April 2, at her home in Collins, class of 1910, is president of
H. M. Spencer, left tackle; Vogt Louisville, it has been learned here. the Louisville Alumni Club and was
Death was caused by pneumonip.
in charge . of the sale of tickets to
Campbell, right end; Wurtele-Gradleft end; Hughes, quarterback; B. N.
Miss Ray, who had been teaching in Louisville alumni.
An unexpected and most enjoyable
Spencer, right half back; White the Louisville city schools since leavGuyn, left half back; Dyer, full back, ing the University, is survived by feature of the program was a talk
Later Wills was added to the team her parents, Mr. and Mrs. G W. Ray; made by J. W. Carnahan, class of
There is little doubt but he came to two brothers, J. C. Ray and G. H. 1896, of Chicago, who was present
State College to play football. How Ray, both graduates of the university at the dinner. He told of the enter
ever, there was never the slightest in 1925 and now students in the med- tainment that was arranged for the
evidence that it was anything but ical college of the University of Lou two Kentucky high school basketball
love of the game which was the im- isville, and one sister, Miss Cora Lee teams when they were taking part in
pelling motive in bringing him. He Ray, who will be graduated from the the National High School Basketball
Tournament. He praised both the
matriculated in the Academy, and University here in June.
there met the severest tests in the
Funeral services for Miss Ray were teams and told those present that a
way of scholarship which the princi- held April 7 with burial following in similar spirit would be of great bene
fit to the University.
pal of the Academy was able to bring Evergreen cemetery at Louisville.
Gayle Mohney and Dr. W. D. Funk
to bear upon him. He dropped out
immediately after the Thanksgiving
houser were the other speakers on the
game in earnest for State College program. Gayle Mohney talked on
Football and military seem also to were the young ladies, and that this the college student of 1928, while the
have been the compelling motive in first team has never been surpassed subject of Dr. Funkhouser's talk was
Gleaning From the Campus. Both
bringing Maddox to college and keep by any since.
ing him there for two years. He eft
Miss Watson coached the team. Al were most interesting and highly
at the end of that time to take charge together fourteen persons played on it praised by all those who attended the
of the military and athletics in a in different games, but the members dinner. President McVey presided at
the meetine as toastmaster. Overton
southern military boys school.
composing it in the great game
Other players who participated dur- which K. U. was defeated, 18 to 10, Kemp, of Lexington, was present and
ing the season were: Cravens, right were Alice Pence, captain; Nellie led several Kentucky songs.
tackle; Combs, left tackle; Wood. Speyer, Miriam Naive, Bessie Shaw, Carl Lampert of the music departThompson and Rodes, full back; Mc- Helen Jaeger, Fannie Red. A boys' ment gave a short violin recital. He
Allister and Campbell, end; Cutler team was also organized, but it ap- came in place of the Men's Glee Club
and Atkins, quarterback.
pears to have played only one game which was forced to remain in Lexbecause
The games with the results were as
that with Georgetown, in which it ington R. O. T. of a federal inspection
C. unit.
of the
was defeated.
Many of the alumni who were pres-- 1
October 4 S. C. vs. Miami at Lex
Spring of 1903
This was a short athletic season, as ent said that the dinner this year was
October 18 S. C. vs. Georgetown the students went into .military camp one of the most enjoyable events of
28 to 0.
at Lexington,
at Ashland, in Boyd county, on May its kind ever to be given at the meeting of the K. E. A. With this feeling
October 25 S. C. vs. University of 20.
Nashville, at Nashville, 0 to 11.
Early in the season the basketball among alumni who are teachers, the
27 S. C. vs. Mooney team had excellent daily practice dinner next year will be an even
School at Nashville, 0 to 23.
with a Boston American league team greater success than the one this
November 1 S. C. vs. Central Uni- which went into training early in year.
versity at Danville, 0 to 15.
The program was arranged by
April at Lexington and was granted
November 8 S. C. vs. Louisville use of our grounds. This nine was Dean William S. Taylor, who is an
Y. M. C. A. at Louisville, 0 to 17.
accustomed .to wallop our boys to the alumnus of the University and a
November 15 S. C. vs. Cincinnati tune of about 25 to 3, as they did on member of the class of 1912. Dr. H.
University at Lexington, 6 to 6
L. Donovan, who was graduated from
the opening game, April 8.
November 27 S. C. vs. K. U. at
Our nine early in the season was the University with the class of 1914
5 to 6.
K. U. grounds, Lexington,
composed as follows: Gullion, Duffy, and who recently was elected presiJust before the last game, the one T. Geary, Mathews, Wurtele, Tally, dent of Eastern Teacher's College,
with S. C. on the 27, K. U. ruled off Darling, Grady, Kipping and Brad- was among those present and was
Turner and Young, alleging as the ford. The battery was generally R. introduced to the assemblage by Presreason poor scholarship. Feeling that Geary and Grady (captain), and C. ident McVey.
their team was considerably weak H. Gilmore was manager.
ened by the removal of these two
A game each was played with
men, members of the K. U. manageand Company, accountand Georgetown in which the forment set about to try to get some of mer was defeated 6 to 1 and the ants and engineers, of Chicago. His
State's men removed for the same latter 7 to 1, and then the nine took address is 516 Cornelia avenue, Chicause, and to that end had the hardi- a short trip South in which
it defeat- cago.
hood to appear before the faculty ed
Western Kentucky College at
athletic committee with complaints on Hopkinsville in three games, 9 to 5,
Hower Parks Parrigin, B. M. E.
that score against one of our players. 15 to 44, and 16 to 5, and lost to 1916, is an engineer with the fuel deGrady, I think it was, whom rumor Southwest Presbyterian College at partment of the Texas Company. He
had reported as having fallen down Clarksville in two games, 3 to 9, and is located in Port Arthur, Texas,
in a physics recitation under Profes- 2 to 14.
where his address is 325 Atlanta
sor Pence.
The track team organized with John avenue.
The real reason for the removal of Vogt, captain, and O. K. Dyer manathese players developed later.
Gravean McGoodwin Pedley, B. S.
ger, but appears to have had no meets.
During these years the sporting
1916, is general residence manager of
fraternity of the city took a great
tht Bleich, Empress and Grand Theo aters, in Owensboro, Ky.
deal of interest in this final game of o-the season between the two local colTell Me
leges, and were in the habit of putDaniel Thomas Roberts, A. B. 1915,
ting up large sums of money on the o-A. M. 1916, is a physician and is loIndeed the game was in dan
Thomas Robinson, B. M. E. 1914, is cated in West Point, Ky.
ger of falling under the control of a civil engineer and is living in Lexthis element completely.
Charles Ernest Ruby, B. S. 1916, is
ington, Ky., where his address is 172
a consulting chemical engineer at the
It became commonly reported that North Hanover avenue.
certain persons of known betting pro
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, at Cambridge, Mass.
clivities were putting up practically
Joseph Roemer, A. B. 1914, is
all the funds for the support of the professor of education in the Univer
K. U. team.
George Vernon Page, B. S. 1917, is
sity of Florida, Gainesville, Fla.
For some time before this final
head of the Department of Physics at
game there were persistent rumors
Seneca Clairborn Routt, B. S. 1914, the Western Kentucky State Normal
circulated in snortinc rirlps Hnwn in is a farmer and lives near Anchorage, School at Bowling Green, Ky.
jthe city that Turner and Young had Ky., where his address is R. F. D. 17.
Deen bought on by certain gamblers
Morris Eades Pendleton, B. M. E.
to throw the game.
Espie Clay Parker, B. M. E. 1915, 1917, is with the Armstrong Cork
K. U. feared the worst. These two is production foreman for the Stark Company, of Pittsburg, Pa. He lives
men were debarred by their manage- Shops of the Pennsylvania Railway at 572 Coal street, Wilkinsburg, Pa.
ment, but a virtuous front was main- Company. His address is 912 Cleve
tained. It was given out that they land avenue, N. W., Canton, Ohio.
Elizabeth Homer Perry, B. A. 1917,
had been removed because they had
is with Swift and Company, and lives
lately fallen down in their studies
Walter Joseph Pigott, B. S. 1915. is at 254 West Fifteenth Place, Chicago
J? alien down
inin their studies
with the Parkersburg Buick Company Heights, 111.
deed! There were probably never two of Parkersburg, W. Va.
athletes who, during their whole footThan Givens Rice, B. M. E. 1917, is
ball career, were so absolutely innoCharles Stephenson Rainey, B. M. a coal operator and lives in Providcent of books as these two matricu E. 1915, is a mechanical engineer, and ence, Ky.
interested in oil production. He is
But a'great injustice seems to have living at 1041 Coolidge drive, San
William Henry Rochester, B. S.
been done these two faithful em Gabriel, Calif.
1917, is county agricultural agent for
ployees of K. U. They were never
Muhlenberg county, and lives in
bought off, nor was there any attempt
Gustavus Adolphus Rice, LL.B. Greenville, Ky. to buy them off. The report assidu- 1915, is assistant to the vice president
ously circulated that they were to of the Bank of Italy, Los Angeles,
T. Ellis Peak, B. C. M. E. 1918, is
throw the game was simply a ruse Calif. His address is in care of the an engineer with the Standard Oil
on the part of Coach McLeod to have Hershey Arms hotel, 2600 Wilkinshire Company of Louisiana. He is located
them discredited and eliminated. At boulevard, Los Angeles.
in Baton Rouge, where his address is
1974 Olive street.
least this was what was commonly
reported in State College circles imPhill Everett Richards, B. S. 1915,
mediately following the game. And is a farmer and lives in Morganfiield,
Harold Parks, B. S. M. E. is with
it would appear that the scheme came Ky.
Parks' Pharmacy, in Irvington, Ky.
very near working successfully, for
the score was won by K. U. only by
Virgil James Pritchett, A. B. 1918,
Esther Lee Rider, A. B. 1915, now
the kicking of a goal, won after the is Mrs. Beverly W. Cobss and lives is an attorney in Bowling Green, Ky.
tower of strength in the State Col- at 420 Felder avenue, Montgomery, He is a member of the firm of Jones
lege line, Cravens, had been ruled out Ala.
and Pritchett, and they have offices
for alleged slugging or rough tactics.
in the Opera House building.
It was during the winter following
Homer Lloyd Reid, A. B. 1916, is
that the first basketball team was put with the Louisville Gas and Electric
Buford B. Russell, B. S. M. E. 1918,
in the field by State. The State Col- Company, of Louisville, Ky. His busi- is a sales engineer with Drying Syslege gymnasium was completed in ness address is 311 West Chestnut tem Incorporated, of Chicago.
1901. And, though basketball was street, and he lives at 311 Belvor ave- address is 11 South Desplaines street.
played by K. U. during the preceding nue.
winter, no teams were organized at
John Gilbert Stewart, B. S. 1918, is
State during this year. It is worthy
Charles Smith Rollings, B. C. E. a farmer and lives near Crittenden,
of note that the first to take up the 1915, is a partner in the firm of Bar Ky.

When you need a car for business
or social affairs

Enclosed find my check for $3.00 for dues

for 1928-2-







Maiden name of wife and date of marriage

Occupation or Employment.

..Give name of firm, etc.

Business Address

Residence Address

Name and Ages of Children.



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from students.




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