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  ·° j `Y‘   8 Thirty-eighth Anmtctl Report _
      I I worming, topping, suckering and spraying required nearly 13
I` V .5 I . .
  . 1,—I _I per cent and transplanting a httle over 9 per cent.
  gf .. tpl The production of an acre of dark tire-curedtobaeco re-
I ,   v_ jg quired an average of 251/5 days of man labor. As in the case
I; - fi?"   of burley tobacco, the operation of stripping required the largest
  p’_V·-   amount of labor. Topping, worining, suckering and spraying
I_;_ Q,   came second, with about 21% per cent of the total, followed by
  (QT,     cuttinv and housing, with 11.1 er cent.
IU; rv , bg;. O U P
  Table 2. Labor Operations and their Relation tc the Total Labor Rc—
    .·`. ;   quired for.Pr0ducing an Acre of Burley and Dark Tobacco.
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