The Kentucky Kernel
The Kentucky Kernel is the official newspaper of the
students and alumni of the University of Kentucky.
Published every Friday throughout the college year
by the student body of the university.

K. I. P. A.

Subscription One Dollar and Fifty Cents a Year Five
Entered at Lexington Postoffice
Cents the Copy.
as second class mail matter.



H. Glanz

EDITOR Byron H. Pumphrey.
ASSISTANT Melvina Heavenridge.


Kady Elvove
Leida Keyes
James Porter
John W. Dundon, Jr.
Wilbur G. Frye

Ollie James

Tom Riley
Margaret Cundiff

Bernice Byland
Jessie Sun
Evalee Featherst'n
Roy Baldridge
Harry Towles
Scott Keyes
John Murphy
Elizabeth Carter W. A. Kirkpatrick
Bob Thompson
Jane Ann Carlton
True Mackey
Kathryn Friend
Catherine Eyle
Niel Plummer
Joseph C. Graves
Sara Elvove

Wayman Thomasson
Laurence Shropshire
Herman Sharp

Ellen Minihan
Lillian Combs

Bill Reep


In a recent issue of The Saturday Evening Post,
Dean Christian Gauss, of Princeton University, writes:
"One may become a leader only if he forgets all about
leadership "and tries merely to make himself a good
lawyer, chemist, doctor, or whatever he is studying."
On the other hand, a boy who is too much concerned
with developing his talents for leadership often re
gards his humdrum work in college or in the office
as secondary, and neglects the immediate and some
times uninviting work before him.
Dean Gauss, in his article, points out that the primary object of our colleges is not to train leaders, but
to train men in their respective fields so thoroughly
that they cannot help but become leaders in after life.
Leadership, he says, can be attained only by honest and individual effort. When one is willing to show
others the way and has mastered every problem that
might arise along the way, then he will have become
a leader.
There was an incident a few days ago at Washington
which fully illustrates the idea of leadership college
students have. A committee of students, apparently
representing themselves as leaders in their respective
institutions, sought and were denied an interview with
President Coolidge. Their purpose was to discuss foreign and Nicaraguan policies with him, and to protest
against them. Have colleges so deluded students that
they would take a hand in our governmental machine
when in fact they would do well to successfully carry
to success some of their college ambitions? Ifc is a
shock to learn that years of experience and devotion
to duty are being questioned by students who have been
trained to be leaders and not to be. workers.
It is a safe assumption that leadership is being
Students in college should place emforgetting
phasis on scholarship and character-buildin- g
leadership entirely.
Men and women who are being educated in
universities owe the state something in return.
Public education, and education at the expense of the
public, like public office, is public trust. Place emphasis on scholarship, learn your profession thoroughly
forget leadership for application.

Harold Wynn

James Shropshire
Univ. 74
Phones 6800

Jack Cousins
H. B. Ellis
Z. L. Peal

Carlos Jagoe
Lucille Short

Harold Schimmel
Ben Golden


Fred Conn
Virgil L. Couch



W. D. Grote
Ted Strunk
A. L. Pigman

In the
or evening most of the college
cafes in the East present an amusing scene.
clutter about a table enjoying cigarettes.
Suddenly the door opens.
are composed and happy.
They swallow smoke, blow the
The girlyget excited.
air clear, and hide the cigarettes or pass them to attendant males. If the newcomer is a trusted one, they
resume dissipation.
If it is a faculty member, they
become quite uncomfartable.
Why can't the poor
Such conduct is sad indeed.
things smoke unmolested and in the presence of the
Smoking is as distinctly personal as
dean herself?
If a college female wants to pollute herself
She should
with the weed, that is her own business.
be given full leash by the Ladies' Student Government
or whoever arbitrates such trifles. The Athenaeum.

"Give Your Mind Ocean Room"

The Kernel believes it conveys the sentiments of the
entire University when it tenders to the family of Judge
Henry S. Barker its sympathy and regret.
A kindly and generous man, a man who had many
worthy friendships, and a man whose career was marked
by a host of noteworthy achievements, Judge Barker has
left to mankind, both in character and in deed, something to emulate.




The Kernel wishes to congratulate the University
cadets on the splendid showing they made in the recent
inspection. It is an honor to the University to have
been represented by the
R, O. T. C. unit of this year.
It was amusing to note how quickly the cadets
reached for their shoe rags when the unit was given
"at ease." No doubt, this act alone made a great impression on the inspecting officers. Things like that
show the spirit of a unit; that the cadets are trying
hard to make a good showing for the University.
Nolan, who was in charge of the inspection, remarked that if distinguished unit stars were
given this year, the University cadets were certain to
be recognized.
The Kernel repeats, well done, R. 0. T. C.



Says Prof. John H. McGinnis, Southern Methodist
"When Albert Bushnell Hart denounced W. E. 'Woodward's "Washington: The Image and the Man," the
publishers seized upon Hart's criticism and used it as
an advertisement of the Woodward book.
The idea
was "This book has irritated a Harvard professor
therefore you'll like it!"
Who said that college professors do not exert an
important influence on the literary taste of the American
people? The New Student




The statement of Vilhjamur Stefansson, the explorer, to the students of Bates College that, in his earlier
years, he studied and taught what he has since discovered to be only an imaginary world, is perhaps one
of the most potent remarks yet made as to the smug
complacency with which we are prone to accept things.
For example, Mr. Steffansson once taught and believed that the North Pole was the hardest place to
reach and the coldest place on earth; that there was
no vegetation in Polar regions; that Esquimaux lived
in snow houses, drank oil and liked it. When he went
to see for himself, however, he found that only one
condition was met that of being far from the equator.
He found that, instead of being high from the sea
level and far away from the ocean, the North Pole
was only five feet above the sea level, and in the middle
of the ocean. This, apparently, has a stabilizing in
fluence on the temperature, for Mr. Steffansson foum.
the thermometer to register 103 degrees in the shade
at one place within the Arctic circle.
"Snow houses," he said, exist only in the imagination.
And the Esquimaux do not drink oil. As for the statement found in geography books, that there is no farming in Greenland, in the year 1000 A. D., it was assessed
taxes by the popes on its fine dairy products and sheej
and cattle.
And now Colonel Morrow, in the convocation address before the students of the College of Engineering,
explodes another one of our long cherished beliefs.
Colonel Morrow tells us that all Chinese are not
and rat eaters, and that he did not remark a
chop suey "joint" within the entire celestial realm.
Such information ha3 a tendency to disillusion one.
The New Student, commenting on Mr. Steffansson's
address, suggests a "college of unlearning." At this
institution the New Studnt says: "We would unlearn
the wives tales that college freshmen are wont to believe, such as, that if a woman happens to look at
strawberries her child will have a brilliant red birthmark, that the French are a gay people whose main
preoccupation is the consumption of snails and light
In the place of this colorful fiction, the New Student would have taught what Ethan Allen really said
at Fort Ticonderoga and investigate thoroughly the
legend of George Washington and the cherry tree
Incalculated by the new scientificsplrit that so animates the youth of today, The Kernel feels, too, that
we have too long lived in an imaginary world. It wonders whether or not the present students are now willing to barter their pleasant beliefs, entertained so long,
for the unprepossessing truth. Or, we leave the question entirely with the student: Do you prefer to live
in this imaginary world yoa havo so long believed in?

Not as Saint Mother to her heedless God
So meekly bows; I follow passionately
Thy wisp of light, thy wanton, mocking nod,
Snared by the film of wings I think I see.
I, scoffer of all lies, worship thee,
O, strange, my mistress, tho thy steps have taken
Cruel ways I loathed, but would not flee,
Dark ways, where nameless thoughts have shaken
Even my unbelief.
And still my faith,
Hiding thy cheat, thy cheat, in threaded gold,
Makes thee a lovely thing; thy scantling breath
Fills my lone altars; and a longing bold,
Bolder than hope, steels my lean, hungry youth
To think, mayhap, thy harlot's promise truth.

0- -

(By Joseph C. Graves)

i of "Laugh, Clown, Laugh," which Lon
(By Ollie M. James)
The Central Kentucky Choral So- - Chaney, portraycr of strange characciety and Prof. Carl A. Lampert are ters, uses as a medium for revealing
giving the people of Lexington and more hidden facets in the gem of his
central Kentucky an opportunity to artistry than he has ever before. The
see and hear a performance of cul- -. picture, to appear at the Ben Ah and relicrious an- - theater the first part of next week, m- peal seldom rivaled, and perhaps never volves every possible phase of huequaled within hundreds of miles man emotion, and brings in the strollof Lexington, on May 9, when the, ing players of Europe, the circus, and
"Messiah" will be sung in the Men's the theater, as colorful backgrounds
gymnasium at 8:15 o'clock. A chorus for an intensely interesting story.
of the best vocalists procurable in the Despite its innate tragedy, its lighter
are delicately woven in,
middle west will deliver the oratorio, moments
accompanied by the Philharmonic or- while a beautiful love story runs

chestra. In spite of the fact that the
cost of the production would fully
justify a large admission fee, the tickets are to be sold at practically nominal prices, according to Professor
Lampert, who is directing the work.
The "Messiah," ranking as it does
as the one outstanding masterdepiece
in musical literature,
serves a niche in the admiration and
understanding, of every educated person. The parts and solos are sung
in English, thus removing the main
objection to musical productions of
the higher type, grand opera in particular. It will be a
of the musical and spiritual appreciation of the people of the Blue Grass
if the "Messiah" does not prove to be
as great a success in regard to at
tendance as it seems predestined to
be in intrinsic worth.
Songsters Shall Soon Sing Spring
As spring drags on, the weather
becomes more and more conducive to
that form of music legitimatized by
Shakespeare: the serenade. While not
suggested as an alternative for nightly studying, still the serenade is un
doubtedly an integral part of campus
activity. There's something most
romantic about this midnight carol
ing, even though it does leave
much to be desired in the way of
perfection. Would-b- e
and cellolike, re
sembling the elastic tonal range of
the pipe organ, and giving firm sup
port to the voices in the upper regis
ter. Pseudo tenors seem full throated and effortless as they soar to the
etherial heiglitsdictated by the mind
of Irving Berlin. In the parlance of
the undergraduate, they "go over big."
"Sharp Shooters" at Ben Ali Today
George O'Brien rescues Lois Moran
from the king of bootleggers in
liquor drive, cleans out a dance hall
in Morocco, and fights a
battle with a gang of his sailor bud
dies, all to keep Miss Moran an hon
est woman the rest of the week at the
George first sees
Ben Ali theater.
the young lady in Morocco, as a- little
dancing girl, hot looking, but
nice, you know.
In fact she's sup
porting her invalid father. This
doesn't go over so big with George,
so he sails off in one of Uncle Sam's
big war canoes, leaving the dear lit
in the dance
tie thing
hall. At last she gets up her fightin' Irish, and comes to New York,
where she speedily becomes compromised again. At last George shows
up and from then on to a hurrah fin
ish, it's too bad for the bad mens. It
couldn't happen, and all that sort of
thing, but it should be a good show
"The Last Command'
at Kentucky
Emil Jannings., famous for his remarkable characterization in "The
Way of All Flesh," brings his latest
picture, "The Last Command," to the
Kentucky theater Sunday. "The Last
Command" is a story of the red revolt in Russia, showing Jannings as
a mighty general, strictly military
but beloved by his men. He befriends
a girl in distress, but imprisons her
companion, the girl in turn saving
him from death at the hands of the
blood-ma- d
revolutionists. He then
comes to America in search of his
fair savior, and there the thread of
the story takes a strange twist. The
play is marked by the splendid settings, especially a number of shots of
Russian battles. The direction, done
by Josef von Sternberg, well known
for .his directorial genius in the mak
ing of "Underworld," is faultless, as
is the acting of the capable and beau
tiful feminine lead, Evelyn Brent
"Laugh, Clown, Laugh," at Ben Ali
The age-ol- d
barrier to love, that of
the passing years, is the motivation



The Critics Ink





Looking Over
The Magazines





Thomas' series, "Tales of
Commanders," has begun in
the April issue of "World's Work,"
and the first installment is extremely
exciting. Mr. Thomas' idea is to present his tales from the viewpoint of
commanders, describ- German

German volumes of Shakespeare by
have been added reJohrbuch, 4,

cently to the University library. All
are valuable as standard reference

The new book, "I Believe In God,"
by Agnes Maude Royden, is significant
as well as interesting because the au
thor is to be the chief speaker at the
national Y. W. C. A. meeting which
. I will lii liolrl novf mnnf Vi in Sni'mmpn- ..
uijf mull leeiuiKS
naiuitu to, Cal.
their torpedoes sink large British and
Other books on the display shelf of
American ships. The first article de-

scribes the sinking of the "Hogue,"
the "Cressy," and the "Aboukir" by
This submarine, the U-of a kerosene burning type, was one
of the first' submarines used in the
war. The amount of time it could
remain submerged was limited, whereas the danger it risked in firing torpedoes was very great. The account,
therefore, of its attack on British vessels makes for very absorbing reading.
In the May issue of "The Golden
Book," I suggest the story, "A Sale,"
by Guy de Maupassant. The story
tells of how a financially
Frenchman endeavored to sell his wife
to a friend. It was agreed that she
should be sold by the cubic meter, so
a barrel was filled with water, the reluctant and alarmed wife put in, and
the amount of water she displaced
measured. The deal was never carried through but the amusing and bizarre story can be enjoyed with a certain Rabelaisian' unction.
"Sleep," by Dr. D. F. Fraser-Har- ris, in the May issue of "The Forum,''
is tha beginning of what promises to
be an interesting series of articles.
Why we should lie down in a horizontal position and deliberately become
unconscious is, as Dr.
points out, miraculous. And besides
giving a brief and interesting view
of what the ancients thought or
dreams, he explains the cause of the
incubi. the reason for nightmares, and
the way to overcome the unpleasant
distortions of unconsciousness.
In "Modernism and the Novel," Mr.
Sherlock Bronson Gass deplores the
discrepancies of the American novel.
Mr. Gass is allied with Mr. Paul El
mer More and Prof. Irvine Babbitt in
his attack on modern American literature, but he is by no means as wel
fortified as his compatriots. He tells
why he cannot read American novels
and for those who relish the disdainful, Professor Gass will prove unequally gratifying.
"Really, My Dear," by Christopher
Morley in the same issue of "The For
urn," is an opal fantasy of the dream
land of a poet, which will please those
who love the sinister and the ambiguous.
U-- 9.

throughout it, making it excellent entertainment of a somewhat heavier
sort. Chaney gives us a
of a clown's soul undergoing torment,
while Herbert Brenon, the director of
Beau Geste," "Sorrel and Son,'
"Peter Pan," and others, deftly blends
situations, motives, and dramatic
It's a picture you cannot
afford to miss, yet you will probably
come out of the theater crying.
"Finders Keepers' atStrand

Wednesday- -

Laura LaPlante, blonde, bedimpled
comedienne, returns to the Strand
Theater Wednesday with her latest,
Finders Keepers." Miss LaPlante
plays a muchly engaged young person
who runs wild in an army camp which
She falls in
her father commands.
love with a
and the fun,
I could think of far
worse things which could have hap
pened to her, but didn't. Mary Roberts
Rinehart wrote the story, which ap
peared in The Saturday Evening Post.
The play should prove to be amusing,
and amusingly interesting.
Ruggles directs Miss LaPlante in her
ludicrous adventures, which end in a
decidedly unusual wedding ceremony.
buck-privat- e,

Block and Bridle
Judges Live Stock

Students May Participate Except Members of
Previous Judging Teams '

A judging contest under the supervision of the Block and Bridle club
of the College of Agriculture, will be
held Friday and Saturday, April 27
and 28, in the Judging Pavilion at the
Experiment Station. The contest will
be open to all Agricultural students

with the exception of the members
of last year's judging team, who are
still in school.
Two divisions, one for freshmen
and the other for upperclassmen, will
be the only rules governing the contest. Animals and fowls, including
beef and dairy cattle, sheep, hogs,
mules, and chickens, will be judged.
The winner in the freshmen section
will be awarded a cup, and a book
entitled "Elements of Livestock Judging," by Smith, will be awarded for
second place.
Another cup will be
given for sweepstakes prize. L. J.
Horlacher, assistant dean of the College of Agriculture, assisted by Professors Martin, Wilmore, Good, Anderson, and Ely, will be the judges.
About 100 contestants are expected
to take part in the event which will
be an annual affair sponsored by the
Block and Bridle Club.



Mr. M. J. Proud, representative of
the Oliver Plow Co., of Indianapolis,
Ind., visited the College of Agriculture Monday in view of interesting
some of the senior agricultural students in retail work and salesmanship
with his company. Mr. Proud interviewed several boys, but made no
definite plans with any of them."

the library are: Silas Bent's volume
on journalism, "Ballyhoo;" Eugene
O'Neil's late play, "Lazarus Laughed;" Moult's story of James M. Bar-ri- e,
"David Livingston," by Charles
Merz; N. M. Rawson's "Candle Days"
Story of Early American Arts
and Implements."



Letters were awarded to 131 men
at the annual Junior Smoker at Cornell University. Awards were made
for crew, baseball, football, cross
country soccer, basketball, wrestling,
hockey, lacrosse, tennis, track, and
The entire citizenry of the State of
Minnesota will combine on the celebration of University of Minnesota
Appreciation Day, following the proclamation of Governor Theodore Christiansen, who has set Iay 5 as the
time for all people to join in the statewide festival on the campus.
Women's Glee Club of Oberlin College will travel 900 miles through
three states, Michigan, Indiana, and
Illinois, while on its trip during the
spring vacation. The club will also
give a radio performance from station WMAQ. The trip will be made
by motor coach.

Approximately half the alloted
number of tickets for the annual gridiron banquet at the University of
Michigan, sponsored by Sigma Delta
Chi, professional journalism fraternity, has been disposed of. Three
hundred invitations have been issued
and it is expected that all tickets will
be taken.
Vachel Lindsay, and Charles F.
Scott, editor of the Iola Register, and
Prof. W. S. Johnson, head of the department of English, University of
Kansas, are to be the judges in the
awarding of the Carruth Memorial
poetry prizes for this year. The
deadline for the submission of poems
is April 1. The contest is an annual

Illinois Wesleyan students participated in the drive for funds to be
used in the erection of the new School
of Music building by working in a
canvass. More than
1200 prospects were interviewed and
sum of $1,033.50 was raised. Stuthe
dents taking part were rewarded by
a tinner given them by the president
of the university, Dr. William J.

'picai of tit
firit if urvici

among tttepisnt




M. J.


Wants One"

The vagrant wind blows westward from the bar
trees are black and leafless yet;
Behind a misty veil the small stars gleam
Like garnets in a broken circlet set,
And elfin voices call as in a dream
From wild and lonely hills where pixies are.


It makes a
Good Impression

I wander now,
Across the plain, the path, the moor.
The wind alone
Shall know my solitude.
And if from you
I may escape,
I shall be glad, yet God,
O. M. J.
How lonely!

The gory sun,
Now done to death,
Upon the breast
Of a virgin cloud.
And still you talk


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I Read Where


In later life, we'll all be talking,
Of the friends we used to know.
And when your name is mentioned,
My heart will catch then go on throbbing
And I will try to change the subject,
Watching their faces they must not know.


Library Notes


