Th h,bi , exhibition is the inclusion of paintings by such Bluegrass state’s important contribution to   Q»·
e ex z HP"' prominent visitors as Chester Harding, George American culture in the field of visual art. lj
A catalog Provides Healy, john Neagle, john james Audubon, The majority of works in the exhibition have   J
G significant Thomas Waterman Wood, j. Rusling Meeker, been lent by institutional and private  
and Substantial Worthington, Wittredge and Alexander collections in Kentucky and Ohio, while a  
introduction Wyant. Additionally, the work of such beloved selection of important paintings arrive from  
to the hikto artists of the Commonwealth as William the Metropolitan Museum of Art, the National ~
_ _   Edward West, joseph Bush, Oliver Frazer, Carl Portrait Gallery, the Corcoran Gallery of Art,
of pazntzng in Brenner, Harvey joiner, Paul Sawyier, and and other leading art institutions.  
Kentucky. Robert Burns Wilson, will be featured. The exhibition catalog serves as a significant `
Among the less well remembered, though and substantial introduction to the history of
V outstanding, artists of the Commonwealth, painting in the Commonwealth through the
whose paintings illuminate an understanding of World War I era. It consists of two essays, as l
the richness of Kentucky’s past, are Louisville’s well as brief biographical sketches of the more
Paul Plaschke, j. B. Alberts, Patty Thum, than 70 artists featured in the exhibit, and
jonn Botto, Clarence Boyd, and Hewitt Green, individual analysis of the more than 100 works. i
Paris’s Hattie Hutchcraft Hill, Bowling Green’s The University of Kentucky Art Museum is
Clement Edwards, Augusta’s Stephen Alke, located in the University Center for the Arts, _
Georgetown’s Will T. Hunleigh, Frankfort’s at the corner of Rose Street and Euclid Avenue
Natalie Sawyier, and Lexington’s Samuel Price. in Lexington. The Museum is open Tuesday
Supported by grants from the National through Sunday, from noon to 5 p.m. An
Endowment for the Arts and the Kentucky exhibit catalog can be ordered by mail ($7.50 e
Arts Commission, the exhibition and catalog each plus $1 shipping) from the UK Art Q,
will prove to be an enlightening survey of the Museum, Lexington, Kentucky 40506. V
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Henry Stull
Honover, l897-1898
Privote Collection
4 S