` ·i "  
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  Beekeepmg for Beginners 33  
  Feed wherenecessary. Finish requeening. Prevent robbing. ·  
‘ *2  
Q. September  Q
  Place supers on hives for fall iiow of honey.  
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Z` Remove supers. Inspect and feed when necessary. Narrow en-  
  trances to hives. Pack for the coming winter.  
-   " ‘ ' November  
Q Packing can be done during this month if it has been neglected  
  in October. J; 
 — .    
F l _;` $3  ’ ·i;i~F¥’Lé¥l
$.2 Books on Beekeeplng  
j The Honey Bee, Langstroth. Published by Dadant and Sons, .  _.»'  
e Hninnmn, Illinois.  
j_ The A B 0 and X Y Z of Bee Culture. Published by the A. I.  
l Root Company of Medina. Ohio.  
Beekeeping, by Dr. E. F. Phillips. Published by the Macmillan  
Company, New York City.  
Queen Rearing Simplified, by Jay Smith. Published by the A. I.  
_ . Roni Company, Medina, onin.  
“ :*2%
Journals on Beekeeplng  
Gleanings. Published by the A. I. Root Company, Medina, Ohio.  
The American Bee Journal. Published by Dadant and Sons, Hamil—  
*· ton, Illinois. ;  
  Manufacturers and Dealers in Beekeeplng Supplies ?  
V I i The A. I. Root Company, Medina, Ohio.  .  
G. H. W, Weber and Company, Cincinnati, Ohio. · ‘  
Q, VVilson and Wilson, 206 E. Market Street, Louisville, Kentucky. · E ? 
` G. B. Lewis Company, Watertown, Wisconsin. .  
;_ Dadant and Sons, Hamilton, Illinois. -  
The Carter Supply Company, 267 W. Short Street, Lexington, Ken- `  
j tucky. -   
l Dealers in Queens V  
A2 ep?  
J. P. Moore, Morgan, Kentucky.  
1 A. I. Root Company, Medina, Ohio.  
. * ‘ ; 
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