Ifciztuelty rlgricul/ural Escperimctzt Statfiott 11
¤ yields; (5) good returns from live stock as measured by rc-
t turns from live stock per $l()t).OO worth of feed fed. The de-
tails of this study and its results have been prepared in bulle— .
tin form.
c _ Poultry and Egg Marketing. The purpose of this study
`5s»to-,obtain int'ormation»concerning the present methods of _
handling poultt·y and eggs, the principal outlets, the problems i
encountered and possible improvements. Statistical material  
° available with regard to the poultry industry, such as produc-
L tion, prices, market receipts, storage holdings and movements, I
E has been studied and analyzed. Some of the conclusions which 5
` may be drawn from this study are that tl) the outstanding i
° . problem in both poultry and egg marketing is that of quality
‘ improvement, which involves production and handling methods
l on the farm as well as during the marketing operation; (2)
i satisfactory results from endeavors to improve quality will
E not be obtained until sonic satisfaetory system of paying the
3 producer for eggs and poultry on a delinite grade basis comes
I into general use. The adoption of such a system is dependent
'Y . upon the common understanding and united etfort of all agen- i
t cies engaged in buying eggs and poultry direct from the  
Li farmer, and the system of grades, necessarily the simplest  
{ possible, will have to be employed intelligently and uniformly;  
T (3) the problem of distribution is one of getting the  
li _ products into the larger centers of consumption; (-tl price A
li comparisons indicate that l{entuel