Winter 1980-8I I Vol.5I No.]
I University Archives
I _._
{ Margaret l. amg Library - North
I · University ol Kentucky `
. Kentucky Pamter/2
I Lexington, Kentucky 40506
. Museum curator Bruce Weber and art professor Arthur Jones
I preview the UK Art Museum's inaugural show of I98l which displays the work of
, Kentucky painters from the frontier era to World War I.
I Elbow-to-Elbow/ 5
ig More than I,OOO former students ofthe UK Training School gathered in Lexington
l for a reunion dance highlighted by plenty of memories.
I ° 9
I Keepmg UK s Classrooms Full/ 9
_} Enrollment has long been the predictor of funding for education.
I What will happen now that the national college-bound age group is dwindling in number?
{ University Information Services writer Betty Tevis addresses that question to UK administrators.
I UK and You/12
E l·lere’s your chance to do something for UK! Use this special pull-out section
I to write a personal note to a prospective student, introducing him or her to the University.
— The section was written by Lana Dearinger of the Admissions staff.
  Alumm Repo1‘t/ 21
  Association director Jay Brumfielcl assesses the future in light of the past in this l98O annual
  review forthe membership.
= Class Notes! 26
Former football All—American Bob Gain was inducted into the College Football Hall of Fame.
The Kentucky Alumnus (USPS 292-840) is published quarterly by the University of 1980 OFFICERS: PRESIDENT John C. Nichols II '53, Louisville, Kentucky; PRESIDENT-
Kentucky Alumni Association, 400 Rose Street, Lexington, Kentucky 40506, for its ELECT Richard M. Womack ’53, Birmingham, Alabama; TREASURER Mrs. Joe F. Morris
dues-paying members. Individual dues are $15 annually with $2.00 of that amount ’38, Lexington, Kentucky; SECRETARY Jay Brumfield '48, Lexington, Kentucky;
used in publication ofthe magazine. Second class postage paid at Lexington, Ken- ASSOCIATION STAFF: DIRECTOR Jay Brumfield ’4B; ASSOCIATE DIRECTOR Bob C.
tucky, and additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send changes of address to The Whitaker '58; EDITOR Liz Howard Demoran '68; MEMBERSHIP COORDINATOR Ada D.
Kentucky Alumnus, UK Alumni Association, Lexington, KY 40506. Refbord ’39; Brenda Bain, Julia Brothers, Linda Brumfield, Ruth Elliott, Amelia Gano,
Opinions expressed in The Kentucky Alumnus are not necessarily those of the Uni- Ruby Gilpin, Ruby Hardin, Ennis Johnson, and Tom Wise '73. ART DIRECTOR Elaine
versity of Kentucky or the UK Alumni Association. Golob Weber.