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ii` Bulletins  f  
  Allen, H. R.., and others, Bulletin 263, by ........................................ 181  
  Analyses of commercial feeding stuis, results of ........................ 9-30 .‘ 
  Analyses of commercial fertilizers .................................................... 186-323  
  Analyses of tobacco ____......_,_,..................... _ .......................................... 40-48-51  
.   Beef cattle, common practices in handling on farms with blue- ji 
  grass ...........................................................,...................................... 69 {   ·
  Bluegrass farm, suggested organization for .................................... 91     _’__ Q  
  farming with, Bulletin 259 on .............................................. 59    
  pastures, common practice in handling .......................... 67 g   ,,__  
  profitable farming system with .......................................... 81 ir .’‘-  
, returns from ............................................................................ 66  _;F;%;f*
gr Bulletins   f· f—¤i·{,.,
  257. Commercial feeding stuffs in Kentucky in 1924 ........,__, 1  
  258. The relation of some chemical constituents to the  
T = grades of Kentucky tobacco ....,,.......................................... 31 _  
, ‘ 259. Farming with bluegrass ........................................i............... 59  
` 260. Sources of animal protein for laying hens ........................ 99  
, 2 261. An economic study of 270 farms in Union and Hender- ,  
_·   . son Counties ............................................................................ 133  
_ 3 262. Root-rot of tobacco in Kentucky and its control ............ 155  
‘ 263. Analyses of commercial fertilizers .___,,...................,.......... 181  
*, Chemical constituents, relations of to the grades of Kentucky  
tobacco ............. ; ................................i............................................... 31 "   
Commercial feeding stulfs in Kentucky in 1924, Bulletin 257 on 1 i_  
I ` Commercial fertilizers, analyses of .................................................. 186-323 Z  
.   i Crop rotation in central Kentucky, common systems of .............. 65 A  
I   Curtis, H. E., and others, Bulletin 263, by ........................................ 181  
I   Economic Study of 270 farms in Union and Henderson Conn- :  
*, ties, Bulletin 261 on ...._............,...................................................... 133  
~' Effect of leaf-spot disease on nitrogen and nicotine content of  
`. tobacco leaf ________________._._._,__,.....,...................................................... 49  
. V Egg production and hatchability of yearling hens .......................... 121  
j Farming with bluegrass, Bulletin 259 on _,_,_...............,........,............ 59  
_* Farms in Union and Henderson Counties, study of .................... 133 1  
  Feeding stuffs, commercial, in Kentucky in 1924 .......................... 1  
  ' results of analyses of .......................................................... 9-30  
‘ ~ Fertilizers, commercial, analyses of ..............................,................... 186-323  
  Gault, Lelah, and others, Bulletin 263, by ...................................... 131-  
7 Grades of tobacco, significance of ................,,.............,.................... 35  
l Grain supplements for skim-milk for laying hens .....,.................... 12*} `  {