A fertile egg may lieeonie unfit for food in twenty-foit:`
hours of warm weather. An egg does not need to be ineubatei/§
in order to spoil, beeause warm weather will eause developineir
of the germ. An int'ertile egg may he kept in an incubator at lo`
degrees for seven days and still he good for eooking. i
Experiments have shown that it does not pay to hat·-Z
eliiekens after the iirst of June. This being the ease, there  
no reason for keeping roosters with the tloek during warii.
weather; the hens will lay just as well without them. The o]Q
roosters should he sold or killed in May or early June and tl.
young roosters just as soon as they reaeh the frying size. Air
eoekerels kept over for breeders should he eontined. This wil.
also permit the eoekerels to grow more rapidly and to a greate:
` sowuvmnv
Eggs should he gathered twiee a day during the hot sununer
months because this will tend to prevent broken, shrunken in;.
badly flavored eggs.
liggs should be kept in a eool, well-ventilated room to pzx
vent deterioration. lf the eggs are kept in a eave, eare sliou]
be taken not to plaee them near onions or any other ohjet·t·
that might eause the eggs to absorb odors. They should be pn?
on a table or box to allow free circulation of air around their
Do not wait until you have a whole ease of eggs before y· »·..
take them to town. Make it a point to take your eggs with yi; t`..
every time you go, even tho you have only a dozen egg.
Cooperate with your egg dealer, beeause what he reeeive
for your eggs governs what he pays you