named staff systems engineer joint Institute for Laboratory tucky Department of Correc- was selected as the rookie of the
for Armco. Krentz joined the Astrophysics of the University tions since 1972 holding several year in the office of the Com-  
firm in 1976 advancing to sen- of Colorado and the National positions at the Blackburn Cor- monwealth's attorney for the pom
ior systems analyst before this Bureau of Standards. In his rectional Institute in Lexing— 30th judicial district, Louis- the]
most recent promotion. new position which began in ton, including acting superin— ville. Chuppe joined the staffin the Jl
September, Eaves is designing tendent. May 1979 following two years of thi
theoretical models for predict- as a staff attorney with North- Publ:
ing the rate of molecular clus- ern Kentucky Legal Aid. He
s K6? gf0W¤l'1 in the atmosphere, Franklin D- Cheatham lla was graduated cum laude from i M,
{   ` work which will contribute to a has b€€n granted lull Prnlesson the Boston College of Law. b l
  I   bcrrcr understanding df nrrnns. ship status at Campbellsville ‘ cen
  _ pheric pollution College. Cheatham joined the ;__ agar
  ,f   [ College faculty in 1973 and Earl Sims Smith jr. ’73 re- mem
n i -l'-_,,,§fl *7t teaches mathematics. cently was awarded the degree ' gig;
_ , ,  ' l zl ib. Larry K. Baumgardner ’7] is ______ of TTIKSIET ln business admims- Kim?
  l president of the recently for- Davidlj G1_anach€x_,72haS tratren rrem Samford Univer` india
e   ’*»* * / med Dahlem Realty Company ` . SltY· Btrnnngnanr Ata-
in Louisville. Dahlem Realty been named coeirdmemr of .__;_.
Michael R· K¤h1h¤¤'69 has specializes in commercial and group Credit services for the , c Jov
bw- ¤i>i>¤i¤¤<*d ¤ ccmmcrcial industnai mn estate. Baum- r““‘°‘§ rmifr RPb"i‘ e°‘“‘   tm ,,‘
analYst with Armenia Corporate gardner has worked in real es- Pena reeec er ls a S0 euri l ingto
ccmmcrcicl <>rg¤¤iZ¤¤¤¤ i¤ me for twelve years. “’“F‘Y "°n““$ F"` a ¥““‘“S ° ··e.     ~· mgm
Cincinnati. Kohlhas joined the bnslnees adnnntstranen degree   ·   Com,
company in 1976. ·’—-T at Kent State University. ‘ i  J    the 2
Kenneth M. Eades '71 re- .._.—-   ; {mpg
centl earned a Ph.D. in fi- . , ’   ·
Howard Humphrcss .69 has nance from Purdue University. Mlchjlcl ;"dBr0“ln dee has \t{   xg]?
been aPP°lnted aseeerate enaP` Dr. Eades is now an assistant been   ecle ermam lrfclm M mgm
lain in the department Or Pas` professor at the University of {Or   Zgappa naggrjlccjzs JZ; Kenji
total care at Methodist 'Evan- Michigan Xiixigar szjiifmmg ig; 0j’;m_ Chi-Po Chen ’73 has joined the A
gelical Hospital in Louisville. _ [hc facuit Of the Ohio CONC E
—-—— tzon of the undergraduate _   _ _ g camp
1.; Linda Wells Eadcs ,71, _74 Chapiers located On the Cana of Ptidiatrip Medicnntirias ancaii book,
Eugene M. Rasmussen '69 is Cmninyed by the University nf puses of xiuburn, Georgia S0€1a1§ pnghesszrnti praélirih and si
has joined the Huntington Michigan asaiescarch assistant Tech, Georgza and Tennessee. egY· r·h enb a.l° h d Tama
(W-Vc-> Ccucgc f¤c¤¤¤y as an in bioiogicaiscirms. Employed as an acceum mc- "i‘§““S ai; ‘?°“ “i_‘ C ““ Y "?"’"
associate professor of sociology. ull!/6 fm Full Senhlce Leah-hg 0 actors 3 emma [ e peseege field
He Comes [0 the College from a ..;—- Cmpomiian (Atlanta), his job of drugs through thelintestmal avazla
similar position at Mid-Amer- Jameg E, Bowman JL ’7] actzlvzltzles involve commerczkzl Wall and Other rnelngrealmerrr bvck
ica Nazarene College. has been elected an assistant and mdusinai equipment   branes such as liver cells. Chen zngtoi
vice president in Central Nag mmm-ng and leasing in Gear is also secretary ofthe Pharma- Cami
——-— tional Bank of Cieveiamrs in- gm} Sgulh Camiz-ml] Eastern cology and Toxicology Section Street
Marva Gay '69, ’70 has re- ternational department. Bow- Tennessee and Alabama- Clftlilg aeademy Of Phermaceui The;
ceived an American jurispru- man joined the international BTOw¢1 13 Currently active in [lea Clencee   50
dence Award presented by the departments Europe/Far East SPOTU Ojyl-Chilling lh high 5€h0bl  ; Zdemd
Bancroft-Whitney Lawyers C0- division as an international of- fbblball hhd baseball lccgucs ih {   Shoull
operative Publishing Company ficer in 1978. He had formerly lhf? Atlanta UTM hhd Z3 fl m€m· l   portal
at the University of Miami Col- been an associate international ber Obrlclhl Oflhe Gwtglh Stale ni } leachl
iege ortaw. banking smear with ram Na- Hzgh Sc/wal Athletic Aswcm— · ~   ·-- ~   "°" _‘
tional Bank of Louisville. Since tion. ':_ ,;__ -   Music
leaving UK, Bowman has ___;__ l ”_ ’ wd
earned a master's degree in ,    
  business administration from Terry D' Koilbsk 72 higher c "‘”   — Dia
the Uiniversity of North Caro- ggsniiglgarthi Bolxiimo 6;;; I  l has be
i·»···· 0.   ro has been he he and gmdumtd from $.}..01 of Medicine of Wa.   it * i ¤f ·h·
. · - the School of International _ _ _ . ,   count;
Mmed v¤S·¤·¤sfc*¤¤w cr thc Cc- Bankin in Bouidci com ron-sr University. koubck is Rcbccca L- Srmrh 74 has .
operative Institute in Environ- (,77) g ’ ' iraining in radiningy The rnn. been named a senior auditor in n°n·
mcml $cic¤ccS ¤f mc ‘ jority of his postgraduate train- Armc0’s corporate {mance ds. and i
University of Colorado and the ;~___ ing this year wiii rake place at partment. She joined Arrnco in ments
National Oceanic and Atmos- Michael _]. O’Dea ’72 has Nnrrn Carolina Bnnrisr Hnsnir. 1974 and became associated ’ and tl
pheric Administration in Boul- been named superintendent of ai_ Koiibnk earned inn D_D_S_ with the corporate tax depart- Stdder
der. After receiving his doctor- the Roederer Farm Center in and M_D_ degrees from wesr ment in 1976. In addition to abcih
ate in theoretical chemistry Oldham County, a minimum Virginia Universiiin her degree in accounting from Laurel
from the University of Wiscon- security correctional facility for UK, she has earned a master of bascd
sin, Eaves assumed the position adult male offenders. O`Dea _—;__ business administration degree
of research associate at the has been employed by the Ken- Frank F. Chuppe jr. ’72 from the UniversityofDayton. Ga)